ooh thats great! one day i swear i'll get that mod
but whats the FPS like in aktwend compared to MW?
Oh! About the framerate, I've noticed a little impact on it than a slightly modded Morrowind. Arktwend is very detailed and features various landscapes, from rocky mountains passes, ca?ons, sand desert, leafy forest, grasslands, tropical beaches, high mountains... Well, the landmass is extremely detailed and completely different than Vvardenfell!
The place which have a noticeable performance impact is probably in the capital city of Stormwend, a bit larger than Vivec. Otherwise, it run smoothly on my average computer...
Anyway, Arktwend isn't fully compatible with MGE (tested with the rev.178) and MGE XE (v.0.7.2), the trees can't be displayed at longer distance, appearing at the default Morrowind view distance, because some scripts are attached to them and make them as 'Activators' in the TES Construction Set.
I checked the distant 'Activators' while generating the distant land with MGE, but nothing else... Probably a bug on these specific new meshes introduced by this mod...
Well... So I herd u liek screenshots? Here's new ones...