som of you may recall many years ago that I released two creature packs ( and ) with a third in the works.
The planned creatures were to have a crystal golem/atronach which later evolved into to the - as thats being used for the Falmer mod: it wont beincluded in this pack.
Also planned was a Swamp troll based off the Ufradyke-whateveritscalled - but this, while people liked the idea of it wielding a swamp log rather than a leg and it being green, was lacking - the texture was just recoloured (everything was recoloured) - my texture skills were a bit naff and so I didnt ahve the skill to fix this - so that creature was out.
so alas creature pack III seemed to die on its butt.
But now I've decided to restart pack three! So let my introduce you to the new round up of creatures:
Dire Owl Bear - Inspired by Melchior's Owl Bear and DnD images of an owl bear on all fours I decided to give it go. It is not a direct conflict with Melchior's creature its meant to complement it - as in the DnD world there are owlbears which stand on two legs and have wings (like melchiors) and also ones on all fours. - - Both of these were faliures. But I reworked the textures and added more feathers and I am happy with it. - - - - - - -
Death Dealer - A more powerful Undead creature for Solsthiem. Inspired by Anetres Draugr Lords I put this together. - - -
Swamp Troll - Still a WIP
More to come

P.S A big shout out to Anteres - He tweaked the neck of the owl bear to get rid of a gap and of course the animations for the death dealer bleongs to him