Temple of Union dude's had craaaazy... road design. Seriously i had to load from last checkpoint about five times because they got stuck inside an house...
I never had change to get mine 4 Mini-Nukes from Shrapnel i Rivet city because every time i tried to speak with him the game freezed....
During the mission when I rescued Dad and he had to run back to the Rivet City.....well.... He.... he... he had a wonderful idea and dived into the lake and stayed there..
Once i was wandering the wastes until i met a crew of raider's. Well Fawke's and i desided to terminate them, but when Fawke's tried to hit one of these raider's he somehow hit me and the weirdes't part is that i started to fly like an missile and landed back to Megaton. And i survived!! :celebration:
Well actually there is so much freezes, game changing bug's, glitches and other stuff that i can't remember all of them, but i'm curious to know your situation? :vaultboy: