I tried 2048, 2560, even 33xx (I forget exactly - some random big number). Nothing made any difference, and the stretching was identical with everything from 1024 upward (I could try a lower setting, I suppose, just for giggles?).
I've uploaded v0.6.1 which has the specific values from v0.5.3 again. Keep in mind you should set the _base_grid to approx. 259, not 195 (cause now it needs to include the +64). I hope it will work the same as it did in v0.5.3 for you. Still dazzled about the whole thing though.
Good news!
1024x786, latest version, no CTDs, and (as of yet) no stretching!
I did notice total darkness around "some bits" of the area outside chorrol, when I'm in it, but I don't think that's your fault.
The total darkness is beyond my control, it happens because there is simply no land at those places (why should there be, it's outside the walls), only distantLOD. But I disable the LOD before generating files so what's left is a black area. A possible 'fix' would be to customize those specific textures (e.g. combining them with the textures from the other side of the city wall) and packing them in a BSA that can be downloaded.
I've started using v0.6 and it's good. I'm using the "darnified UI" version, and it blends well.
I've modified the ini so it's as close to the edges of my screen as possible (x=10, Y=70 because of the spell icons). I've changed the size of the map from 200 to 150, all good. I've one question not directly related to the mod, but I think you could help me out.
In order to have the minimap on the top-right corner of my screen (x=10, y=10) what file do I need to modify to move my spell icons to the left? I suppose it's in an xml file, but which one?
Thanks, and good work Kyoma :foodndrink:
You're using DarNifiedUI so you can customize the hud in
Menus\Prefabs\darn\hudmainmenu_config.xml, scroll down a bit to the EFFECT ICONS (around line 250) and configure away.