To get this off the ground, post the shaders from the MGE XE thread. Please submit a sample screenshot with your shaders.
Shader Index
-- Link ------------------- Sample -----
Accepting submissions...
Shader Development
The shader implementation in MGE XE is significantly different than MGE for performance reasons.
Differences from MGE:
"lastframe" is not available, as causes performance loss with SLI/Crossfire.
"thisframe" is not available, you should always use "lastshader" in the first pass to chain shaders properly.
Available variables:
texture: lastshader, lastpass, depthframe, watertexture
float: fov, time, waterlevel, sunvis, fogstart, fogrange
float2: rcpres
float3: eyevec, eyepos, sunvec, suncol, sunamb, sunpos, fogcol
float4: HDR
matrix: mview, mproj
bool: isInterior, isUnderwater
Lots more info on variables when I have time
To make a shader that MGE XE will load you will need one thing, a technique with a compatible MGEinterface annotation and one or more pixel shader passes:
technique T0 < string MGEinterface="MGE XE 0"; >{ pass { PixelShader = compile ps_3_0 pass1(); } pass { PixelShader = compile ps_3_0 pass2(); }}