I'm fairly new to Oblivion mods, and Midas Magic was one of the first mods I've installed since switching to the PC version of the game. I Installed the mod without any fuss, no yellow or purple ! signs appear in the game near Midas' Spell Shop, so that's gotta be a good sign.
My issue is that i'm unable to find the book "On Lycanthrope" or "On Lycanthropy" anywhere within his store. From what I've read in other forums you need to read that book in order to learn how to obtain materials for the mod's spells. I installed the directories exactly like it wanted, but that book just doesn't show up! I've tried the doorbell and re-installing the mod, anyone know what the issue is?
I have 2 other mods installed, one for a customized bow and one for making your own arrows (Oblivion Arrow Fletching and Imbueing v1.5 Mod).
Anyone have ideas as to what i'm doing wrong?