I won't lose my spells if I reload the mod? Cause Even if I just cheated in the ingredients, it would still take awhile to get all the ones I have back.
Also I really hope it does work cause now my stargate isn't working. I got 5 crystals, went and placed them, got the big flare off of the giant crystal got the spell, but back at the gate in midas's basemant the gate isn't on, codes do nothing and the little crystal says "you have to activate the great crystal". I go back to the big crystal and it is all lit up, and when I look in my spell list I have the Midas Holy Judgment spell. Am I missing a step? I could have swon that was how it went last year. Is there more to do to activate it, in this latest version?
No, you won't loose spells, even if you upgrade versions. Go to Midas' basemant and look for a crossword puzzle. The answers to that puzzle are the codes for the large gate. Punch them into the control panel and hit the button in the middle.
the spell Force Charge don't work. Why?
This spell changes player animation, there is a risk that it conflicts with other mods that do the same.
So, to be exact, the spell Stasis Field don't work entirely correct. It is just off the Havok, so objects float in the air, and dead bodies do not fall. But the effect of it is not like in the trailer. Why?
And again, sorry for my english.
Thanks for the bug report. I'll see what's going on.
@ xilverbulit
Hi, just started using this forum & mods in general. Saw your name on the post & I HAD drop in to say thanks for adding soooo much more enjoyment to magic & to my game. Midas Magic was one of the first mods I tried and I've been hooked ever since. Sorry if its a bit off topic!
Is this mod compatible with the current version of Marts Monster Mod? Just wanted to check before I gave it a shot with a new Mage char Im planning to start.
Should be. The two have historically worked well together.
I recently reinstalled Oblivion and noticed Midas Magic has had several updates. So I got down to installing the Game + Midas Magic + OOO and a few misc landmass mods. Anyway I got the spell "Stasis Field" And was absolutely blown away by the sheer awesome that was this spell. Sadly after another 2 days running the mod, the spell no longer functions correctly. It now does nothing but stop arrows, npcs are no longer frozen when inside the area or from when they try to enter the area. Not sure what caused it to break, none of the mods have changed in any way, it's exactly the same ones from when it worked fine.
Second report of this bug. I need to get on it.
I've been playing with Midas Magic pretty flawlessly for some time, but now suddenly when I cast my Force Push spell nothing happens at all. The other spells still work properly though.
I've been using Force Push up untill now fairly liberally so I wouldn't be surprised if the spell script has managed to hang somehow, and the game thinks its already in use. Does anyone know of any way I could fix it- such as a console command I could use to refresh the script? I'd like to avoid unchecking the mod and reloading it all just for one spell, as I'd lose the others and all progress towards the quests. Still it's one of my favorite spells, which I use for everything from stunning enemies, keeping hordes as bay and blocking enemy spells, so I'd like to get it working again nontheless.
Nevermind that. Restarting the game fixed my issues... sadly, as I had set up to OBSE to work with my editor and I was reading the Midas Magic Scripts, trying to figure out what had gone wrong and how to fix the issue. Now that I don't have to learn anything about OBSE and scripts, I probably won't either. :whistling:
Glad to hear it. BTW, Midas doesn't use OBSE.
Lovely, but is it still compatible with the most recent version of OOO/FCOM?
I can't say for sure. There are small conflicts (like ingredients) but the mod has always been designed to avoid major conflicts.