Is it just me or is the minigun pathetic? It looks so good and i love the way it feels but ffs it's weak as heck, I have all the heavy weapons perks and i still cant use my 10k 5mm rounds because the miniguns are so underpowered. like wth todd
Is it just me or is the minigun pathetic? It looks so good and i love the way it feels but ffs it's weak as heck, I have all the heavy weapons perks and i still cant use my 10k 5mm rounds because the miniguns are so underpowered. like wth todd
Yeah its garbage, terrible for enemies your level and cost ineffective against lower level enemies and NEEDS a legendary effect like bleed to be worth anything. Its a very sad weapon.
i was so excited when i got ashmaker and it's garbage against anything thats not a low level ghoul
They probably listened too much to obsidian fans, or they wanted to nerf this game into oblivion like obsidian did with PoE. But you are right, people will come into the thread saying that legendary explosive minigun is too op or something, but I think the normal base minigun should be powerful enough.
Maybe they extremely nerfed it because they handed it to you early on, but if that was the case why did they give it to you so soon then? I prefer if you have a hard time finding something that is powerful, and having to struggle looking for it or passing through a lot of ordeals, than to receive it like a candy but turning it into crap for balance purpose.
At least you get the legendaries I think, but still, it defeats teh purpose of minigun. It's not only the minigun but any weapon that can shoot several bullets automatically was nerfed badly.
You are right, it's awful. However, my minigun is extremely fine, I changed the damage to 24 (and the weight to about 60 units and I roleplay I can only handle it when in power armor), it's a beast that can shredder enemies with ease. As it should be. Unfortunately that's also the case if you are on the receiving end, like in that one supermutant scyscraqer where I was killed by the boss with his minigun in less than a second while in power armor. Was a difficult fight. However I play with a loot overhaul mod that severely restricts access to ammo (and fusion cores f.e.), so I can barely use my minigun, otherwise it would be too strong.
i agree early in the game it is pretty dissapointing and with all the possible powerbuild it looks prertty medioric on paper
but a minigun is pretty perk intensive and also one of the few weapons that actually need real juman skillanother downside early in the game the ammo is rare very rare
one of my characters uses the minigun combined with powerarmour and she is doibng pretty well tho i admot before level 30 she was struggling
small tip a always bring a back up weapon
Minigun is downright garbage in this game.
I stopped using it on my first char when I noticed it used a new fusion core each time I reloaded. Did they patch that?
Yeah I get your point, but I don't like all that mess it leaves on your ammo tab, filling it with incomplete fusion cores, I tried using them all and after a while you will start getting cores with half energy, either for your weapon or for your Power Armor. I prefer to have a stack of full cores and maybe one or two used ones, than a whole cluttered tab of used cores.
no but they should make it so it uses the lowest charge core or so you can combine partially used core charges
Ding ding ding. This is precisely why it's gimped. The damage difference between a mini gun and a gatling laser is pretty stark. I think the difference between the two is something like 50 damage at least, with 5/5 heavy gunner. The only way the minigun can compete is if you're lucky enough to find one with the explosive prefix.
I agree, when you first pick it up at the beginning of the game, you're like, "Woah, this thing is amazing!". And then the deathclaw comes out, and you have to empty most of your rounds into it to kill it (higher levels it's useless against the deathclaw I've heard), and after you hit level..10(?) or so, it's completely useless against most enemies. :/
There are plenty of weapons.
Don't like the Minigun?
Use something else.
Legendary Gauss Rifle for me, thanks
my gat does over 100 damage per shot
50 damage difference my balls
I do like the minigun and thats the issue
it was great in 3 and nv why does it all of a sudden svck harder than a girl from gommorah
Yep. Even on normal difficulty I found that I had dumped 75% of the ammo during the first quest, and I certainly wasn't finding that ammo everywhere unless I ran into super mutants with a minigun themselves.
Unfortunately, I'm doubtful we'll ever see a balance patch from Bethesda. Not a single thing was balanced in
Ugh, even worse.
yeah i just checked and as of now my gat does 145 damage per shot compared to the miniguns max 20