I got the message "no parent ref". Didn't know that was necessary actually because the other AUX didn't have it.
Though actually the whole mod is screwed up somehow. There should be another box for test obejcts, behind the wall, but there isn't. Instead theres just a copy of the customer chest inside the customer chest.
Also theres supposed to be another book detailing the changes, but theres just another aurum assimulator book instead. Yeah I'll have to delete it and reinsert the scripts.
EDIT #1: Tested OOO objects.
Tested Silver bowl. No separation.
Tested Opal Ring. Deceptive. No shimmering effect, and message says no gems were gleamed. However. When I looked inside of the assimulator, there was a flawed opal and a gold fragment.
In short: it seperated, yet it makes you believe it didn't. If it works, but doesn't give the indicator that it does, it'll be labeled as "Deceptive"
Tested Amethyst shard. No separation
Tested Combining 3 flawed amethyst shards. Deceptive. Also, flawed shards don't erase.
Tested Combining 3 of each other flawed shards. Deceptive. Also, all erase properly except for Sapphire and Amethyst.
Tested Combining flawless 3 opal and Amethyst. Deceptive.
Tested seperation of Big Gold, Copper, And Silver nuggets. Deceptive, also silver seems to separate into gold.
Tested Seperation of Copper Bar. No Separation. Should yield 27 Copper fragments.
Tested Seperation of small gold nugget. No separation. Should yield one 1 gold fragment.
Tested Seperation of OOO Copper Nugget. No separation. Should yield 3 copper fragments.
Tested Seperation of Gem shards. No Separation Should yeild 1 flawed gem.
Tested Seperation of Flawless Gem Shards. No Separation. Should yeild 1 regular gem
Tested Seperation of Perfect Gem Shards. No Separation. Should yeild 1 flawless gem
Tested Seperation of Perfect Gems. No Seperation Should Yield 3 flawless gems.
Tested Seperation of Platnum bar. No seperation. Should yeild 27 small platinum nuggets.
Everything works... the first time. But not the second. See below.
Shivering Tests
I have confirmed that the extra chest is in fact caused by shivering addon.
When I disable the copy, the original has an owner other than the player.
Tested separation of Weapons and armor all at once. No separation.
Edit #2:
Seems after I separate the first object, it no longer wants to separate anything else from the OOO list. When I test something regardless of what it is, it seems to work... the first time. The second time however it won't do it again. Unless I reload the savegame.
Edit #3:
I have a theory. it will work the first time. But after that the OOO aux will cease to work. TO test my theory, I have placed everything testable (from OOO) into the assimulator at once. 1 OOO nugget of each type minus platinum, 1 OOO small nugget of each type (minus platinum), 1 Regular, Flawless, and Perfect Gem shard of each type, 1 Perfect Gem of each type, 1 Large nugget of each type, and 1 bar of each type.
Result: Success! All repeatable things have separated at this test. Apart from the perfect Opal. Though thats because it simply didn't get removed. A minor error.
Also found the reason the Amethyst and Sapphire flawed shards weren't removed was because I had used Variable iSapphire and iamethyst instead of Isapphire0 and iamethyst0 like I should have.
But yes. The only real problem it seems so far is that the script only works once. For whatever reason. After an aux script works, ALL the aux scripts stop working.
New Revised version 1.1:
