» Sun May 29, 2011 2:23 am
Necromancy Spell Ideas?
-Midas' Calling => Makes all lesser zombies in the area under your control
-Midas' Nightmare => Calls a special zombie/lich or something. If it kills a target, they get replaced by another special zombie (or the original dies).
-Midas' Burial => summons a giant tombstone that can rid you of lesser undeads in the area.
-Midas' (cant think of a name) => Calls on ethereal horses to distract and debilitate targets (i suppose its the opposite of the astral stag).
-Midas' Risen Bone => A target who dies with this effect will sprout a skeleton warrior.
-Midas' Chained Fate => any damage the player takes is also mirrored onto the target.
-Midas' Lunar Veil => Use only outside. Forces a special moolight weather that can be used for other spells and effects.
-Midas' Extinction => If a target dies with this ability, a chained spell effect will erupt from the corpse targeting and killing all enemies with either the same ID, race, creature type, etc. (proabaly use once per day)
-Midas' Reaper => Summons the Reaper. But if you arent careful, you might get killed too. (in opposition of the angel)
-Midas' Mephistopheles => Creates an aura that raises your resistance to physical attacks but decreases your magical resistance.
-Midas' Nether Gate => Foolish souls trespassing through this gate have their magicka drained. If the magicka drained is sufficient, it may summon forth undeads.
-Midas' The Harvest => Can only be done when not in combat. Nearby corpses have their max hp calculated, added and then divided to add blood vials to player. Only useful for vampires.
-Midas' Sever => Makes a random attribute of the target plummet to 0. Dependant on luck and your own attrribute. May have a sideffect?
-Midas' Zombie Bin => Allows you take store lesser zombies in another dimension? Maybe its good for your special zombies? Or for allowing another spell that summons zombies to have a limit.
-Midas' Unstitched Womb => Zombies rain down from the sky. Either this completely empties the Zombie Bin or a certain few appear. Stronger zombies will survive the fall but lesser ones will probably die. (useful when chained with the next spell effect)
-Midas' Pentacle => Undeads which die in this pentacle will reraise a short moment later.
-Midas' Flesh Binding => Zombies caught in this spell are stitched together into a stronger zombie. Perhaps the new zombie may be an ally or an enemy depending on the allegiances of the lesser ones or strengths?
-Midas' Shamble => Sends a walking skeleton towards the enemy and explodes, dealing damage.
-Midas' Aquatic Horror => Should the unfortunate target be lured into water, they would find themselves being attacked by undead creatures (sharks? argonains? slaughterfishes? just give them a rotting texture)
-Midas' Fading => A target will slowly have its actoralpha be reduced to 0 or have a chameleon or invisibility shader imposed. At this point they are no longer visible but at the severe loss of attack and magic strength. May be stopped if the player attacks them before that time?
-Midas' Blood Ritual - I => Reduces your Health to 1. Maxes out your Strength and Endurance to 100
-Midas' Blood Ritual - II => After Ritual - I, Reduce Magicka to 2. Maxes out Willpower and Intelligence to 100.
-Midas' Blood Ritual - III => After ritual II - Reduces Fatigue to 3. Keeps your health at 1, magicka at 2 but increases all other stats to 100.
-Midas' Blood Ritual - Seal => After Ritual III - All enemies in vicinity have health, magic and fatigue reduced to 1, or else immobilized.
You may want to balance these spells by imposing attribute penalties, casting limitations, usefullness against the undead, npc's, good aligned, necromancers, etc.
I also realised that my ideas have a lot to do with summoning more undeads. The should probably be quite weak in health but given some alright strengths.
If you do make a Frankenstein monster, could it grow by feeding off corspes? Like the tiger feeds off meats.
Perhaps you could have a secret series of spells for vampires?
Finally, believe it or not, but i made up all these ideas on the spot XD
Feel free to take whatever ideas and mix them up or add in your own ideas.
EDIT: Some more ideas-
Midas' Ghost wall - A ethereal wall is projected, debilitating opponents and increasing magic power of affected undead
Midas' Poltergeist - Summons a thieving ghost that will pickup treasure and distract opponents.
Midas' Hollow of Flames - A spirit circles the caster, randomly firing weak fire balls at opponents.
Midas' Hollow of Frost - A spirit circles the caster, randomly firing weak frost magic at opponents.
Midas' Hollow of Shock - A spirit circles the caster, randomly firing weak lightning magic at opponents.
[Hollow spells could probably come at differing strengths and maybe a special bonus if all 3 are active.Possible drain on magic]
Midas' Degenerate - A target will suffer magicka or fatigue loss if healed.
Midas' Spirit Armor - Makes the caster become engulfed in a white aura. Massive protection against physical damage, weak against magic.
Midas' Bloodfall - Taking substantial loss of health, opponents caught in the crimson vortex will suffer an array of afflictions.
Midas' Scarlet Rain - taking suvbstantial loss of health, the sky rains blood, healing and raising the undead whilst other targets suffer afflictions.
Midas' Red Mist - using health instead of magic, this spell creates a red mist aroound the caster, making lesser vampires and creatures nearby under your control.
Midas' Asunder - Automatically kills the target based on relative strengths. If it fails, their health value is deducted from your magic (and also possibly fatigue and then health).
Midas' Soul Sealing - the targeted undead loses all magicka based on relative strength of them and caster. If it fails, caster loses all magicka.