I dont get much bugs so I cant think of any. I'll post one later.
There are countless other threads asking the same question. If I had to answer yours, I would say "fix the damn facial animations and lip sync problem!".
Lip sync. It's so horribly out of sync.
Well, I already use the unofficial patch, so just about everything is fixed in my game.
That bug at Arcwind Point was terrible since it completely stops you from getting any more wall locations from your 'friend'. Can't believe they never fixed that one. In fact I got the unofficial patch mainly to fix that bug, but love it fixes so many other things.
Lip sync (because unofficial can not fix this)
Ancient knowledge perk (just because the fail fix in 1.9 is embarrassing)
Gildergreen + item cleanup (old ... really old bugs and painfull)
The Legendary Edition comes out next month. I don't believe they're going to bother making a new patch between now and then, and unless that version reaches 1.2 levels of unplayability, they likely won't do one afterwards.
There won't be a new patch. They have moved on. Let it go.
What needs fixing is dropped enemy weapons not despawning as it is incredibly detrimental to gameplay to be forced to janitor after every fight.
I dont have high hopes however, because in Oblivion there were several very gamebreaking bugs that were never adressed, such as it being impossible to cure vampirism after completion of the main quest.
Atronach Forge. You cannot make a pair of Daedric Boots in the Atronach Forge.
When the ingredients are placed in the box, it spawns the boots that the Dremora wear, which can not equipped and do not appear in the avatar's inventory.
The issue is the item code used for the final product determining what appears on the dais. The code needs to simply be switched so that proper Daedric Boots appear, not Dremora Boots.
Still sounds like an easy enough fix. I'd also add the mannequin and display cases for the Hearthfire homes.
"As needed" being the key phrase.
If they don't think a new patch is needed, they won't make one.
That's why I'm of the opinion that unless the Legendary Edition really mucks things up, they won't bother with a new patch.
They haven't felt the need to fix any of the bugs we still have yet, so what's going to make them suddenly think that the Nightingale Blade or the Gildergleen or the weapons/shields not clearing up problems will be needed fixes?
I cant speak for what Bethesda is thinking but I do know that leaving a bug in that kills your savegame, an unavoidable bug that can only be managed by intense and relentless metagaming, is not a good thing.
They can leave it in sure, but people will remember. I will remember. I will remember not to buy any Bethesda game unless its second-hand, because Im not in the habit of paying for faulty goods that are known to be faulty, that are released faulty with zero intention of repairing it so that it actually functions properly.
You dont put a car on the market that only brakes in a Flintsones fashion, by using your feet, because the brakes the manufacturer put in there are made of string and held together by spittle and you dont leave these kind of enormous, glaring and highly annoying bugs in a game.
Oh, it's a totally bad decision. I agree full-heartedly on that. I just don't see Bethesda taking the time to implement a fix at this point.
Perhaps its just not possible to fix, I've thought of that.
I dont know the ins and outs of programming and conceivably with a piece of software as complex as that of Skyrim it is either not possible to fix or fixing it would introduce a boatload of new and unexpected bugs. I dont know.
After all this time I am kinda hoping that is the case though, at least that would be a valid reason. I just wish they would tell us then.
Skyrim is a beautiful and complex game with a plethora of various content but there are things that just mar my enjoyment of the experience.
These are the kind of things that take me out of the game and make me metagame or wait for the game to finish playing itself, such as kill-cams and weapons not despawning.
It is entirely possible that the Gildergreen bug and other minor ones have been labelled as 'wont fix' a long time ago. They are quite minor bugs and all in all things like that, such as Brand-Shei not getting out of jail, I dont really mind. Easy to work around or ignore. But the two or three big issues remaining, they have me sighing a lot.
All I know is that I need a pair of Daedric Boots to finish off the look of my Mage (which are not appearing in Loot or on dead Dragons...), and the Atronach Forge won't deliver... disappointing.
Try the Russian Roulette mode of it to get the boots? Though you're probably looking for an unenchanted pair.
What level are you at? Legendary Dragons practically Shout Daedric gear at me.