I tried so many fixes and none helped... and then i watched this.
tried disabling hyper threading.
tried overclocking monitor from 60 to 64hz.
tried disabling vsync from ingame and enabling from nvidia panel/other software.
tried enboost and forcing fps limit to 60 frames, 59 frames, 55 frames, 45 and 30.
tried disabling vibration on controller.
tried borderless and windowed.
tried switching from xboxone controller to dualshock 4 controller.
tried disabling mouse and leaving only controller.
tried running controller with and without controller emulation software (ds4/inputmapper). results are same. microstutters are still there.
ifpsclamp=60 - is not a solution for a gamebryogame!
disabling vsync all together is not a solution for gamebryogame!
... and then i disabled xboxone controller and tried m/k and microstutters were gone.
also, controllers have acceleration that i am unable to disable.
pc. specs:
i7 4970k
8gb ddr3 1900 hz
760 gt 2gb vram
win7 sp1 latest updates.
ssd samsung 840