First, let me thank you xilverbulet for your very skilled and ingenious work. These spells add a lot to the enjoyment of my game.
I have a one suggestion:
1. Some of spells seem fairly weak considering the effort it takes to make them - and their skill requirement such as the astral stag. It is fairly useless even though it looks awesome. I've buffed him up a bit in my game (gave him more holy spells and increased his health, skills, and magicka)
Edit: actually, I've been unable to change the astralstag. When I modified his stats, saved, checked the patch esp, and loaded the game, the changes did not persist. When I reloaded the esp in the CS, I saw that somehow my changes had been renamed with a new ID: MidasDeerDUPLICATE000. weird. Maybe I'll try editing the scripts to point to a new creature ID.
Edit2: It appears that everything I edit is renamed as a DUPLICATE including scripts and spells. Is this something that you did xilver to prevent modifications to your mod? Or am I just an idiot?

Would appreciate some help... Do I have to edit the MidasSpells esp itself instead of trying to make a patch? What am I doing wrong? Additionally, any midas spells that I add to the stag's spell list do not persist. When I load the esp again, after saving, the spells are removed.
also, the original astral stag never seems to use his holy attack - even when unmodified by me.
My paladin needs a good companion for Gates of Aesgard espisode 2!
The pheonix spell looks sweet btw...