Okay, is that real? And if so, where can I get it?
Is it real? If not, I will gladly write the shader end.

Haha, nope. Not
yet, anyway. It's just an overlay shader. But, it is
entirely possible to make it real. Even with the buttons and everything. Or at least I
think it's possible. I'm not sure about the compass. Should I add it to my to-do list?
PS. PK is working on a friendlier texture hooking mechanism for shaders, it is possible to deal with multiple texture files for shaders soon.
PPS. If you are working on the magicka, fatigue script of the UI shader, I have a little request:
I want to add fading to it. There is no reason for it to active at all times. An auto fade feature would be great. In shader it is very easy to add a 0-1 opacity code.
Also like all parts of Morrowind UI except bars, it would be really nice to a shortkey to activate-deactivate it on demand.
Great news! That'll definitely help.
Sure, I'll try adding fading. I'm a stickler for a clean screen. :wink_smile: How would you want it implemented?
*The entire HUD fade away only on the condition of having full health/fatigue/magicka,
*Individual parts of the HUD fade when at full health/fatigue/magicka,
*The HUD fades even when not at full H/F/M, but doesn't entirely disappear (~50% opacity?) unless healed.
I'll implement the upgrades from my shader chain mod to, too, so you can hotkey it and turn it on/off with a key press. I wish MGE had some ability to turn off the HUD. It would solve all the problem with the TM command. I used to play http://img692.imageshack.us/img692/9817/mgescreenshot40.jpg http://img691.imageshack.us/img691/1286/mgescreenshot22.jpg back when shaders still overwrote the HUD. I'll ask in the thread.
Oh, and did I mention the http://planetelderscrolls.gamespy.com/View.php?view=Mods.Detail&id=472775&id=8412? :disguise: