There we go!
Woops, that was poorly phrased on my part. I didn't mean to imply that he started at Bethesda with Morrowind, but that he was Morrowind's original lead designer (or some similar position).
Quiet a few former Bethesda devs have done freelance work for them: Tedders, MK, and Mark Jones come immediately to my mind. Sometimes people go freelance because they want the flexibility, sometimes they move away or otherwise leave but would still like to contributing.

You don't have to visit to e-mail work in

And if you haven't played Morrowind, you can look at
That's right, I'm a bit muddled at the moment.
There was also a former Bethesda developer that contributed some character work (like the ring mail cuirass) for Morrowind but I can't remember who that was. It wasn't Mark though, he did critters.
That would be funnier if Tedders said it, then I could dredge up his compsognathus story for the two millionth time. :goodjob: