So yeah, topic title. I mean this not as in go round slaughtering towns, that's evil. I mean I'm going to try and get as many people in a town to hate me as much as possible and see how radiant story reacts. Bethesda have said they have improved and added things which can piss off NPCs. An example being going into someones house an starting to knock thing's off their tables and mess the place up. The Dovahkiin is a born ass hole as a well placed 'Fus Ro Dah' would make a mess of any tidy household

This hasn't been confirmed but I'm guessing now we have the option to walk away from an NPC mid-conversation without saying bye we get a disposition hit because... well, it's rude.
So I will go a town, knock things off tables, try and insult people as much as possible through dialogue then walk away without even saying bye. Then radient story should generate an assassin/mugging/revenge seeker/mudcrab to the degree of how badly everyone hates me

(Or even an assassin mugging mudcrab seeking revenge :unsure2: )
:poke: << a graphic representation of annoying an NPC.