Yeah, I loved eating Snakes in MGS3 :wink_smile:
I don't understand why everyone doesn't like MGS2 as much as the other games though

I like Raiden no matter what they say and MGS2 had the thickest plot of the games.
And Avenged Sevenfold is my favorite band by the way :mohawk:
"And it seems I am buried alive..."
2 was good but it was just wasn't as fun, tho 2 has a special nostalgia to me cause it was the first MGS game I played. However while playing it I remembered when I was younger, watching a friend of my parents playing 1 and I use to like watching him play it but never tried my self but just around the time I finished 2, they re-released 1 for the GC so I got it and loved it.
"you should of known, the price of evil and it hurts to know that you belong here, yeaaah"
Nice video. Snake Eater is by far my favorite, followed closely by Metal Gear Solid. About the only game in the series that I didn't care for was Portable Ops. The PSP's nub and limited camera controls made sneaking a bit troublesome and I wasn't really sold on the idea of recruiting people. AC!D was a surprisingly good take on strategy though and I really should get around to playing AC!D 2 and Peace Walker.
Not sure what to think about Rising. Kinda wish Kojima would leave MGS be for now and go make a new Zone of the Enders and then port Snatcher to a system more accessible than Sega CD, not necessarily in that order. Snatcher looks amazing, but the game and a Sega CD are mighty pricey.
I've been saying this since I've heard of Rising: I really think it should be called Metal Gear Rising NOT Metal Gear
solid: Rising. Since this is a sort of spin off and is involving Raiden the most they should take "Solid" out, kinda like when they added "solid" to the name when they leaped from Metal Gear and Metal Gear Solid.