The first shot is pretty old, so I'm not sure. Maybe the GIMP HDRBloom shader. I think the 4th shot used an old version of Truebloom, 3G or so.
//Author: vtastek//Title: Widescreen bars aka horbars v.04//Pack: MGE Shader Library//Desc://A shader that draws black bars to the screen//from top and bottom via given aspect ratio inside the function...(default 16:9)texture lastshader;sampler s0 = sampler_state { texture=; minfilter = linear; magfilter = linear; mipfilter = linear; addressu=clamp; addressv = clamp; };float2 rcpres;float4 horbars2(float2 tex : TEXCOORD) : COLOR0{ float4 c0 = 0; float h = (1 -(rcpres.y/rcpres.x) * 9/16) / 2; //Here is aspect ratio if((tex.y >= h) && (tex.y <= 1-h)) c0 = tex2D(s0, tex); c0.a=1; return c0;}technique T0{ pass p0 { PixelShader = compile ps_2_0 horbars2(); }}