Actually if you'd take the time to read though some of the better "negative" reviews (the ones that rate it a 6 or so) the points are valid:
"They removed the skills, simplified every aspect of the game, removing the wear of objects and the effect of SPECIALThey are fully commercialized."
All true. If fact, the only armor that needs "repair" is the power armor. What does that tell you? That you are supposed to wear power armor.
"One little thing I noticed is that a lot of the character models look out of place.The environments look great but, the models look kinda of off like they are made of clay(maybe this was a artist choice but it feels out of place in its environment)"
Also true.
"The creators didn't even attempt to create a coherent wasteland. Fallout is supposed to be a RPG about surviving a nuclear holocaust. In Fallout 4 however the game appears to be about nothing more than capping enemies in the head with an assortment of different weapons.
The design of the game has gone from being a game which tells a story. To simply a game about playing a game. Fifteen minutes after leaving the Vault butt-naked with nothing but a blue jumper suit and a pistol to your name, you will acquire a suit of high tech Power armor along with a Minigun to go along with it. Twenty minutes into the game you will be destroying some of the most powerful enemies in Fallout lore, the dreaded Deathclaw government experimented super soldier.
A few more hours into the game and you will have a mini nuclear rocket launch (The Fatman). An assortment of weapons from machine guns, pistols, sniper rifles, shotguns, auto pistols (list goes on).
Another hour into the game and you will meet the Elite Brotherhood of Steel, the futuristic faction of super soldiers who guard their high technology secrets furiously. Don't worry though because they'll be happy to recruit you into their ranks almost instantly. Thus giving you access to laser weapons and other high tech weapons. The recon leader of the Brotherhood is even nice enough to give you his prized possession, his legendary laser rifle. Yes he will give his most prized weapon to some random wastelander he met just ten minutes ago.
And that's Fallout 4 for you. It doesn't even attempt to make any sense. It has no character progression because your character will go from zero to hero before you even get ten percent into the game. And the games world is not a wasteland. It's just a game world which looks like a wasteland and has a bunch of loot thrown into it so that the console players can run around capping zombies and raiders without even trying."
All true. And spot on too. And if you read further, you'll find more valid points. It the game worth a rating of 0? Hell no. But it's not a 8.5 either. I'd say a fair review is 7. Because if it was just another game, people would not be complaining so much. But it isn't just another game. It's Fallout. And players waited years for this game.
I mean, is this the game us fans asked for? Really?
Bethesda deserves the rage.