scn MidasGemSmelterAux3Script;- - Example Script for Processing Aux Items in the Aurum Reactor;- - Keys of the MidasQuest.SmeltDate Variableref Smltshort doStatefloat SmeltDatefloat Tempshort framecountshort iCountshort iGoldshort iSilvershort iCoppershort iBrassshort iEbonyshort iDiamondshort iEmeraldshort iPearlshort iRubyshort iSapphireshort iTopazshort iDiamond3short iEmerald3short iPearl3short iRuby3short iSapphire3short iTopaz3short iJadeshort iplatinumshort iamethystshort iopalshort iamethyst3short iopal3begin GameMode if SmeltDate == MidasQuest.SmeltDate return endif set framecount to framecount + 1 if framecount < 3 return endif set SmeltDate to MidasQuest.SmeltDate set framecount to 0 set doState to 0 set iGold to 0 set isilver to 0 set iCopper to 0 set iBrass to 0 set iEbony to 0 set iDiamond to 0 set iEmerald to 0 set iPearl to 0 set iRuby to 0 set iSapphire to 0 set iTopaz to 0 set iJade to 0 set Smlt to GetParentRef if Smlt.GetIsID MidasGemContainer == 0 set Smlt to MidasGemContainerRef messagebox "Err:No Parent Ref OOO" 1 endif if Smlt.GetIsID MidasGemContainer == 0 messagebox "Err:MidasGemContainer Undefined OOO" 1 endif ;Just doing Gold to Test set iCount to 0 set iCount to iCount + ( Smlt.GetItemCount UpperGoldBowl01 ) * 4 set iCount to iCount + ( Smlt.GetItemCount UpperGoldBowl02 ) * 4 set iCount to iCount + ( Smlt.GetItemCount UpperGoldCarafe01 ) * 8 set iCount to iCount + Smlt.GetItemCount UpperGoldFork01 set iCount to iCount + ( Smlt.GetItemCount UpperGoldGlass01 ) * 4 set iCount to iCount + ( Smlt.GetItemCount UpperGoldGoblet01 ) * 4 set iCount to iCount + ( Smlt.GetItemCount UpperGoldGoblet02 ) * 4 set iCount to iCount + Smlt.GetItemCount UpperGoldKnife01 set iCount to iCount + ( Smlt.GetItemCount UpperGoldPitcher01 ) * 8 set iCount to iCount + ( Smlt.GetItemCount UpperGoldPitcher02 ) * 8 set iCount to iCount + ( Smlt.GetItemCount UpperGoldPlate01 ) * 8 set iCount to iCount + Smlt.GetItemCount UpperGoldSpoon01 set iCount to iCount + ( Smlt.GetItemCount UpperGoldTankard01 ) * 4 set iCount to iCount + ( Smlt.GetItemCount UpperGoldUrn01 ) * 8 set iCount to iCount + ( Smlt.GetItemCount UpperGoldUrn02 ) * 8 set iCount to iCount + ( Smlt.GetItemCount UpperGoldVase01 ) * 8 set iCount to iCount + Smlt.GetItemCount Gem0GoldNuggetSmall set iCount to iCount + ( Smlt.GetItemCount Gem0GoldNuggetlarge ) * 9 set iCount to iCount + ( Smlt.GetItemCount Gem0Goldbar ) * 27 set iGold to iCount set iCount to 0 set iCount to iCount + Smlt.GetItemCount Gem0CopperNuggetsmall set iCount to iCount + ( Smlt.GetItemCount Gem0CopperNugget ) * 3 set iCount to iCount + ( Smlt.GetItemCount Gem0CopperNuggetLarge ) * 9 set iCount to iCount + ( Smlt.GetItemCount Gem0Copperbar ) * 27 set icopper to iCount set iCount to 0 set iCount to iCount + Smlt.GetItemCount Gem0SilverNuggetsmall set iCount to iCount + ( Smlt.GetItemCount Gem0SilverNuggetLarge ) * 9 set iCount to iCount + ( Smlt.GetItemCount Gem0Silverbar ) * 27 set isilver to iCount set iCount to 0 set iCount to iCount + Smlt.GetItemCount Gem0PlatinumNugget set iCount to iCount + ( Smlt.GetItemCount Gem0PlatinumNuggetLarge ) * 9 set iCount to iCount + ( Smlt.GetItemCount Gem0PlatinumBar ) * 27 set iplatinum to iCount smlt.removeitem UpperGoldBowl01 99 smlt.removeitem UpperGoldBowl02 99 smlt.removeitem UpperGoldCarafe01 99 smlt.removeitem UpperGoldFork01 99 smlt.removeitem UpperGoldGlass01 99 smlt.removeitem UpperGoldGoblet01 99 smlt.removeitem UpperGoldGoblet02 99 smlt.removeitem UpperGoldKnife01 99 smlt.removeitem UpperGoldPitcher01 99 smlt.removeitem UpperGoldPitcher02 99 smlt.removeitem UpperGoldPlate01 99 smlt.removeitem UpperGoldSpoon01 99 smlt.removeitem UpperGoldTankard01 99 smlt.removeitem UpperGoldUrn01 99 smlt.removeitem UpperGoldUrn02 99 smlt.removeitem UpperGoldVase01 99 smlt.removeitem Gem0GoldNuggetsmall 99 smlt.removeitem Gem0GoldNuggetLarge 99 smlt.removeitem Gem0Goldbar 99 smlt.removeitem Gem0CopperNuggetsmall 99 smlt.removeitem Gem0CopperNuggetLarge 99 smlt.removeitem Gem0CopperNugget 99 smlt.removeitem Gem0Copperbar 99 smlt.removeitem Gem0SilverNuggetsmall 99 smlt.removeitem Gem0SilverNuggetLarge 99 smlt.removeitem Gem0Silverbar 99 smlt.removeitem Gem0PlatinumNugget 99 smlt.removeitem Gem0PlatinumNuggetLarge 99 smlt.removeitem Gem0PlatinumBar 99set iCount to ( Smlt.GetItemCount Gem10AmethystPerfect ) * 3Smlt.RemoveItem Gem10AmethystPerfect iCountset iAmethyst3 to iAmethyst3 + icountset iCount to ( Smlt.GetItemCount Gem7OpalPerfect ) * 3Smlt.RemoveItem Gem7OpalPerfect iCountset iOpal3 to iOpal3 + icountset iCount to ( Smlt.GetItemCount Gem1PearlPerfect ) * 3Smlt.RemoveItem Gem1PearlPerfect iCountset iPearl3 to iPearl3 + icountset iCount to ( Smlt.GetItemCount Gem2TopazPerfect ) * 3Smlt.RemoveItem Gem2TopazPerfect iCountset iTopaz3 to iTopaz3 + icountset iCount to ( Smlt.GetItemCount Gem3RubyPerfect ) * 3Smlt.RemoveItem Gem3RubyPerfect iCountset iRuby3 to iRuby3 + icountset iCount to ( Smlt.GetItemCount Gem4SapphirePerfect ) * 3Smlt.RemoveItem Gem4SapphirePerfect iCountset iSapphire3 to iSapphire3 + icountset iCount to ( Smlt.GetItemCount Gem5EmeraldPerfect ) * 3Smlt.RemoveItem Gem5EmeraldPerfect iCountset iEmerald3 to iEmerald3 + icountset iCount to ( Smlt.GetItemCount Gem6DiamondPerfect ) * 3Smlt.RemoveItem Gem6DiamondPerfect iCountset iDiamond3 to iDiamond3 + icountset iCount to Smlt.GetItemCount GemShard10AmethystPerfect Smlt.RemoveItem GemShard10AmethystPerfect iCountset iAmethyst to iAmethyst + icountset iCount to ( Smlt.GetItemCount GemShard10AmethystFlawless ) * 3Smlt.RemoveItem GemShard10AmethystFlawless iCountset iAmethyst to iAmethyst + icountset iCount to Smlt.GetItemCount GemShard10AmethystSmlt.RemoveItem GemShard10Amethyst iCountset iAmethyst to iAmethyst + icountset iCount to Smlt.GetItemCount GemShard1PearlPerfect Smlt.RemoveItem GemShard1PearlPerfect iCountset iPearl3 to iPearl3 + icountset iCount to ( Smlt.GetItemCount GemShard1PearlFlawless ) * 3Smlt.RemoveItem GemShard1PearlFlawless iCountset iPearl to iPearl + icountset iCount to Smlt.GetItemCount GemShard1PearlSmlt.RemoveItem GemShard1Pearl iCountset iPearl to iPearl + icountset iCount to Smlt.GetItemCount GemShard2TopazPerfect Smlt.RemoveItem GemShard2TopazPerfect iCountset iTopaz3 to iTopaz3 + icountset iCount to ( Smlt.GetItemCount GemShard2TopazFlawless ) * 3Smlt.RemoveItem GemShard2TopazFlawless iCountset iTopaz to iTopaz + icountset iCount to Smlt.GetItemCount GemShard2TopazSmlt.RemoveItem GemShard2Topaz iCountset iTopaz to iTopaz + icountset iCount to Smlt.GetItemCount GemShard3RubyPerfect Smlt.RemoveItem GemShard3RubyPerfect iCountset iRuby3 to iRuby3 + icountset iCount to ( Smlt.GetItemCount GemShard3RubyFlawless ) * 3Smlt.RemoveItem GemShard3RubyFlawless iCountset iRuby to iRuby + icountset iCount to Smlt.GetItemCount GemShard3RubySmlt.RemoveItem GemShard3Ruby iCountset iRuby to iRuby + icountset iCount to Smlt.GetItemCount GemShard4SapphirePerfect Smlt.RemoveItem GemShard4SapphirePerfect iCountset iSapphire3 to iSapphire3 + icountset iCount to ( Smlt.GetItemCount GemShard4SapphireFlawless ) * 3Smlt.RemoveItem GemShard4SapphireFlawless iCountset iSapphire to iSapphire + icountset iCount to Smlt.GetItemCount GemShard4SapphireSmlt.RemoveItem GemShard4Sapphire iCountset iSapphire to iSapphire + icountset iCount to Smlt.GetItemCount GemShard5EmeraldPerfectSmlt.RemoveItem GemShard5EmeraldPerfect iCountset iEmerald3 to iEmerald3 + icountset iCount to ( Smlt.GetItemCount GemShard5EmeraldFlawless ) * 3Smlt.RemoveItem GemShard5EmeraldFlawless iCountset iEmerald to iEmerald + icountset iCount to Smlt.GetItemCount GemShard5EmeraldSmlt.RemoveItem GemShard5Emerald iCountset iEmerald to iEmerald + icountset iCount to Smlt.GetItemCount GemShard6DiamondPerfectSmlt.RemoveItem GemShard6DiamondPerfect iCountset iDiamond3 to iDiamond3 + icountset iCount to ( Smlt.GetItemCount GemShard6DiamondFlawless ) * 3Smlt.RemoveItem GemShard6DiamondFlawless iCountset iDiamond to iDiamond + icountset iCount to Smlt.GetItemCount GemShard6DiamondSmlt.RemoveItem GemShard6Diamond iCountset iDiamond to iDiamond + icountset iCount to Smlt.GetItemCount GemShard7OpalPerfectSmlt.RemoveItem GemShard7OpalPerfect iCountset iOpal3 to iOpal3 + icountset iCount to ( Smlt.GetItemCount GemShard7OpalFlawless ) * 3Smlt.RemoveItem GemShard7OpalFlawless iCountset iOpal to iOpal + icountset iCount to Smlt.GetItemCount GemShard7OpalSmlt.RemoveItem GemShard7Opal iCountset iOpal to iOpal + icountset iCount to Smlt.GetItemCount JewelryRing5Gold7OpalSmlt.RemoveItem JewelryRing5Gold7Opal iCountset iOpal to iOpal + icountset igold to igold + icount;-- OK Now Add Back the Materials Smlt.Additem MidasGemGoldFrag iGold Smlt.Additem MidasGemSilverFrag iSilver Smlt.Additem MidasGemCopperFrag iCopper Smlt.Additem MidasGemBrassFrag iBrass Smlt.Additem MidasGemEbonyFrag iEbony Smlt.Additem MidasGemJadeFrag iJade Smlt.Additem Gem6DiamondFlawed iDiamond Smlt.Additem Gem5EmeraldFlawed iEmerald Smlt.Additem Gem1PearlFlawed iPearl Smlt.Additem Gem3RubyFlawed iRuby Smlt.Additem Gem4SapphireFlawed iSapphire Smlt.Additem Gem2TopazFlawed iTopaz Smlt.Additem Gem0PlatinumNuggetSmall iplatinum Smlt.Additem Gem10AmethystFlawed iAmethyst Smlt.Additem Gem7OpalFlawed iopal Smlt.Additem Gem10AmethystFlawless iAmethyst3 Smlt.Additem Gem7OpalFlawless iopal3 Smlt.Additem Gem6DiamondFlawless iDiamond3 Smlt.Additem Gem5EmeraldFlawless iEmerald3 Smlt.Additem Gem1PearlFlawless iPearl3 Smlt.Additem Gem3RubyFlawless iRuby3 Smlt.Additem Gem4SapphireFlawless iSapphire3 Smlt.Additem Gem2TopazFlawless iTopaz3 set iCount to iGold + iSilver + iCopper + iBrass + iEbony + iDiamond + iEmerald + iPearl + iRuby + iSapphire + iTopaz + iJade Set iCount to iCount + iAmethyst + iopal + iAmethyst3 + iopal3 + iDiamond3 + iEmerald3 + iPearl3 + iRuby3 + iSapphire3 + iTopaz3 if iCount > 0 Smlt.PlayMagicShaderVisuals MidasEffectHoly 3 Smlt.PlaySound3d MidasAuraSound message "You've gleaned %0.f gems.", iCount, 1 else message "No gems were gleaned." , 1 endif ;smlt.RemoveAllItems MidasGemContainerRefend
scn MidasGemSmelterCombineScriptref Smltref meshort iLvlshort iCountshort iTotalshort iGoldshort iSilvershort iCoppershort iBrassshort iEbonyshort iDiamondshort iEmeraldshort iPearlshort iRubyshort iSapphireshort iTopazshort iJadeshort iFireshort iFrostshort iShockShort iLifeshort iSonicshort iArcaneshort iEntropicshort iOsmoticshort iDivshort iplatinumshort iopalshort iAmethystshort iDiamond0short iEmerald0short iPearl0short iRuby0short iSapphire0short iTopaz0short iJade0short iopal0short iAmethyst0Begin onactivate set me to GetSelf set Smlt to GetParentRef if Smlt.GetIsID MidasGemContainer == 0 set Smlt to MidasGemContainerRef endif if me.GetisID MidasActivatorButtonHigh Message "Combining on High.",1 set iLvl to 2 elseif me.GetIsID MidasActivatorButton Message "Combining on Medium",1 set iLvl to 1 else Message "Combining on Low",1 set iLvl to 0 endif set iDiamond to Smlt.GetItemCount Gem6DiamondFlawless set iEmerald to Smlt.GetItemCount Gem5EmeraldFlawless set iPearl to Smlt.GetItemCount Gem1PearlFlawless set iRuby to Smlt.GetItemCount Gem3RubyFlawless set iSapphire to Smlt.GetItemCount Gem4SapphireFlawless set iTopaz to Smlt.GetItemCount Gem2TopazFlawless set iAmethyst to Smlt.GetItemCount Gem10AmethystFlawless set iopal to Smlt.GetItemCount Gem7OpalFlawless set iDiamond to iDiamond * 3 set iEmerald to iEmerald * 3 set iPearl to iPearl * 3 set iRuby to iRuby * 3 set iSapphire to iSapphire * 3 set iTopaz to iTopaz * 3 set iAmethyst to iAmethyst * 3 set iopal to iopal * 3 set iGold to Smlt.GetItemCount Gem0GoldNugget set iSilver to Smlt.GetItemCount Gem0SilverNugget set iCopper to Smlt.GetItemCount MidasGemCopperNugget set iBrass to Smlt.GetItemCount MidasGemBrassNugget set iEbony to Smlt.GetItemCount MidasGemEbonyNugget set iJade to Smlt.GetItemCount MidasGemJadeNugget set iDiamond to iDiamond + Smlt.GetItemCount Gem6Diamond set iEmerald to iEmerald + Smlt.GetItemCount Gem5Emerald set iPearl to iPearl + Smlt.GetItemCount Gem1Pearl set iRuby to iRuby + Smlt.GetItemCount Gem3Ruby set iSapphire to iSapphire + Smlt.GetItemCount Gem4Sapphire set iTopaz to iTopaz + Smlt.GetItemCount Gem2Topaz set iAmethyst to