Man what a visual delight.
Something I cant quite recall from previous experiences is the way my levelling behaves this time.
I was aiming to get high multipliers on my attributes.
I got the message to go rest and meditate, saved the game and checked my multipliers.
Not exactly what i desired, so i decided to train up a few misc skills.
Got the desired multipliers and levelled.
To my surprise, when i got around 3 skillups for either major or minor skills, the game told me it was time to meditate *again*.
Am i confusing Oblivions levelling system with Morrowinds now?
It seems that raising the misc skills also counts towards levelling progress, because i am positive I didnt raise a major/minor 10 times.
Im not really too concerned but merely curious.
Is this normal, or maybe a mod that comes with the MGSO?
Help me out if you can and thanks in advance.