The only thing I can advice you to do is to reinstall Morrowind and install these software plus the MGE-archive in that order. But before you do that I think you should reboot your computer first.

well, according to the diagnostics i have directx version 11. would reinstalling directx version 9 or update it a 7th time do anything?
What's going on here!!!
Download latest version. Extract it to desktop or C:\ or any temporary folder.
It can't go wrong.
Will do...
Wait..already done?
This is the 5th time I'm downloading this...or a file that looks identical.
Would reinstalling morrowind do anything? I suppose it might not be DirectX's fault after all. I believe I have to do
something before reinstalling directx for it to install properly. I'd like to note that I have many different copies of Morrowind. I have the backup, which I can copy and play right now, the launcher, the cracked [(don't need to insert cd)I believe all of them are that way actually] and a few others sitting in the Morrowind folder.
I've posted earlier where during the installation (according to the log) it has failed. Unfortunately knowing where it has failed doesn't help me understand why. But that's just me.