Smlt.GetItemCount Gem10Amethyst set iopal to Smlt.GetItemCount Gem7opal set iGold to iGold * 3 set iSilver to iSilver * 3 set iBrass to iBrass * 3 set iEbony to iEbony * 3 set iJade to iJade * 3 set iDiamond to iDiamond * 3 set iEmerald to iEmerald * 3 set iPearl to iPearl * 3 set iRuby to iRuby * 3 set iSapphire to iSapphire * 3 set iTopaz to iTopaz * 3 set iAmethyst to iAmethyst * 3 set iopal to iopal * 3 set iGold to iGold + Smlt.GetItemCount MidasGemGoldFrag set iSilver to iSilver + Smlt.GetItemCount MidasGemSilverFrag set iCopper to iCopper + Smlt.GetItemCount MidasGemCopperFrag set iBrass to iBrass + Smlt.GetItemCount MidasGemBrassFrag set iEbony to iEbony + Smlt.GetItemCount MidasGemEbonyFrag set iJade to iJade + Smlt.GetItemCount MidasGemJadeFrag set iDiamond to iDiamond + Smlt.GetItemCount Gem6DiamondFlawed set iEmerald to iEmerald + Smlt.GetItemCount Gem5EmeraldFlawed set iPearl to iPearl + Smlt.GetItemCount Gem1PearlFlawed set iRuby to iRuby + Smlt.GetItemCount Gem3RubyFlawed set iSapphire to iSapphire + Smlt.GetItemCount Gem4SapphireFlawed set iTopaz to iTopaz + Smlt.GetItemCount Gem2TopazFlawed set iAmethyst to Smlt.GetItemCount Gem10AmethystFlawed set iopal to Smlt.GetItemCount Gem7opalFlawed set iDiamond0 to Smlt.GetItemCount GemShard6DiamondFlawed set iEmerald0 to Smlt.GetItemCount GemShard5EmeraldFlawed set iPearl0 to Smlt.GetItemCount GemShard1PearlFlawed set iRuby0 to Smlt.GetItemCount GemShard3RubyFlawed set iSapphire0 to Smlt.GetItemCount GemShard4SapphireFlawed set iTopaz0 to Smlt.GetItemCount GemShard2TopazFlawed set iAmethyst0 to Smlt.GetItemCount GemShard10AmethystFlawed set iopal0 to Smlt.GetItemCount GemShard7OpalFlawed set iTotal to iGold + iSilver + iCopper + iBrass + iEbony + iDiamond + iEmerald + iPearl + iRuby + iSapphire + iTopaz + iJade + iamethyst + iopal set iTotal to iTotal + iDiamond0 + iEmerald0 + iPearl0 + iRuby0 + iSapphire0 + iTopaz0 + iamethyst0 + iopal0 ; - - Sigil set iFire to Smlt.GetItemCount MidasSigFire set iFrost to Smlt.GetItemCount MidasSigFrost set iShock to Smlt.GetItemCount MidasSigShock set iLife to Smlt.GetItemCount MidasSigLife set iSonic to Smlt.GetItemCount MidasSigSonic set iArcane to Smlt.GetItemCount MidasSigArcane set iEntropic to Smlt.GetItemCount MidasSigEntropic set iOsmotic to Smlt.GetItemCount MidasSigOsmotic set iFire to iFire * 5 set iFrost to iFrost * 5 set iShock to iShock * 5 set iLife to iLife * 5 set iSonic to iSonic * 5 set iArcane to iArcane * 5 set iEntropic to iEntropic * 5 set iOsmotic to iOsmotic * 5 set iFire to iFire + Smlt.GetItemCount MidasSigFireLesser set iFrost to iFrost + Smlt.GetItemCount MidasSigFrostLesser set iShock to iShock + Smlt.GetItemCount MidasSigShockLesser set iLife to iLife + Smlt.GetItemCount MidasSigLifeLesser set iSonic to iSonic + Smlt.GetItemCount MidasSigSonicLesser set iArcane to iArcane + Smlt.GetItemCount MidasSigArcaneLesser set iEntropic to iEntropic + Smlt.GetItemCount MidasSigEntropicLesser set iOsmotic to iOsmotic + Smlt.GetItemCount MidasSigOsmoticLesser set iTotal to iTotal + iFire + iFrost + iShock + iLife + iSonic + iArcane + iEntropic + iOsmotic Smlt.RemoveAllItems ; Hope you didn't put anything you wanted to keep in here! if iLvl > 1 ; Make Flawless Gems set iDiv to iDiamond / 9 set iDiamond to iDiamond % 9 Smlt.Additem Gem6DiamondFlawless, iDiv set iDiv to iEmerald / 9 set iEmerald to iEmerald % 9 Smlt.Additem Gem5EmeraldFlawless, iDiv set iDiv to iPearl / 9 set iPearl to iPearl % 9 Smlt.Additem Gem1PearlFlawless, iDiv set iDiv to iRuby / 9 set iRuby to iRuby % 9 Smlt.Additem Gem3RubyFlawless, iDiv set iDiv to iSapphire / 9 set iSapphire to iSapphire % 9 Smlt.Additem Gem4SapphireFlawless, iDiv set iDiv to iTopaz / 9 set iTopaz to iTopaz % 9 Smlt.Additem Gem2TopazFlawless, iDiv set iDiv to iAmethyst / 9 set iAmethyst to iAmethyst % 9 Smlt.Additem Gem10AmethystFlawless, iDiv set iDiv to iOpal / 9 set iOpal to iOpal % 9 Smlt.Additem