» Tue Dec 06, 2011 8:12 am
Hi All
Firtly I would like to assure everyone that these mods are still progressing rapidly and Episode one, is now in Beta 3 Testing as we speak. All that remains then is the voice acting to put in place, which will not take long as all the necessary equipment is at our disposal.
I as the main Interior Designer and Decorator have only come across one problem which I would like to throw open for assistance to all who may be willing to help us.
As you all know the Jumper Series Mod is being made in the Oblivion Editors etc, so naturally all the book contents are written on oblivion, and whilst it is ok to use these books as markers or for screen shot purposes. It is not realistic for a player to play our mods for Might & Magic only to find Oblivion books and content.
I have gone back to playing some of the earlier Might & Magic games in the hope of finding books to use with the correct history, but there does not seem to be any thus far.
Therefore if any of you Might & Magic Enthuiasts can help me create a full library for the Might & Magic Series to add to the realism in game, I would be most grateful.
Whilst you will know with mods there is no payment available, any persons helping out and contributing will of coure be named in the credits for this mod.
We are looking to be able to write books on History, Lore, Magics, potions, Armours, Weapons, Religions, Lands, Geography's etc for the Might & Magic Jumper Series. All and any assistance would be most welcomed. If you feel you could help in anyway please contact me through our forum at http://hypergame2k8.yuku.com or post a reply here and I will get straight back to you.
Thank you all for your continued support with this mod.