» Wed Jun 22, 2011 12:37 am
Yeah, the MIKE's underrated, and it is certainly good, but it should be better.Well, the gun kills fine, the problem is armour isn't as good as it should be. Armour needs to be SP style, where damage only takes energy, since the MIKE bypasses armour, that would make it amazing. Don't get me wrong, it's still good. NEVER aim down the sights, the accuracy is so high hip firing aiming wont help you, it might not even change anything. Also, the point at which the projectiles hit (because in terms of game design it's a projectile weapon) when you ADS isn't on the top of the sight rail, it's inside the rail, so you can't see the point of impact ADSing, and it block more of your vison ADSing too. Basically, though it would be more useful with proper armour, it's certainly still useful right now. I'd recommend the following, it's what I use with the MIKE or the shotguns:
-X-43 MIKE
-Majestic (downside of long reload fixed by WP, can also be used in long range situation if needed)
-M84 Flash Bang
-Proximity Alarm
-Weapon Pro