Gem7OpalFlawless, iDiv endif ;Message "Step 1", 1 if iLvl > 0 ; Make Gems && Greater Essence set iDiv to iDiamond / 3 set iDiamond to iDiamond % 3 Smlt.Additem Gem6Diamond, iDiv set iDiv to iEmerald / 3 set iEmerald to iEmerald % 3 Smlt.Additem Gem5Emerald, iDiv set iDiv to iPearl / 3 set iPearl to iPearl % 3 Smlt.Additem Gem1Pearl, iDiv set iDiv to iRuby / 3 set iRuby to iRuby % 3 Smlt.Additem Gem3Ruby, iDiv set iDiv to iSapphire / 3 set iSapphire to iSapphire % 3 Smlt.Additem Gem4Sapphire, iDiv set iDiv to iTopaz / 3 set iTopaz to iTopaz % 3 Smlt.Additem Gem2Topaz, iDiv set iDiv to iAmethyst / 3 set iAmethyst to iAmethyst % 3 Smlt.Additem Gem10Amethyst, iDiv set iDiv to iOpal / 3 set iOpal to iOpal % 3 Smlt.Additem Gem7Opal, iDiv set iDiv to iFire / 5 set iFire to iFire % 5 Smlt.Additem MidasSigFire, iDiv set iDiv to ifrost / 5 set ifrost to ifrost % 5 Smlt.Additem MidasSigfrost, iDiv set iDiv to ishock / 5 set ishock to ishock % 5 Smlt.Additem MidasSigshock, iDiv set iDiv to ilife / 5 set ilife to ilife % 5 Smlt.Additem MidasSiglife, iDiv set iDiv to ifrost / 5 set ifrost to ifrost % 5 Smlt.Additem MidasSigfrost, iDiv set iDiv to isonic / 5 set isonic to isonic % 5 Smlt.Additem MidasSigsonic, iDiv set iDiv to iarcane / 5 set iarcane to iarcane % 5 Smlt.Additem MidasSigarcane, iDiv set iDiv to ientropic / 5 set ientropic to ientropic % 5 Smlt.Additem MidasSigentropic, iDiv set iDiv to iOsmotic / 5 set iOsmotic to iOsmotic % 5 Smlt.Additem MidasSigOsmotic, iDiv endif ;Now lets do Metals set iDiv to iGold / 3 set iGold to iGold % 3 Smlt.Additem Gem0GoldNugget, iDiv set iDiv to iSilver / 3 set iSilver to iSilver % 3 Smlt.Additem Gem0SilverNugget, iDiv set iDiv to iBrass / 3 set iBrass to iBrass % 3 Smlt.Additem MidasGemBrassNugget, iDiv set iDiv to iCopper / 3 set iCopper to iCopper % 3 Smlt.Additem MidasGemCopperNugget, iDiv set iDiv to iEbony / 3 set iEbony to iEbony % 3 Smlt.Additem MidasGemEbonyNugget, iDiv set iDiv to iJade / 3 set iJade to iJade % 3 Smlt.Additem MidasGemJadeNugget, iDiv ;And Flawed shards (really is this even worth including?!) set iDiv to iDiamond0 / 3 set iDiamond0 to iDiamond0 % 3 Smlt.Additem Gem6Diamondflawed, iDiv set iDiv to iEmerald0 / 3 set iEmerald0 to iEmerald0 % 3 Smlt.Additem Gem5Emeraldflawed, iDiv set iDiv to iPearl0 / 3 set iPearl0 to iPearl0 % 3 Smlt.Additem Gem1Pearlflawed, iDiv set iDiv to iRuby0 / 3 set iRuby0 to iRuby0 % 3 Smlt.Additem Gem3Rubyflawed, iDiv set iDiv to iSapphire0 / 3 set iSapphire0 to iSapphire0 % 3 Smlt.Additem Gem4Sapphireflawed, iDiv set iDiv to iTopaz0 / 3 set iTopaz0 to iTopaz0 % 3 Smlt.Additem Gem2Topazflawed, iDiv set iDiv to iAmethyst0 / 3 set iAmethyst0 to iAmethyst0 % 3 Smlt.Additem Gem10Amethystflawed, iDiv set iDiv to iOpal0 / 3 set iOpal0 to iOpal0 % 3 Smlt.Additem Gem7Opalflawed, iDiv ;message "Adding..." , 1 Smlt.Additem MidasGemGoldFrag, iGold Smlt.Additem MidasGemSilverFrag, iSilver Smlt.Additem MidasGemBrassFrag, iBrass Smlt.Additem MidasGemCopperFrag, iCopper Smlt.Additem MidasGemEbonyFrag, iEbony Smlt.Additem MidasGemJadeFrag, iJade Smlt.Additem Gem6DiamondFlawed, iDiamond Smlt.Additem Gem5EmeraldFlawed, iEmerald Smlt.Additem Gem1PearlFlawed, iPearl Smlt.Additem Gem3RubyFlawed, iRuby Smlt.Additem Gem4SapphireFlawed, iSapphire Smlt.Additem Gem2TopazFlawed, iTopaz Smlt.Additem Gem10AmethystFlawed, iAmethyst Smlt.Additem Gem7OpalFlawed, iOpal Smlt.Additem GemShard6DiamondFlawed, iDiamond0 Smlt.Additem GemShard5EmeraldFlawed, iEmerald0 Smlt.Additem GemShard1PearlFlawed, iPearl0 Smlt.Additem GemShard3RubyFlawed, iRuby0 Smlt.Additem GemShard4SapphireFlawed, iSapphire0 Smlt.Additem GemShard2TopazFlawed, iTopaz0 Smlt.Additem GemShard10AmethystFlawed, iAmethyst0 Smlt.Additem GemShard7OpalFlawed, iOpal0 Smlt.Additem MidasSigFireLesser, iFire Smlt.Additem MidasSigfrostLesser, iFrost Smlt.Additem MidasSigshockLesser, iShock Smlt.Additem MidasSiglifeLesser, iLife Smlt.Additem MidasSigsonicLesser, iSonic Smlt.Additem MidasSigarcaneLesser, iArcane Smlt.Additem MidasSigentropicLesser, iEntropic Smlt.Additem MidasSigOsmoticLesser, iOsmotic if iTotal > 0 Smlt.PlayMagicShaderVisuals MidasEffectHoly 2 Smlt.PlaySound3d MidasAuraSound message "You've fused %0.f gems.", iCount, 1 else message "No gems were fused." , 1 endifend
