I've been considering some changes to MGE that would improve performance and add new features, and it would be really helpful to know the general state of the hardware and OS of everyone out there who uses MGE on a regular basis. Obviously the more types of hardware that have to be supported, the less likely a particular feature is to perform well or even be possible, so just knowing what you're using would be a huge help. This is not a generic "What are you running" poll, it's specifically meant for MGE users who would be excited to be able to benefit from the advanced features of their video card, or disappointed if their PC was no longer supported by new versions.
So if you don't mind helping out, please http://www.gpureview.com/videocards.php. If you've forgotten what it's called, you should be able to see it's name by looking at your Display Properties in Windows on the page that shows your screen resolution. Once you've found it, note the values for "DirectX Compliance" and "PS/VS Version" and use that to fill in the survey.
Thanks a ton!
P.S. I skimmed through the forum guidelines and didn't notice anything specific that forbade me from doing a poll like this, but if I missed something and it's not allowed then I apologize.