This is a "patch" [MOD] - That fixes some minor bugs in the Bloodmoon expansion.
This patch fixes the following:
Fix: Added Sados Relothan to the game
Bug: In Sados Relothan's house an item [misc_de_bowl_orange_green_01] is listed as belonging to Sakin Sanammasour, an otherwise un-notable Ashlander living in Suran.
Fix: Changed the ownership to Sados Relothan
Bug: The remaining Items in Sados Relothan's house have no ownership.
Fix: Assigned ownership to all items in house [to that of Sados Relothan]
Bug: Holly Bush [Flora_BM_holly_06] was not set to respawn.
Fix: Made [Flora_BM_holly_06] organic container and set to respawn.
Bug: Vacant House in Raven Rock
Fix: More of a tweak - Gave vacant house in Raven rock an owner [Colette Marence - she is an apothacary].
Bug: Zeno Faustus, the blacksmith of Fort Frostmoth is suposed to sell imperial armor but he wears it.
Fix: added extra armor so that Zeno Faustus sells imperial armor to the player
Bug: Mirisa the Redguard missionary isnt wearing shoes
Fix: Added shoes to Mirisa.
Bug: Brynjolfr hut contains a Nordic Silver Shortsword that would give him a full set of Nordic Silver weaponry but it is not owned by him and so he doesn't sell it
Fix: Assigned owner ship to the shortsword so Brynjolfr will sell it.
Bug: Draugr are not actually considered undead by the game and are instead set as creatures. As such, Turn Undead spells will not work against them.
Fix: Made Draugr "Undead" so that Turn Undead spells will work. (Mirisa actaully sells a turn undead spell so I think the Devs meant to make them undead)
Bug: The Swimmer [BM_horker_swim_UNIQUE] missing frost immunity that generic horkers have.
Fix: Added missing frost immunity
Bug: Unique Rieklings [BM_riekling_be_UNIQUE1-5] missing random loot and spells/abilities
Fix: Added random loot and spells to unique rieklings 1-5 [BM_riekling_be_UNIQUE1-5]
Bug: Skaal Guards dont carry Shields
Fix: Skaal Gaurds are given Shields
Bug: Nord leg has an enchantment but it wasnt assigned
Fix: Assigned correct enchantment to the Nord Leg
Bug: Udyrfrykte after attack on thirsk has arrows portruding from back but none in inventory when killed
Fix: Added arrows to the Udyrfrykte's inventory so you can loot them on death
Bug: Hammock in Factors estate is unusable
Fix: You can now sleep in the Hammock in the Factors Estate
Bug: Four Floating Bottles in Factors Estate
Fix: Placed correctly on shelf (No longer floating!)
Bug: Two Floating bowls in Factors Estate
Fix: Placed correctly on Shelf
Bug: Tapestry in Factors estate inside wall/clipping
Fix: Moved it forward so no longer clips with wall
Bug: Two floating plates above cupboards in [Raven Rock,Bar">
Fix: Positioned the plates correctly on the cupboards
Bug: Three Floating plate above cupboard in [Raven Rock,Bar">
Fix: Positioned the plates correctly on the cupboard
Bug: Standing Lamp in [Raven Rock, Bar"> clipping with Kegstand
Fix: Positioned the stnading lamp so it no longer clips
Bug: Floating sack [com_sack_02_pos"> in [Raven Rock, Seler Favelnim's House">
Fix: Positioned and placed correctly so no longer floating.
Bug: Floating Book in [Raven Rock, Seler Favelnim's House">
Fix: Positioned correctly so no longer floating
Bug: Clipping between book and cup in [Raven Rock, Seler Favelnim's House">
Fix: re-Positioned cup so it no longer clips
Bug: Floating Jug in [Raven Rock, Seler Favelnim's House">
Fix: re-positioned jug so its no longer floating
Bug: Four floating bottles in [Raven Rock, Gidar Verothan's House] by door.
Fix: placed correctly so no longer floating
Bug: [light_com_lamp_01_175] in [Raven Rock, Gidar Verothan's House] floating by door
Fix: Placed correctly on the floor so no longer floating
Bug: [light_com_lamp_01_175] (in corner) in [Raven Rock, Gidar Verothan's House] floating
Fix: Placed correctly on the floor so no longer floating
Bug: [light_com_lamp_01_175] (by stairs) in [Raven Rock, Gidar Verothan's House] floating
Fix: Placed correctly on the floor so no longer floating
Bug: Candle [light_com_candle_06_64] in [Raven Rock, Gidar Verothan's House] clipping and over hanging on table edge.
Fix: Re-positioned so no longer clipping and overhanging.
Bug: Candle [light_com_candle_06_64] in [Raven Rock, Gidar Verothan's House] over hanging on table edge
Fix: Re-positioned so no longer overhanging
Bug: Floating chair in [Raven Rock, Gidar Verothan's House]
Fix: Placed correctly so no longer floating.
Bug: Candle hanging off shelf edge in [Raven Rock, Gidar Verothan's House]
Fix: Moved it backwards so no longer over hanging.
Bug: Floating bed in [Raven Rock, Gidar Verothan's House]
Fix: Placed on floor so no longer floating (also repositioned pillow that would have been left floating).
Bug: Tapestry not attached to wall in [Raven Rock, gratian Caerellius' House]
Fix: Attached taperstry to the wall
Bug: Tapestry sunk into wall in [Raven Rock, gratian Caerellius' House]
Fix: re-positioned taperstry so its no longer in the wall.
Bug: Gap in door frame showing the "grey void" in [Raven Rock, gratian Caerellius' House]
Fix: Resized door to fit frame
Bug: Floating Bowl in [Raven Rock, gratian Caerellius' House]
Fix: placed correctly so no longer floating.
Bug: Rock clipping with wall in [Raven Rock, Mine Entrance]
Fix: Moved and re-positioned so no longer clipping.
Bug: Floating crate in [Raven Rock, North Store House]
Fix: Re-positioned so no longer floating.
Bug: Crate Clipping with another crate (due to above bug)
Fix: Repositioned so no longer clipping (and no longer floating once above bug was fixed)
Bug: Saltrice Clipping with Paper in [Raven Rock, Sabinus Oranius' House]
Fix: re-positioned so no longer clipping
Bug: Floating Sack in [Raven Rock, Smith]
Fix: Re-positioned so no longer floating
Bug: Tapestry floating/not in wall in [Raven Rock, Smith]
Fix: attached taperstry to wall
Bug: A second floating sack in [Raven Rock, Smith]
Fix: Re-positioned so no longer floating.
Thanks to Sandman for his support (and the last fix v0.3 from GHF from NEXUS
THIS IS ONLY version 03 - I am working on some other updates but as they are taking up a lot more time I thought to release what had been done so far!