minigun needs to be balanced

Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 6:41 am

Also people wanting to treat it like its a "close combat weapon" are just out of their minds.

We have Bash, shotgun, flame thrower, and actual close combat weapons that all do the job better than a mini-gun...

A mini-gun that is a Vertibird Weapon Mount...Which is expected to mow down people in droves from above.

So when modding in meshes hits, what you expect a 50 cal Vulcan? Those are meant to destroy actual tanks.

The other hard point mount I'd expect would be a Missle Launcher for V-Birds.

Likely we will see those before long.

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Rhi Edwards
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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 2:26 am

There is no problem with complaining that certain weapons are over or under powered for how you play the game, but the concept of "balance" in a single player game is kind of silly....if not impossible since the idea that something is "balanced" is highly subjective and depends on many factors that may not apply to your specific play style or tastes.

BTW, the FO universe minigun is NOT a .50 Vulcan as a 5mm round is smaller than a .22 bullet. It's not a tank buster but a personnel suppression weapon (but as mentioned it is designed to be vehicle mounted, not carried). EDIT: M61 Vulcan cannons are 20mm, not .50 cal (that's a similar named sniper rifle).

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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 10:30 am

but these legendary effects makes the minigun the most powerful weapon in the entire game. The regular minigun on its own is just pure garbage and not worth spending any money on,besthesda should buff the regular minigun and nerf the effects on the legendary minigun

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Cheville Thompson
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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 4:32 am

Maybe if we make it weigh 1 pound it would see more use.

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Sweet Blighty
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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 12:29 pm

if you would try the explosive minigun yourself, you would see its not only op weapon, but it feels like actual cheating. I can easily take down a legendary glowing deathclaw on very hard in a matter of seconds with this weapon.

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Del Arte
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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 2:33 am

And if you'd try an explosive assault rifle you'd see that the minigun is trash in comparison. No scope, no silencer, long spin up time, high recoil, and about the same time to kill.

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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 12:31 pm

the explosive minigun has a much higher rate of fire, creating thereby more explosions and more damage

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Josee Leach
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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 12:25 am

Well, they did a few in NV... Well, technically Obsidian did, but for me that means, there's hoping.

I've got the feeling about all of the heavy weapons are a bit underpowered - at least not if you consider ammo availability. It makes sense, that ammo for HWs is rare, but for me they just dont have enough oomph to make up for that. Fat Man may be a exception. Mini nukes are freaking everywhere oO. That the Minigun ist good, as it is, just because it becomes op with a legendary mod seems kind of redundat to me. About every weapon becomes op with the right legendary mod. I destroy about everything with a Instigating pipe-revolver modded to a sniper rifle. With all perks it doeas about 1100 damage with a sneak attack. A gauss rifle with the same legendary would be about 5000 dmg, which should be enough do one hit everything in the game. For everything else, theres the explosive full auto combat shotgun.

Also - other automatic weapons become just as op with explosive, wounding etc. Namely smg, auto pipe rifle or auto laser rifle - those are all lighter, cheaper and ammo is much easier to come by.

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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 10:09 am

I'm in no way stating that OP weapons do not exist in the game, but that has nothing to do with game balance. The minigun in general is fine as it is (tho there could be a few more mods to spice it up a bit). The Legendary add ons can certainly make any weapon OP and while Bethesda could tone them down, you can also put them n a locker and not use them. You wanting a challenge does not mean that others that want to be a demi-god should be denied the potential.

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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 5:00 am

Sure, if you start the clock when the first projectile leave the barrel, and are fighting spherical deathclaws in a vacuum, from a standing position.

However, the Assult rifle has no firing delay, can take a scope and a silencer, and has better base damage as well as the ability to mod for armor penentration.

With sneak attack, you can kill a target in the time the minigun takes to spool up. And you can do it from longer range, and without other hostiles detecting your presence. And it's easy. It costs less in ammo and it exposes you to even less risk.

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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 7:29 am

maybe they should nerf the explosive damage for legendary automatic weapons alltogether

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Stephanie I
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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 1:35 pm

A smaller number of explosions right where I want them is going to cause more damage than a larger number of explosions where I don't want them. The explosive minigun may be overpowered, but there are WAY more overpowered guns in the game.

The regular minigun is crap. The legendary explosive minigun is an overpowered piece of crap.

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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 6:13 am


I think the point of legendary gear is that it's silly and broken. Editing legendary drop rate, options and relative balance, is a task for mods IMO as picking people at random and asking their preference will get ranges from "remove all together" to "make it so only the OP ones drop and make them drop form every 3rd enemy". So trying to pick a balanced compromise is a fools earned.

Really though the minigun sufferes from having good paper stats but not being as useful as other weapons in practice.

About all it really has going for it in practice is the badass look.

I think the best solution would be to add more gun mods. So you can invest more in the weapon and get better results. Armor penetrating receivers, barrel/receiver mod that reduces or eliminates the spin up time, barrel/barrel extension mods to increase rate of fire, etc.

Though I tend to think the heavy and unique wepons in general seem to be somewhat shallow and gimicky. Like does anyone use the Broadsider?

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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 7:00 am

That's not a solution, that's a circumvention.

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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 9:41 am

They should remove Riffleman Armor Penetration and nerf all weapons to be in line with Mini-Nerf-Gun.

Lets hear how many people are using a non-legendary Mini-gun with frequency at higher difficulty levels no (Game Modifications dang cant believe this but Mod in Beth games means you mod the game not the gun).

