Metacritic has gone crazy

Post » Thu Dec 03, 2015 6:50 am

Except the bugs wont be fixed. Not the vast majority of them.

Remember Skyrim on PS3?

Remember the game-breaking save bugs in Oblivion that corrupted your oldest, most precious saves?

Remember the MASSIVE "unofficial patches" that fix literally thousands of bugs Bethesda never did?

Remember when Bethesda just stopped patching Skyrim even though it was still rife with bugs for hundreds of people?

I think we're more than capable of criticizing the game now, based on how it was when we bought it.

And PLEASE: stop pretending the only people who don't like this game don't like Fallout or bethesda games. This is closed-minded thinking and doesn't lead to a substantive discussion. I've been a Bethesda fan my entire life, but I'm getting tired of these same problems popping up over and over. A lot of people are angry at SPECIFIC perfectly valid things, like the game crashing on startup, like framerate being tied to simulation speed (which is impossible to fix without working from the ground up), things like the dialogue system, things like the terrible AI (which was in previous games sure, but don't you think games should improve?), the cliche story, uninspired characters, there's a lot of legitimate complaints here.

We are just as devoted as fans as you. We just don't like something you like. That's it.

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Shae Munro
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Post » Thu Dec 03, 2015 5:00 am

Ugh, that is disappointing to hear but I am already starting to see it with the power armor vs deathclaw quest 15 mins into the game.

I HATE being forced into a story as a hero or all powerful being. I hate everyone throwing their problems into my lap as if I am the Messiah there to relieve all of their problems because I AM the only one who can.

Its ridiculous and very old
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Post » Thu Dec 03, 2015 6:04 am

Rude posts have been removed.

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Lily Evans
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Post » Thu Dec 03, 2015 5:45 am

Yeah, I didn't know people paid much attention to metacritics user scores. I've always pretty much ignored them in favor of professional reviews and player reviews that I find on specific forums which I generally find to be more informative.

The Metacritic user ratings are normally just a silly war of the 9's and 10's against the 1's and 0's, with a few legitimate reviews sprinkled in between, haha.

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Judy Lynch
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Post » Thu Dec 03, 2015 3:00 am

True and your right.

Provided you are not one of these single issue people who give a great game a zero because it is missing some feature.

And once the modding tools come out, you will mostly likely be able to find a mod to make it the way you want it.

And I will admit to giving a game or movie a 10 because I saw so many users giving it a zero.

But the two are not equal. A zero means you want nothing to do with it.

Well I only want to hear from critics who actually want to play the game, because they will have some thing constructive to say about the game be it positive or negative.

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Jerry Jr. Ortiz
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 7:55 pm

Well, under the old skill system, with a skill like Lockpick you could put a skill point into it and it would do nothing unless you were on a boundary, in which case you increased the difficulty of locks you could pick. Under the new system you put a single point into a lockpicking perk and raise the difficulty of locks you can pick.

Under the old system, you could put a point into Melee, but there would be no noticeable difference. Under the new system, you put one point into a perk and you can see the difference.

There was a thread about skills before Fallout 4 was announced. Most of the discussion centered around a concept of reducing the amount of points a skill would have. The two favored the most was a five point spread and a ten point spread. Basically, instead of have 1 to 100 skill point spread for something like Small Guns, you would have a 1 to 10 or 1 to 5 point spread. The people that were arguing for a 1 to 5 point spread in that thread, got what they asked for, except instead of a skill, it is now levels of perks. It should be noted, that some (not all, not even most, just some) of the people that are raising a howl now, were in favor of the 1 to 10 or 1 to 5 proposals. I guess those people are upset that the Sacred Skill is now called a Perk.

Personally, I don't give a rat's ass whether I buy perks or skills, the end result is pretty much the same.

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David John Hunter
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 6:29 pm

I didn't vote but people have been having many issues: the game crashing on startup, frame rate being tied to simulation speed (which is impossible to fix without working from the ground-up), things like the dialogue system, the terrible AI (which was in previous games sure, but I think game should improve over their predecessors), the cliche story, uninspired characters, there's a lot of legitimate complaints some people are having.

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Devils Cheek
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Post » Thu Dec 03, 2015 4:27 am

Please do not listen to the complainers. Every game has quirks on its release. I have experienced nothing short of an amazing game so far. Everything that Bethesda promised is here. The only reason you are seeing a high amount of ridicule is because people don't like accepting change. Whether that change is bad or good is up to you, not other people. It is only day one. Glitches will be ironed out, and there is a whole world of Boston that was painstakingly made by Bethesda, waiting for you to explore it. It most definitely deserves a chance. In fact, a couple of friends and I have been die-hard fallout fans since Fallout 2. We all love it, and you probably will too.

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Mike Plumley
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Post » Thu Dec 03, 2015 4:26 am

Most probably PS4 and a minor few XB1 gamers who've been experiencing game breaking bugs due to the bad port to console. I've seen quite a few under review rants from gamers (predominantly PS4) who've had their PC stuck in interior cells/areas and unable to advance. One would've assumed they would take advantage of the saving feature prior to starting any quest or entering an interior. then there are the more superficial set who've been crying over the UI aesthetics. I'll be first to admit this isn't perfect, but this shouldn't warrant any score under a 7.0.

And then there are the drama queens who've been decrying the "horrible graphics" since game launch. And the RPG hater trolls who simply post to grief the franchise. I mean 0.0/10? WTF??? These ppl's IP should be permanently blocked for slander and false reviews IMO.

Ah well. The [censored] fest never ends. Will be interesting to see what the game rating will be when mods finally come out next year.

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Lady Shocka
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 4:26 pm

AJV! Good to see you man.

