[Beta] Midas Magic - Spells of Aurum Thread #27

Post » Sat May 28, 2011 5:14 pm

Midas Magic
Spells of Aurum

This mod adds over 300 new and unique spell types. It adds beam, spray and projectile attacks. Turn bodies to gold, summon your own magic carpet, or dwemer transformer, or protect yourself with a ring of fire. This mod has several goals...

- Extend the Magic system of Oblivion without disturbing the current spell system
- Maintain the balance of the combat system
- Add a completely different way to obtain these spells from the normal system

To obtain these spells talk to the Vendor Midas. His shop is located to the Right as you enter the Arcane University Court Yard. Before you enter the University itself.






WARNING: There is a special way you get these spells so make sure you listen to the shop keep and read his book


Plugin Downloads
(These are not supported by me)

The Spells

Midas' Astral Mark/Recall

Use Astral Gates to travel through space and time.

Midas' Astral Combat

Lock Horns with your foe "mano a mano" on the astral plane.


Buff your strength and knock your foes throught the air with your weapon or fists.

Midas' Breath of Fire (http://i42.photobucket.com/albums/e329/Chaos_Shadow2237/Flamethrower.jpg)

The Caster breathes flames for the duration of the spell.

Midas' Chain Lightning

Casts a bolt of shock damage on the target. This bolt has a chance to jump to another nearby target based on the casters luck.
Midas' Chest

Midas' Chest when called summons an other-worldly storage apparatus in which the caster can place his or her wares. Ever so handy for the burdened adventurer.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gHyjtKCWCeQ (http://www.tessource.net/share/image.php?id=1519)

A powerful burst of flame descends from the heavens to engulf your opponents.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CxdvGjjK_T0 (http://i84.photobucket.com/albums/k27/Lord_Rainer/Oblivion/Oblivion2007-08-1201-43-16-89.jpg http://i42.photobucket.com/albums/e329/Chaos_Shadow2237/MidasSpells1.jpg)

Hurls a Mighty Comet down from the sky on your target.
Midas' Death Ray

This spell casts a beam of dark energy that damages the vicim's health. If the victim is killed, the spell will create a soulgem in the victims inventory

Midas' Detection Mastery

A Detection spell that allows you to distinguish friend from foe and see items and containers.

Midas' Entangle

Midas' Entangle is a ranged attack that summons entangling vines to restrain your foe. The vines can only hold one enemy at a time and if the enemy's agility and speed are high enough they may break the bindings.
Midas Fire Burst

An Explosion of flame centered on the caster sends your opponents flying through the air.

Midas' Force Ball is a projectile based attack that explodes in a blast of pure magical force when it intercepts a target. Although this spell doesn't do magical damage, victims can receive impact damage from the fall resulting from the blast.


Midas' Force Push casts a wave of magical force outward from the casters position. Any object within it's range will be forced away from the caster. If the caster wanders outside of the eye of the blast he may feel the effects as well.


Midas' Force Push summons and impenetrable ball of pure magical force in front of the caster. Those caught in it's wake are temporarily rendered helpless and blown aside by the blast.
Midas' Freeze Ray cast a beam of concentrated frost energy. Opponents caught in it's path must resist frost or become frozen solid for a period of time and receive frost damage. While frozen, they cannot move or be harmed.
Midas' Glaive

This spell hurls a disk of spinning blades at your opponents that ricochets of the physical environment until the spell effect dissipates.
Midas' Hail Storm

A mighty burst of hail pelts your opponents to death, dealing frost damage.

Midas' Heat Beam (http://www.ladymoiraine.com/modules/Gallery1_5/albums/Floydian1/ScreenShot12474.jpg)

Midas' Heat Beam cast a beam of fire magic at the target, instantly causing fire damage. The concentrated power of this spell can burn through solid objects to hit the target.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E-_XqduC1Vg (http://www.tessource.net/share/image.php?id=1320)

Midas' Holy Burst is an area effect spell on the caster. The effects are similar to that of Holy Ray but affect all in the area of the caster. If no one else has been affected by the spell, it will heal the caster.

Midas' Holy Ray (http://i42.photobucket.com/albums/e329/Chaos_Shadow2237/Aurelia3.jpg)

Midas' Holy Ray casts and instant hit beam which causes divine damage to undead or daedric targets and restores health on non-evil targets. It has no effect on evil mundane targets of dremora.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C4ntsNEMXJU (http://i42.photobucket.com/albums/e329/Chaos_Shadow2237/MidasSpells3.jpg)

A blast of ice eminates from the caster, freezing your opponents.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fx8bJ6HZwaA (http://i42.photobucket.com/albums/e329/Chaos_Shadow2237/Icewalk.jpg http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v233/highpressure/MOTI/Oblivion2007-06-2416-45-59-71.jpg)

This spell creates a magical walkway of ice beneath the caster. While active, the caster may walk through the air in any direction he pleases.
Midas' Lightning Bolt (http://www.tessource.net/share/image.php?id=1220 http://www.ladymoiraine.com/modules/Gallery1_5/albums/Floydian1/ScreenShot12475.jpg http://www.ladymoiraine.com/modules/Gallery1_5/albums/Floydian1/ScreenShot12476.jpg)

Midas' Lightning Bolt casts an instant hit bolt of shock energy at the target. It will continue to strike in a tight dispersal pattern until it connects with a target or dissipates.


An incredibly destructive barrage of lightning bolts descend on all enemies in sight.

Midas' Magic Missiles casts 3 small projectiles of pure magic at the target. These missiles move unhindered by physical objects and will hit all targets in their path.

Midas' Magic Seeker

This casts as an intelligent magical projectile that hovers above the ground seeking out its target. There are Ice & Fire Versions as well.


Midas' Magma Ball launches a physical projectile of magma. This projectile will ricochet off the environment until it impacts a target and detonates in a ball of fire damage. The magma ball will eventually detonate on it's own if no target has been hit.

Midas' Meteor

Casts a powerful meteor from the casters fingertips, causing physical impact and fire damage to unlucky foes.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I0Rz2xO1r5s (http://www.ladymoiraine.com/modules/Gallery1_5/albums/Floydian1/ScreenShot12478.jpg)

Calls an incredibly destructive hail of meteors from the sky. Can only be used by Masters of Destruction, and only outdoors.
Midas' Missile Shield

Midas' Missile Shield surrounds the caster with a translucent magical shield that blocks all arrow and projectile attacks, and protects the caster from falling damage. It does not block magical or other physical attacks however.

Midas' Oblivion Portal

Summons a Portal to one of the worlds of Oblivion.
Midas' Pebble Blast

Midas' Pebble Blast cast a shower of magical heated stones at your opponents. These stones do physical damage and ignore magical resistance.
Midas' Plasma Shards

Midas' Plasma Shards launches 1 to 5 high velocity projectiles. These projectiles will penetrate physical objects and upon impacting a target inflict a small amount of shock damage.

Midas' Prism Spray casts 5 streams of magic from the caster's fingertips, each carrying a different effect. This spell can affect all targets in it's path.

Red 20pts of Fire Dmg
Blue 40pts of Frost Dmg
Yellow 80pts of Shock Dmg
Green Paralysis for 10 sec.
Violet 5pts Speed Dmg
Midas' Poison Cloud

This cloud moves slowly in front of the caster. Inflicting fatal poison damage to all that fail to resist.
Midas' Rose of Kindness

Midas' Rose of Kindness cast a magical flower as a projectile towards a target. Enemies are calmed by it. Friends are charmed by it. And assailing guards are just confused and walk away.


Midas' Ring of Fire surrounds the caster with a defensive ring of fire. Anyone entering this ring sustains fire damage.
Midas' Sharing

Midas' Sharing allows the caster to exchange inventory with friendly characters. Any item transferred into the possession of another becomes their property permanently. You may or may not be able to access the targets items.

This spell also renders the friendly "less than fully dressed" at first.
Midas' Slime Ball

Midas' Slime Ball casts a projectile that coats the target in thick, viscous slime. The target's movement is hindered; making it difficult for it to walk, jump or fire arrows.
Midas' Snow Ball

Midas' Snow Ball launches a physical projectile of ice. This projectile will ricochet off the environment until it impacts a target and detonates in a ball of frost damage. The snow ball will eventually detonate on it's own.
Midas' Sparks

Midas' Sparks is a low level spell that casts a erratic barrage of electrical sparks at the target doing a small amount of shock damage.

Midas' Spirit Hammer

Conjures a Holy Hammer to beat back the undead.

Midas Spirit Warrior

Creates and ethereal duplicate of the caster.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DXT_DTyFPK8 (http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x320/sephiranx/oblivion-20070802-205918.png)

Midas' Stone Storm summons a vortex of stones centered on the caster. Those caught in its path receive physical damage and may be knocked unconscious for a period of time.
Midas' Stun Gas

Midas' Stun Gas casts a cone of gas in front of the caster that damages targets fatigue and has a chance of rendering them unconscious.
Midas' Summon

Midas' Summon summons an avatar of Midas himself. Although he will not engage in combat, you may barter with him while you are in the field. One of his more valuable characteristics is that he carries a supply of repair hammers and lock picks.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bRqF3RAx0is (Improved!)

Midas' Summon Carpet calls to you a magic carpet that allows you to travel Tamriel at blazing speeds. The carpet now flys! Toggle run/walk to activate flying.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YiyI1xOczw8 (Improved!)

Midas' Summon Jelly manifests a very aggressive, amorphic blob of goo to fight by your side. Now in 5 fruity flavors!

Midas' Thunder Cloud summons as small but potent lightning storm that moves slowly in front of the caster. Anyone caught in it's wake will be struck by a bolt of shock damage.

A whirlwind of force precedes the caster inflicting force and shock damage to all in its path.

Midas Touch

Midas Touch imbues the living target with 50 points of fire and normal weapons resistance. When cast on a corpse, it will turn the corpse into gold. In moments, the corpse deteriorates into a cascade of coins.
Midas Tractor Beam

Bring Items or enemies in for a closer look.
Midas Wabbabeam

...transfer the obscure powers of the legendary Wabbajack staff to a magical beam.
Midas Water Globe (http://i42.photobucket.com/albums/e329/Chaos_Shadow2237/MidasSpells8.jpg)

Imprisons your Target in a Ball of Water.
PLUS! More...
Midas Geysers
Midas Holy Flare
Midas Shock Burst
Midas Prism Missiles
Midas Rock Toss
Midas Purify
Midas Summon Lava Blob
Midas Acid Cloud
Midas Smoke Screen

Even More spells can be found in the "Midas Magic for Dimmies" Handbook!

Summonable Creatures
Astral Stag (http://i42.photobucket.com/albums/e329/Chaos_Shadow2237/AstralStag.jpg)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RwjdHyxSZ3A (http://i42.photobucket.com/albums/e329/Chaos_Shadow2237/Balrog.jpg http://i42.photobucket.com/albums/e329/Chaos_Shadow2237/Balrog1.jpg http://www.tessource.net/share/image.php?id=1563 http://www.tessource.net/share/image.php?id=1564 http://www.ladymoiraine.com/modules/Gallery1_5/albums/album146/ScreenShot13141.jpg)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e2ynz-NkOpQ Centurion, motorcycle and boat all in one.
Coin Seeker
Enchanted Ebony Claymore
Enchanted EbonyBlade
Enchanted GoldBrand
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j6friFP5Uw8 (http://www.ladymoiraine.com/modules/Gallery1_5/albums/Floydian1/ScreenShot12482.jpg)
Holy Sprite
Pumpkin Atronach
Cheese Atronach :)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tS_HLjSMAtY (http://i193.photobucket.com/albums/z248/Slaying_Souls/Oblivion2007-08-1512-48-48-87.jpg)
Other Stuff


I've added the Aurum Assimulator in version 0.810. It lets you convert jewelry into it raw components and get the gold and other metals out. It will also let you recombine Gems into more valuable Gems or break them down. Hopefully this will help make up for the severe lack of gold nuggets :)

















Unzip in your Oblivion Data Directory and add the mod. Make sure you are running Oblivion 1.2 or higher.


Version 0.992 01/04/2010
*** Alpha, please testers only***
- Adds 5 New Spells Pheonix, Force Charge, Blood Fountain, Starfall & Earth to Mud
- Adds New Astral World of Light

Version 0.991A 07/18/2009
- Fix CTD issue with Weretiger Quest
- Placeholder for Frat House Quest (not finished)

Version 0.991 07-04-2009
- Minor update with various bug fixes
- Adds 5 New spells including Death Grasp, Guided Missile & Water Burst
- Major Visuals overhaul for Nuclear Blast & Comet

Version 0.990 04-19-2009
- 25 New Spells including Tsunami, Inferno, Spike Growth & Ghost Swarm
- 1 New Astral World (Air)
- Fix to Summon Scripts to avoid "Too Many Summons" bug
- Added "Costume Closet" in Midas Bedroom to allow you to try on some of the FX

Version 0.980 01-31-2009
- 19 New Spells including Volcano, Biohazard, Eruption & Cyclone
- 2 New Astral Worlds (Sand & Water)
- BSA File Format for easier install

Version 0.970 Patch A 8-29-2008 (Install over 0.970)
- Recipe Fix for Polymorph Eagle
- Updates for Essence Transmogrifier

Version 0.970 08-24-2008
- 14 New Spells including Avalanche, Fireworks, Polymorph Eagle
- 5 New summons including Iron Golem
- 1 New Mechanical Astral World

Version 0.961
- 16 New Spells including Utterdark Burst, Ring of Blades & Anti-Magic Field
- Added the Essense Transmogrifier to randomly transform Sigil Essences
- Fixes to the Summoning system (to avoid the "Too Many Summons" error)

Version 0.960
- Added Access to 8th world (Necropothea) world of Necromancy
- Recipe Fix for Magic Flare
- .nif Fix for Midas Geyser

Version 0.960 Alpha
*** Experienced Users Only ***
- 54 New spells
- 7 New worlds accessible through a functioning Stargate (in Midas' Basemant).
- 2 New quests with voice acted custom races.
- 16 new summonable creatures.
- 7 New spell books (earned via Quest) focused on Mage Classes,
-- Pyromancers, Cryomancers, Electromancers, Geomancers, Paladin/Cleric/Monk, Ranger/Druids, Necromancers
- So many fixes I cant remember.

Version 0.956 01-27-2008
- Adds 8 new spells. Including Nuclear Blast, Ultima, Vortex & Sound burst
- Fixes
-- Improvements for Mega Fireball, Light Arrow, Plasma Ball & Midas Touch
-- Various Others

Version 0.955 Patch A
- Fixes Recipe problems with Explosive Arrow, Chain Fireball & Absorption

Version 0.955 12-16-2007
- Adds 10 new spells. Including Chain Fireball, 4 "Stream" Attacks, 3 Trap Spells, and Fully Functional Wings
- Fixes
-- Recipe Problems with Arcane Burst & WildFire
-- Berzerk
-- Various Others

Version 0.950 12-9-2007 Patch A
- Install over 0.950 (you need both files)
- Adds Important files I forgot to Include in 0.950
- Needed for the Undead Quest

Version 0.950 12-7-2007
Major Release!
- Adds 30 New Spells including Missile Storm, Mechanical Mine, Arcane Burst, Spell Shield & Wildfire
- Adds a quest to war against an undead army to earn 9 powerful spells

Version 0.941 10-18-2007
- Added an Active Mine that produces Gold
- Many Bug Fixes

Version 0.940 Patch B 10-1-2007
- Fixes Astral Plane Bug in 0940
- Includes some Missing Files for 0940
- Apply over 0.940 or 0.940a

Version 0.940 A or PatchA 9-30-2007
- Includes some Missing Files for 0940
- Either Get 0940A or Apply 0940 Patch A to 0940

Version 0.940 9-30-2007
- Expansion of the Astral Plane BUG FIX in Patch B
-- Adds 9 new worlds in the Astral Plane
-- 4 new Creatures each with Midas Spells
-- A Quest in the Astral plane for the Ultimate Holy Spell
- Adds 10 other Spells like Bind Blaze Saber, Force Shield, Igloo, Transmute
- Various fixes & Improvements

Version 0.931 8-26-2007
- Adds 3 New Holy Spells, Spirit Warrior, Spirit Hammer and Holy Flare
- Incorporated Improvements to the Balrog Sword and fixes for the Oblivion Portal Spell

Version 0.930 8-14-2007
- Adds 11 New Spells like Oblivion Portal, Shock Burst, Water Globe, Purify
- Adds a Quest for the Prime Morpholith in which you Battle a Balrog!

Version 0.920 Patch B 7-21-2007
- :NOTE: This patch requires Midas Spells 0.920 Replaces A, you don't need both
- Fixed Recipe for Comet in Aurum Incantatem

Version 0.920 Patch A 7-21-2007
- :NOTE: This patch requires Midas Spells 0.920
- Added Spell Midas Crushing Stones
- Improved Tornado Spell Hit rate
- Fixes to Column of Fire Recipe
- Sound fixes to Column of Fire, Lightning Storm & Comet
- Summons now Dissapear when killed as supposed to

Version 0.920 7-17-2007
- Added 15 New powerful spells like Column of Fire, Lightning Storm, Tornado & Comet
- New Beholden Creatures with a unique challenge to kill the Hive Mother
- Added the new "Sigil Essence" ingredients distilled from Sigil Stones
- Tons of fixes and balances and ingredient changes

Version 0.910 6-3-2007
- Added Flight to the Magic Carpet
- Added animated jellies with 5 varieties.
- Added new spells like Magic Seeker & Ice Walk
- Minor Fixes
-- Modifications to the astral mark/recall to work with SI
-- Increased Caster level requirements for summons & Rose of Kindness
-- and more...

Version 0.900 5-20-2007
- Added Centurion Prime Tranformer
- Minor Fixes
-- Changes to Summons Script to stop Fast Traveling Problem
-- Adjustments to Reactor to remove items correctly

Version 0.890 5-6-2007
- Adds 2 New Spells Breath of Fire & Fire Burst
- Adds multiple levels to Heat Beam, Lightning Bolt & Chain Lightning
- Gave the White Tiger a force attack while being riden
- Fixes to avoid problems with Autosave
- General Spell Rebalancing

Version 0.880 4-29-2007
- Adds 9 New Spells including Tractor Beam, Astral Combat, and White Tiger
- Fixed Prism Spray Creation Bug
- General bug fixes and cleanup

Version 0.870 4-22-2007
- Adds 5 New Spells including Ice Burst, Mark/Recall, and Berzerk
- Fixes reliablity issues with Force Ball & Stone Storm

Version 0.860 4-15-2007
- Added 5 New spells including Meteor, Meteor Storm & Chain Lightning.

- Fixes
-- Thunder Cloud now angers victims
-- Wall penetration spells no longer work in Arena
-- Death Ray now creates Soulgems
-- Slimeball texture and code updates
-- Sparks spell fixed & updated

Version 0.850 4-7-2007
- 7 New Spells (WabbaBeam, Force Blast, Holy Blast)
- Including 4 Unique Summonable Creatures
- Fixed unreliablity in Missile Shield

Version 0.821 3-26-2007
- Added 4 New spells including the Forceball :)
- Made this mode "auto-compatible" with Arcane University 300
- Made Multiple Levels of Plasma Shard and Fire Ring Spells
- Various Bug Fixes

Version 0.810 3-22-2007
- Added Aurum Assimilator
Version 0.800 3-18-2007
---Another Major Release
- Added 3 New Spells (Freeze Ray, Pebble Blast, & Stone Storm)
- Improved Fireball & Snowball range & accuracy
- Improved accuracy of all Beam Spells
- Improved Range on Plasma Shards
- Fixes
-- Fixed Hole in Missle Shield
-- Attempt to fix conflict with Harvest[Containers].esp

Version 0.757
- Major Rewrite of Most Spells
-- Removed "Placeatme" and referenced arrays of persistent actors instead
-- Should cut avoid Save Game bloat from Null Refs
-- Fat Free
- Improved Range and accuracy of MagmaBall, SnowBall & Sparks
- Can Fire projectile spells while using Missile Shield
Version 0.756
- Removed Debug Hack

Version 0.755
- The Ohm Quat Ohm Frat House is open for business
- Better model for the Aurum Reactor
- Improved collision chance of Magma Ball and Fire Ball
- Aesthetic Changes

* * * ATTENTION * * *
If you're having problems (spells not working). Make sure you have upgraded to oblivion version 1.2. Spells like Force spells, berzerk, & summons won't work without it. Also, the shop itself may not appear. If you are posting here concerning one of these issues, please indicate that you are running 1.2 or higher. If you are experiencing problems, having trouble creating a spell or finding an ingredient. Read the http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Tes4Mod:Midas_Magic/FAQ before posting here. It could save you a lot of time.
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Baby K(:
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 1:57 pm

We'll, I've been away for a while. Sorry about that. Things cant be helped. From the looks of the forums and tesnexus Oblivion is still going strong.
For the brave out there, I've released another installment of Midas Magic. 0.992.

Version 0.992 01/04/2010
*** Alpha, please testers only***
- Adds 5 New Spells http://www.tesnexus.com/imageshare/image.php?id=48653, Force Charge, Blood Fountain, Starfall & Earth to Mud
- Adds New Astral World of Light

I've experimented with adding custom animations to Phoenix and Force Charge. Please let me know if this creates any mod conflicts or other issues. Enjoy!
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Meghan Terry
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 11:08 pm

A happy newyear and welcome back!

That Phoenix looks incredible! :D
Glad to see a new version.
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 9:37 pm

Happy newyear and welcome back xilverbulet :celebration:

Glad to see that you are still working on Midas Magic :clap:
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Alexx Peace
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 4:41 pm

Welcome back!

Been enjoying this mod alot, will download your new version and test it thoroughly.
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Andrew Lang
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Post » Sun May 29, 2011 12:15 am

Thanks everyone. Good to be back. I hope to post some more screenies later today.
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Laura Elizabeth
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Post » Sun May 29, 2011 2:25 am

screenies sounds good :hubbahubba:
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Marnesia Steele
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 12:02 pm

xilver, have you considered using OBSE for the mod's development ? Regardless, the sheer complexity of the mod's spells show what can be done with the vanilla scripting engine.
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Sebrina Johnstone
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 10:57 pm

Woohooo!!!!!! Midas is back :celebrate:
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Elle H
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 8:27 pm


I like the effects on the Phoenix...! :nod: It gives me ideas for tweaking http://i285.photobucket.com/albums/ll61/Revanchism/WilloftheWisps/HiggsCombat5.jpg a little...

Regardless, it's good to see this mod is still being worked on: I think it must be one of the more popular and famous Oblivion mods around.

All the best,

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Emily Shackleton
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 11:49 am

I decided to make a video instead of screenshots. -->http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ee1l5nGN_e0

Anyone tried 0.992 yet? Especially the new spells?

xilver, have you considered using OBSE for the mod's development ? Regardless, the sheer complexity of the mod's spells show what can be done with the vanilla scripting engine.

Many, many times. My plan was to use it once I had completed Midas Magic 1.0. Looks like that's going to take forever...


I like the effects on the Phoenix...! :nod: It gives me ideas for tweaking http://i285.photobucket.com/albums/ll61/Revanchism/WilloftheWisps/HiggsCombat5.jpg a little...

Regardless, it's good to see this mod is still being worked on: I think it must be one of the more popular and famous Oblivion mods around.

All the best,


Nice work on your mod as well. I see you've got a good handle on particle FX.
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 5:48 pm

Nice work on your mod as well. I see you've got a good handle on particle FX.

Don't suppose you know how to work with Trail Emitters or Air Field Modifiers? They're the only NiPSys components I could never get to work. If the Trail Emitter does what I think it does (create particle strands), I'd really love to be able to use it.

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tiffany Royal
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 8:58 pm

Anyone tried 0.992 yet? Especially the new spells?

did not know there was a new beta so thanks..

The video was great

I like right around the 1 minute mark, all those pool spells very nice..The water I laughed at..
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Post » Sun May 29, 2011 2:00 am

Hi again.

I have only tested the spells "Force Charge" and "Earth to Mud", as the others didn't seem to appear in the spell reagent book.

Earth to Mud worked perfectly. The only flaw I see is that it's very overpowered for it's low magicka cost. I would consider tuning down the spell duration and/or increase the magicka cost.

Force Charge worked pretty good as well. However, everything that is in front of the character after the "charge" is done, when the animation is still running, gets knocked back aswell. It looks abit weird but I guess it can't be helped, and I don't really mind it. Also, I have to mention how much fun this spell is. :)
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luis dejesus
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 9:32 pm

You know what would be awesome: if someone were to make unique icons for each spell to be used with http://www.gamesas.com/bgsforums/index.php?showtopic=1022424&st=0. As an optional thing ofcourse. I know you can already give them existing icons using CSI but Midas Magic deserves unique icons for its many many unique spells! :)

Unfortunately I such at art so I can't really make any icons, else I would have already done it. But if someone else is willing to make the icons I can write a script to link all the spells to them (using CSI).

Oh and yeeeeee, more spells. With each update I am more and more amazed at the incredible things that are added, all without using OBSE. And lets not forget the amazing spell animations. :goodjob:

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ashleigh bryden
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Post » Sun May 29, 2011 12:49 am

You know what would be awesome: if someone were to make unique icons for each spell to be used with http://www.gamesas.com/bgsforums/index.php?showtopic=1022424&st=0. As an optional thing ofcourse. I know you can already give them existing icons using CSI but Midas Magic deserves unique icons for its many many unique spells! :)

You know... This is the primary reason I started using your excellent CSI (wich I'm addicted to at the moment... I finally manage to play a level 42 mage without becoming mad, with 70% of midas arsenal already learned, Supreme Magicka and LAME... It was a PITA selecting spell between the 80+ "script effect" icons ), I take this chance here to thank you and recommend using CSI and Midas togheter to everyone!

Welcome back Xilver! I thank you for the commitment you show to this mod & community, and I wish you a wonderful new year!
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Elizabeth Falvey
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 3:26 pm

...This is the primary reason I started using your excellent CSI (wich I'm addicted to at the moment...
It's not mine!?! :huh:
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Steve Bates
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 10:39 pm

It's not mine!?! :huh:
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Khamaji Taylor
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 10:46 pm

It's not mine!?! :huh:

Ooops my bad :P It was 06:45 AM here in Italy when I posted and I still was half-asleep
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 10:43 am

It's good to see you're back, xilver!

Nice stuff, proffessional work as always ;)

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Valerie Marie
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 7:22 pm

Ooops my bad :P It was 06:45 AM here in Italy when I posted and I still was half-asleep
The funny thing is, I think someone else once thought I made it aswell (that was in the official thread itself). :P
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Emilie Joseph
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 5:12 pm

Don't suppose you know how to work with Trail Emitters or Air Field Modifiers? They're the only NiPSys components I could never get to work. If the Trail Emitter does what I think it does (create particle strands), I'd really love to be able to use it.


Can't say that I do. Most of my recent work has been with the NiMeshParticleSystem as opposed to the NiParticleSystem. You should be able to create a particle strand effect with a NiPSysMeshEmitter if you model the right mesh for it.

did not know there was a new beta so thanks..

The video was great

I like right around the 1 minute mark, all those pool spells very nice..The water I laughed at..

Thanks. Good to see you're still here. Notice MMM is still going strong when i lurked over the last few months.

Hi again.

I have only tested the spells "Force Charge" and "Earth to Mud", as the others didn't seem to appear in the spell reagent book.

Earth to Mud worked perfectly. The only flaw I see is that it's very overpowered for it's low magicka cost. I would consider tuning down the spell duration and/or increase the magicka cost.

Force Charge worked pretty good as well. However, everything that is in front of the character after the "charge" is done, when the animation is still running, gets knocked back aswell. It looks abit weird but I guess it can't be helped, and I don't really mind it. Also, I have to mention how much fun this spell is. :)

Oh, the other spells are in the books of the realms. Feel free to use the Midas Cheat to get them or TCL in Midas' bedroom (the books are behind the wall). I'll look at the spell costs for Earth2Mud. I appreciate the report of Force Charge. I can limit the duration of the "push check" to see if it improves.

You know what would be awesome: if someone were to make unique icons for each spell to be used with http://www.gamesas.com/bgsforums/index.php?showtopic=1022424&st=0. As an optional thing ofcourse. I know you can already give them existing icons using CSI but Midas Magic deserves unique icons for its many many unique spells! :)

Unfortunately I such at art so I can't really make any icons, else I would have already done it. But if someone else is willing to make the icons I can write a script to link all the spells to them (using CSI).

Oh and yeeeeee, more spells. With each update I am more and more amazed at the incredible things that are added, all without using OBSE. And lets not forget the amazing spell animations. :goodjob:


That indeed would be awesome. Although I've promised not to use OBSE. If some one takes it up, I'll support it on the Midas Magic page on Tesnexus.
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Stefanny Cardona
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Post » Sun May 29, 2011 12:20 am

Hey, thx for update!
Is current release stable, or still "just for testers"? Should we wait or can make translation now? :)
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Chris Ellis
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 11:26 am

Copyleft! :biglaugh:
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jenny goodwin
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 8:48 pm

Hey, thx for update!
Is current release stable, or still "just for testers"? Should we wait or can make translation now? :)

Seems to be. 1478 downloads so far and no new bug reports (other than tweak requests).

Copyleft! :biglaugh:

I'm missing something... :shrug:
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