Oh please... here we go again blaming the player.
Look, there's a lot to not like about this game and a lot to like. If you read through the negative reviews (not the 0's but the 5, 6 & 7) you'll see some very thoughtful points. All are valid.
In the long run though, rep is everything to a game. This game is already being raged at on FB and Twitter, gamefaqs, reddit (go look) for the same reasons there was rage on Metacritic. I know Beth is already seeing this. And I know they are already worried. I would be too. There is too much to simple dismiss it as "haters".
If I was Bethseda, I would release the mod kit tomorrow, if possible. Get us fans working on fixes and changes now. Not 6 months from now, but now. And god help them if Battlefront turns out to be great or the next COD. Because, lets face it Fallout 4 is basically a shooter with a backstory.