Hey I just started playing Morrowind a few days ago after reading an old article on Rock Paper Shotgun that really sold it to me.
And so far yeah it's been pretty awesome alright.
There's just one thing that's bothering me: when there's a storm raging, is there a mod that makes the thunder clap sound AFTER the lightning flash? It's a continual immersion breaker for me having them happen simultaneously.
I went looking for a mod to change it but I couldn't find one. Is there one out there? Or is this something that's actually surprisingly hard to alter?
It should be not hard to alter, it is just probably nobody thought about it before :tops:
There are 4 sound referred to in Morrowind.ini:
Thunder0, file Data Files\Sound\Fx\envrn\thndr_cls3.wav
Thunder1, file Data Files\Sound\Fx\_Thunder0.wav
Thunder2, file Data Files\Sound\Fx\_Thunder1.wav
Thunder3, file Data Files\Sound\Fx\envrn\thndr_far2.wav
You could change the sounds in TESCS pointing to different .wav files, or just edit the current .wav files adding your preferred delay
(In case you need one, I find http://audacity.sourceforge.net/ a good sound editor)