But you're just a modder. That's no different from me making something up and claiming that it's better.
Exactly. And that's what happens every day at gamesas HQ.
I once posted a little "mini-play" in a forum post in which all the fans were eagerly dissecting some piece of lore or other and it turned out (in my imagination) that Todd had just told one of the devs to "make [censored] up" and he had delegated the task to an intern.

The point I was inexpertly making is that you and I or anyone can come up with a story or an explanation for something like *snap*. If you get good at coming up with that stuff, you could carve a nice niche for yourself as a fanfic writer or modder. If you can come up with that stuff day-in-day-out for 8-10 hours per day and not be a complete gimp, someone might pay you for it and then you would be a dev. I don't have it in me to write fiction for a living - but that alone does not make someone worthy of their own cult. :shrug:
The difference between modders and Bethesda employees is a check in the end of the month.

Pretty much. I mean, that's not to disparage the enormous talent that a lot of the devs have. They are quite literally among the best in the world. It's just that they are ultimately just "making [censored] up". It's not like they are receiving the lore through visions from God or anything. Visions from
Todd maybe ...
Again, though, that's the point. Todd's just a "pretty regular guy" from what I've heard. He's pretty smart - there's no doubt about that - and he comes across as very personable and funny as well as driven with excellent business sense. I've got a lot of admiration and respect for the guy - as I have for every successful business leader who got there by not being completely obnoxious, and moreso by giving me the best entertainments I've experienced as a consumer. He's certainly to me in the same category as Peter Jackson or Sam Raimi or Terry Pratchett. They're all still human beings, though.
Thing about MK is, he makes some stuff I like a lot (Redguard), some stuff I don't much like but I see the neccessity in (Sermons) and some stuff I just can't stand (Loveletter). That's good, in this context, because TES is very realistic about it's backgrounds and history and if I liked it all then that'd just break it.
However, it's the "Cult" of MK that I occassionally run into problems with. Some folks just get a little crazy about it and in some cases flame you royally if you suggest that something else might be even close to right or better or something. Not even all of them, just the crazy ones who say that TES is MKs story written in MKs mind. Because it's not. He is the writer of some of it, but then give credit where credit is due to people like Tedders.
Oh absolutely. Agree every word.
(Well, actually, I'm still kinda lost at the whole one-man-Vivec-orgy thing ... I mean, that's just
), but the writers of the Elder Scrolls are pretty awesome.
I think people are coming at this totally wrong. You should be worshipping Fred Zeleny instead. He has much more impressive facial hair.