Ok, lets be real. Those are settled scores and I guarentee you they were much different within 24 hrs of launch.

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Post » Thu Dec 03, 2015 12:57 am

The user score for the PS4 version is the highest of the three...

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Post » Thu Dec 03, 2015 1:09 am

Just so you know. Power Armor is no longer just another piece of armor that you put on and never take off, even when you take a shower. It basically has to be refueled. The suit you are referring to has enough power to take you through the fight, get you back to Sanctuary Hills, and then about half way to your next destination. If you try to take it with you on your next trip out, you will have to abandon it out in the wastes (and someone is very likely going to come along and salvage it before you get back with another Fusion Core).

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Amanda Furtado
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Post » Thu Dec 03, 2015 4:56 am

To be fair, neither The Witcher or MGS are franchises that have been sold and dramatically changed, leaving a faction of very disgruntled and vocal fans who can't wait to voice their displeasure with the developer for bastardizing the series. Hell, most of NMA probably hopped on Metacritic to put in their two cents.

I am still waiting for UPS to deliver my copy, so I don't know first hand if these gripes are legitimate or not yet. But let's not pretend there aren't a lot of people out there chomping at the bit to let Bethesda know how much they don't like direction the series has taken. It's not a typical franchise in that regard.

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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 5:21 pm

The game is a solid 9 out of ten for me. The graphics, the exploring, the atmospheric music score, the combat (outside VATS that is, inside VATS I cannot stand it), Dogmeat and the way that he roams around you, everything seems really well done. But I am playing on Xbox 1 and reading most of the complaints on Reddit it seems to be coming from PC users, so that could be something to do with the low score. Aiming, mouse sensitivity, crashing, these are things that Beth needs to fix or at least help users to fix.

The only strange part of the game is the story pacing. There is too much too soon. Perhaps Beth thinks that we all only play a character for 50 hours?

If Emil and the team are aiming for that audience then they are missing the point of their own games.

Oh, and I do not miss the weapon repairing. With such a massive upgrade system that changes weapon damage and range etc it is silly to also add another variable to the mix.

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Post » Thu Dec 03, 2015 8:42 am

I'm giving the game 6.5/10, without considering the technical problems.

The writing is even worse than skyrim and and F3, if it were even possible. Hey, we can become the Archmage without casting any spells, but at least there was a somewhat solid questline.

Here? Become the leader of the minutemen after 10 minutes of knowing the guy.

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Trent Theriot
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Post » Thu Dec 03, 2015 2:29 am

As I just mentioned in another thread

Lol at the Metacritic user scores, a person saying Fallout 4 story was a let down from the "BRILLIANT" Skyrim :rofl:

Also a person whining about FOV sliders, mouse acceleration and lack of SLI support..... on the PS4 user reviews

Metacritic is one cancer inducing dunghole.

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Post » Thu Dec 03, 2015 5:36 am

Your guarentee is false then. Let's take a look at the wayback machine, a few days after the Witcher 3 released (as early as I could go):

Those scores were not Fallout 4 levels of different few days before.

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Post » Thu Dec 03, 2015 2:44 am

Seeing as how every minutemen is either dead or ran off with Preston Garvey being the exception and the fact that you single-handily saved his and his friends ass, I would be baffled if you weren't made leader.

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james kite
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Post » Thu Dec 03, 2015 6:05 am

The problem isn't the logic, but the pacing. Leave the vault, find power armor immediately, and become hero for a faction. Boom.

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Dan Endacott
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 8:42 pm

You have to understand that "Bugthesda" is basically a meme at this point, and there are a lot of misguided groups on the internet who cannot wait to pile on. Witcher 3 and MGSV don't have the cultural infamy of Bethesda games, which is why they don't get the piled on hate from randoms.

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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 9:41 pm

Joining the BoS is way too easy. Power armor is what it should be and no one is forcing people to use it (I'm not). The storytelling is what I expect from Bethesda. I'm really liking the game so far and that's all I care about.

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Sara Lee
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Post » Thu Dec 03, 2015 4:22 am

Touche, the pacing for that was definitely way too fast.

I'm hoping the rest of the factions are much more longer.

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Allison Sizemore
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Post » Thu Dec 03, 2015 7:14 am

Maybe instead of blaming the people who call Bethesda on their buggy games, we should encourage Bethesda to stop making their games so buggy.

And this isn't directed at you but at everyone, PLEASE: stop pretending the only people who don't like this game don't like Fallout or bethesda games. This is closed-minded thinking and doesn't lead to a substantive discussion. I've been a Bethesda fan my entire life, but I'm getting tired of these same problems popping up over and over. A lot of people are angry at SPECIFIC perfectly valid things, like the game crashing on startup, like framerate being tied to simulation speed (which is impossible to fix without working from the ground up), things like the dialogue system, things like the terrible AI (which was in previous games sure, but don't you think games should improve?), the cliche story, uninspired characters, there's a lot of legitimate complaints here.
We are just as devoted as fans as you. We just don't like something you like. That's it.
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Post » Thu Dec 03, 2015 2:59 am

This. Who trust their group with someone fresh out the vault? You don't know any of the dangers but you somehow lead a group. If Preston got the Power armor he could have done the same

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Etta Hargrave
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Post » Thu Dec 03, 2015 12:52 am

Well I don't really like the new dialogue system, yes it works but its feel slow paced and provides far less information than in Skyrim. As in do I want to spend one minute hearing about an new opinion about synts?

In Skyrim you would select the option scan the text of reply and continue.

On the upside its no "have you meet my father" *100, weirder the kids behave guess they are replaced by synts, in that case we know who the good guys are :)

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