If we took a poll in all seriousness of who uses what weapon class and which weapon we would likely find more people use the Combat Riffle and Riffleman perks than anything else.

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Post » Thu Dec 10, 2015 11:31 pm

Whatever you call it, it works B).

The alternative is for one to get grumpy about something not to one's taste.

  • A waste of energy.
  • A waste of a futile or lengthy wait.
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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 6:30 am


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Angus Poole
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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 2:53 pm

Ok, the OP is right, and there are a lot of wrong people here:

First, a lot of thing are opinion. Liking Chocolate or Vanilla, cars or motor bikes, men or women is all valid opinion. Minigun "being fine at 8 damage" isn't. Lets try math: I mod, and I am lucky enough to mod at work (before you scream no life) I tested and found the minigun fires approx 1600 RPM and the assault rifle does about 650. Pretty close to real life, a real minigun is about 2500+ but hey this is human portable so lets say 1600 rpm is ok. A fully modded auto AR is 30 (base) times 1.15 (best auto mod) 34.5 X 2 for max perks = 69 (haha 69...) The best a minigun can hope for is 9 damage from the short barrel or 11 from the tri barrel (which greatly lowers RoF) X 2 for perks gives us 18 or 22. so, lets pick the 18, since it doesnt get a huge RoF nerf, but rather a small buff.

With the short barrel mod the Minigun is doing about 1800 RPM, but lets just say its 3X the assault rife exactly. So, we have 18 damage at 1800 RPM or 69 at 600 RPM. Its plain to see which weapon is better. But wait, that's not all. Which weapon has greater range? AR. Lighter? AR. Conserves ammo better? AR. Less spread? AR. Better vs armor because of how the games simplistic armor formula (step back from NV, GJ guys) oh AR wins AGAIN. Shall I bore you with the same comparison against the combat rifle? even the 10mm on full auto is a better choice.

BTW, the 5mm exists in real life and is used to hunt small-medium sized animals. The round travels up to 2700 FPS, and if made for military use I'm sure they could get an AP round past 3000 FPS. 1 shot to the head, heart, or lungs and you would be done. Let me shoot you with a real 5mm going 2700 fps tell me it did 8 damage to you.

As for history, the minigun was a beast in Fallout 2, best weapon in the game if perked right. Each bullet could crit and it fired 40 at a time. I killed Deathclaws/Enclave/SM in 1 burst. Also, perked I could get off 3 bursts in 1 turn, pretty sure you couldn't do 3 eye shots with the Gauss rifle a turn but its been a while.

As the game stands, to make the minigun viable considering its weight, the fact heavy weapons should do more damage, bullet spread, armor, and the fact it has no receiver mod, the mingun should do a base damage of 18 or so. Explosive/Bleed should not be a possible mod for any automatic weapons.

Before a fan boy attempts to rush to Bethesda's defense (I am going to love seeing people who have not spent hours in Fo4Edit modding trying to tell me I'm wrong) these are the same people who brought us a Vertibird that does 5 damage... yeah, it does 5 damage. Im talking about the guns on the front the Vertibird itself fires.

Op, as true as your post is, Bethesda will not fix it. They don't care, they sold millions of copies. The average gamer is casual and doesn't care. They are the majority. Mods are your only hope. I put out a mod that changes all the weapon damages, armor, npc health, and tries to fix as many broken things as possible like miniguns, flamer, weak turrets, vertibirds, the fact that men have more health then sentry bots (yup, 1260 vs 750, seems legit to me...) For people interested, here:

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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 1:16 pm

What?! Why are you trying to ruin this for the people who enjoy the massacre? Its a single player game no need to use it if you find it to overpowering.
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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 2:42 pm


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Brandon Wilson
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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 7:40 am

Awesome. People comparing a weapon that has 0/5 of the specialization skill to one with 5/5 of it's specialization skill and saying the former is under-powered.

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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 11:04 am

It's all relative to player choice and player behaviour.

If you have a look at the 'go to gun' thread, the 10mm handgun features a lot...that isn't to say that it is an overpowered killing machine, nor that it is comparatively better than any other weapon, just that it's a personal choice of some players. The point being that they chose that over other probably much more highly powered weapons.

It is a single player game...'balance' in relation to weapons is wholly subjective, and ultimately doesn't matter when there is such a choice of weapons available.

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Victoria Vasileva
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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 4:45 am

So is solitaire but you can't have unbalanced cards in that game any more than you can in a computer game.

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phillip crookes
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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 10:12 am

The effects are hilariously underpowered when it comes to super hard hitting, single shot things like snipers and even combat rifles to an extent.

Two shot in that case is OP as hell.

So no, it's not the effect that is OP, it's a combination of the effect and the applied weapon.

Bleeding, wounding, explosive are all useless as [censored] on a .50 sniper rifle. Two shot is OP as hell on a .50. And if overseer's guardian has taught us anything... It's OP on combat rifles as well.

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Post » Thu Dec 10, 2015 11:47 pm

Against armored enemies it is weak because each hit wont peirce the armor at all. I'm sure its been said. Ashmaker should do 15 burning damage but doesn't help or it just takes time so i dont notice. I do need a special minigun or laser gat. I put my explosive combat rifle away because its just too dangerous to myself and others. I figured a quickdraw version of the same gun (combat rifle) will do me. It did nothing against scorpions on vary hard. It's the explosions and radiation that enemies even on higher difficulties dont have defense against. Normal ones, well fiery normal one is good against packs of ghouls with their fleshy skin and easily shredded appendages. If I can get a bunch running at me in a hallway it is very satisfying.

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