I only use MGE + darker Morrowind for these.
What shaders? Is that the default water?
// ENBpalette for MGE// by phal//enbpalette.bmp normally lies in MW folderstring texname1="../../enbpalette.bmp";texture tex1;texture thisframe;sampler s0 = sampler_state { texture=<thisframe>; magfilter=linear; AddressU=Clamp; AddressV=Clamp;};sampler s1 = sampler_state { texture=<tex1>; magfilter=linear; AddressU=Clamp; AddressV=Clamp;};float4 HDR;float4 ApplyPalette( float2 Tex : TEXCOORD0 ) : COLOR0{ float3 ColorOrig = tex2D( s0, Tex ); float pixelLum = ColorOrig.r + ColorOrig.g + ColorOrig.b; pixelLum /= 3; float3 paletteColor = tex2D( s1, float2(pixelLum,HDR.r) ); paletteColor /= max(0.01, pixelLum); return float4(ColorOrig*paletteColor, 1.0f);}Technique T0{ Pass P0 { Texture[1] = <tex1>; PixelShader = compile ps_2_0 ApplyPalette(); }}