scn MidasGemSmelterAux4Script;- - Example Script for Processing Aux Items in the Aurum Reactor;- - Keys of the MidasQuest.SmeltDate Variableref Smltshort doStatefloat SmeltDatefloat Tempshort framecountshort iCountshort iGoldshort iSilvershort iCoppershort iBrassshort iEbonyshort iDiamondshort iEmeraldshort iPearlshort iRubyshort iSapphireshort iTopazshort iJadeshort iFireshort iFrostshort iShockShort iLifeshort iSonicshort iArcaneshort iEntropicshort iOsmoticbegin GameModeif SmeltDate == MidasQuest.SmeltDate returnelseset framecount to framecount + 1endifif framecount < 2 returnendif set SmeltDate to MidasQuest.SmeltDate set framecount to 0 set doState to 0 set iGold to 0 set iSilver to 0 set iCopper to 0 set iBrass to 0 set iEbony to 0 set iDiamond to 0 set iEmerald to 0 set iPearl to 0 set iRuby to 0 set iSapphire to 0 set iTopaz to 0 set iJade to 0 set Smlt to GetParentRef if Smlt.GetIsID MidasGemContainer == 0 set Smlt to MidasGemContainerRef messagebox "Err:No Parent Ref shivering" 1 endif if Smlt.GetIsID MidasGemContainer == 0 messagebox "Err:MidasGemContainer Undefined shivering" 1 endif ;Golden Saint stuff. And yes, i'm doing the unplayable stuff too, simply because some people make it playable >_> set iCount to 0 set iCount to iCount + Smlt.GetItemCount SE08GoldenSaintBow * 3 set iCount to iCount + Smlt.GetItemCount SE08GoldenSaintLongsword * 6 set iCount to iCount + Smlt.GetItemCount SE08GoldenSaintmace * 5 set iCount to iCount + Smlt.GetItemCount SE08GoldenSaintShortsword * 3 set iCount to iCount + Smlt.GetItemCount SE08GoldenSaintwaraxe * 3 set iCount to iCount + Smlt.GetItemCount SEGoldenSaint1waraxe * 4 set iCount to iCount + Smlt.GetItemCount SEGoldenSaintBow * 4 set iCount to iCount + Smlt.GetItemCount SEGoldenSaint4Longsword * 15 set iCount to iCount + Smlt.GetItemCount SEGoldenSaint2mace * 8 set iCount to iCount + Smlt.GetItemCount SEGoldenSaint3Shortsword * 6 set iCount to iCount + Smlt.GetItemCount SEGoldenSaintShield1Iron * 2 set iCount to iCount + Smlt.GetItemCount SEGoldenSaintShield2Steel * 3 set iCount to iCount + Smlt.GetItemCount SEGoldenSaintShield3Dwarven * 4 set iCount to iCount + Smlt.GetItemCount SEGoldenSaintShield4Orcish * 6 set iCount to iCount + Smlt.GetItemCount SEGoldenSaintShield5Ebony * 11 set iCount to iCount + Smlt.GetItemCount SEGoldenSaintShield6Daedric * 24 set iCount to iCount + Smlt.GetItemCount SEGoldenSaintHelmetReward6Daedric * 12 set iCount to iCount + Smlt.GetItemCount SEGoldenSaintHelmetReward5Ebony * 5 set iCount to iCount + Smlt.GetItemCount SEGoldenSaintHelmetReward4Orcish * 3 set iCount to iCount + Smlt.GetItemCount SEGoldenSaintHelmetReward3Dwarven * 2 set iCount to iCount + Smlt.GetItemCount SEGoldenSaintHelmetReward2Steel * 1 set iCount to iCount + Smlt.GetItemCount SEGoldenSaintHelmetReward1Iron * 1 set iCount to iCount + Smlt.GetItemCount SEGoldenSaintOfficerHelmet6 * 12 set iCount to iCount + Smlt.GetItemCount SEGoldenSaintOfficerHelmet5 * 5 set iCount to iCount + Smlt.GetItemCount SEGoldenSaintOfficerHelmet4 * 3 set iCount to iCount + Smlt.GetItemCount SEGoldenSaintOfficerHelmet3 * 2 set iCount to iCount + Smlt.GetItemCount SEGoldenSaintOfficerHelmet2 * 1 set iCount to iCount + Smlt.GetItemCount SEGoldenSaintOfficerHelmet1 * 1 set iCount to iCount + Smlt.GetItemCount SEGoldenSaintHelmet6Daedric * 12 set iCount to iCount + Smlt.GetItemCount SEGoldenSaintHelmet5Ebony * 5 set iCount to iCount + Smlt.GetItemCount SEGoldenSaintHelmet4Orcish * 3 set iCount to iCount + Smlt.GetItemCount SEGoldenSaintHelmet3Dwarven * 2 set iCount to iCount + Smlt.GetItemCount