» Wed Mar 04, 2009 10:44 pm
It was annoying at first.....After it happens after 49 of out 50 matches you get used to it.Now, lets be sensible. It does NOT happen every 49 out of 50 matches, and in fact, I have not had host migration fail 1nce. Its not that big of an issue actually. The 1 problem I had with host migration is that everyone is so biatchy about this subject. Sure, its not a positive thing but come on people.
I get migrating session 49 games out of 50, at least. It drops me in a dupicate game by myself as host with the same time, scores and corpses, just empty of any other players bar me. Before the March 31st patch this happened usally within 30 seconds of a match begining, since then I can now generally get half way through a match, about 4-5 minutes, before it happens. I have only had about 7 FULL games that have played until the score limit has been met or the match time has run out, and I've tried several games a day since release as I really, really want to get down and dirty with an extended C2 MP session. I have only talked to 2 others, early in the forums, that had this exact problem, it does not seem that common amongst C2 bugs but it is beyond frustrating.
So there you go it DOES happen......
*Claps slowly*