I think Ascadians Isles looks ok with the right trees and weather/ligtning conditions, it can be a bit ugly in full clear weather sometimes. That tree looks quite good! The tree crown is a bit tiny and the bark could probably be changed so it fits the region a bit better.
Just because we're discussing Ascadians Isles i took some shots (+ so we can be on-topic
AeternoRho: try fiddling with mipmap (MGE overrides the ATI settings) ("-1" gives me at least 2 fps more), I tried "-4" and suddenly it had an negative impact. Starting Morrowind with "High Priority" instead of the default can give 1-2 FPS more too. Turning on Catalyst AI to the fullest can have an postive, or negative, impact - it all depends on your hardware/setup. You try to find those small changes and eventually you end up getting 10 FPS extra or more, there's really no easy way that works for all, you got to try different things.. There are some programs that changes the Morrowind.exe, that optimizes the code for Intel CPU's, it gave me approx 1 FPS extra (not much, but every little thing counts).