SEGoldenSaintHelmet2Steel * 1 set iCount to iCount + Smlt.GetItemCount SEGoldenSaintHelmet1Iron * 1 set iCount to iCount + Smlt.GetItemCount SEGoldenSaintArmorReward6Daedric * 126 set iCount to iCount + Smlt.GetItemCount SEGoldenSaintArmorReward5Ebony * 55 set iCount to iCount + Smlt.GetItemCount SEGoldenSaintArmorReward4Orcish * 32 set iCount to iCount + Smlt.GetItemCount SEGoldenSaintArmorReward3Dwarven * 21 set iCount to iCount + Smlt.GetItemCount SEGoldenSaintArmorReward2Steel * 15 set iCount to iCount + Smlt.GetItemCount SEGoldenSaintArmorReward1Iron * 10 set iCount to iCount + Smlt.GetItemCount SEGoldenSaintArmor6Daedric * 126 set iCount to iCount + Smlt.GetItemCount SEGoldenSaintArmor5Ebony * 55 set iCount to iCount + Smlt.GetItemCount SEGoldenSaintArmor4Orcish * 32 set iCount to iCount + Smlt.GetItemCount SEGoldenSaintArmor3Dwarven * 21 set iCount to iCount + Smlt.GetItemCount SEGoldenSaintArmor2Steel * 15 set iCount to iCount + Smlt.GetItemCount SEGoldenSaintArmor1Iron * 10 set iGold to iCount smlt.removeitem SE08GoldenSaintBow 999 smlt.removeitem SE08GoldenSaintLongsword 999 smlt.removeitem SE08GoldenSaintmace 999 smlt.removeitem SE08GoldenSaintShortsword 999 smlt.removeitem SE08GoldenSaintwaraxe 999 smlt.removeitem SEGoldenSaint1waraxe 999 smlt.removeitem SE08GoldenSaintBow 999 smlt.removeitem SEGoldenSaint4Longsword 999 smlt.removeitem SEGoldenSaint2mace 999 smlt.removeitem SEGoldenSaint3Shortsword 999 smlt.removeitem SEGoldenSaintShield1Iron 999 smlt.removeitem SEGoldenSaintShield2Steel 999 smlt.removeitem SEGoldenSaintShield3Dwarven 999 smlt.removeitem SEGoldenSaintShield4Orcish 999 smlt.removeitem SEGoldenSaintShield5Ebony 999 smlt.removeitem SEGoldenSaintShield6Daedric 999 smlt.removeitem SEGoldenSaintHelmetReward6Daedric 999 smlt.removeitem SEGoldenSaintHelmetReward5Ebony 999 smlt.removeitem SEGoldenSaintHelmetReward4Orcish 999 smlt.removeitem SEGoldenSaintHelmetReward3Dwarven 999 smlt.removeitem SEGoldenSaintHelmetReward2Steel 999 smlt.removeitem SEGoldenSaintHelmetReward1Iron 999 smlt.removeitem SEGoldenSaintOfficerHelmet6 999 smlt.removeitem SEGoldenSaintOfficerHelmet5 999 smlt.removeitem SEGoldenSaintOfficerHelmet4 999 smlt.removeitem SEGoldenSaintOfficerHelmet3 999 smlt.removeitem SEGoldenSaintOfficerHelmet2 999 smlt.removeitem SEGoldenSaintOfficerHelmet1 999 smlt.removeitem SEGoldenSaintHelmet6Daedric 999 smlt.removeitem SEGoldenSaintHelmet5Ebony 999 smlt.removeitem SEGoldenSaintHelmet4Orcish 999 smlt.removeitem SEGoldenSaintHelmet3Dwarven 999 smlt.removeitem SEGoldenSaintHelmet2Steel 999 smlt.removeitem SEGoldenSaintHelmet1Iron 999 smlt.removeitem SEGoldenSaintArmorReward6Daedric 999 smlt.removeitem SEGoldenSaintArmorReward5Ebony 999 smlt.removeitem SEGoldenSaintArmorReward4Orcish 999 smlt.removeitem SEGoldenSaintArmorReward3Dwarven 999 smlt.removeitem SEGoldenSaintArmorReward2Steel 999 smlt.removeitem SEGoldenSaintArmorReward1Iron 999 smlt.removeitem SEGoldenSaintArmor6Daedric 999 smlt.removeitem SEGoldenSaintArmor5Ebony 999 smlt.removeitem SEGoldenSaintArmor4Orcish 999 smlt.removeitem SEGoldenSaintArmor3Dwarven 999 smlt.removeitem SEGoldenSaintArmor2Steel 999 smlt.removeitem SEGoldenSaintArmor1Iron 999;-- OK Now Add Back the Materials Smlt.Additem MidasGemGoldFrag iGold Smlt.Additem MidasGemSilverFrag iSilver Smlt.Additem MidasGemCopperFrag iCopper Smlt.Additem MidasGemBrassFrag iBrass Smlt.Additem MidasGemEbonyFrag iEbony Smlt.Additem MidasGemJadeFrag iJade Smlt.Additem Gem6DiamondFlawed iDiamond Smlt.Additem Gem5EmeraldFlawed iEmerald Smlt.Additem Gem1PearlFlawed iPearl Smlt.Additem Gem3RubyFlawed iRuby Smlt.Additem Gem4SapphireFlawed iSapphire Smlt.Additem Gem2TopazFlawed iTopaz set iCount to iGold if iCount > 0 Smlt.PlayMagicShaderVisuals MidasEffectHoly 3 Smlt.PlaySound3d MidasAuraSound message "You've gleaned %0.f gems.", iCount, 1 else message "No gems were gleaned." , 1 endif ;;smlt.RemoveAllItems MidasGemContainerRefend