I've got an object that already renders quite nicely in Skyrim as, say, a food item or however I choose to set it up. Going by my history with Blender / Nifskope interoperability, which is a patentable nightmare, just having an object that renders properly in Skyrim is at least half of the work done already.
As the topic says, I want to make this mesh "equipable", as this seems to be the only guaranteed way to tie a mesh to a node of a live actor in a 100% static fashion. I am desperately hopeful - and pretty sure - that I can get all the relevant steps taken care of in Nifskope by itself. Copy something here, paste it there, change some variables. It's the details of those steps that seem to be not well documented, or else they are well-hidden.
The second half of this project - animating the object - can wait until I've settled the probably more basic concern of making a valid .nif in the first place. ;p