Minute men HUGE bug(s). couldn't even continue.

Post » Tue Dec 08, 2015 12:30 am

I mainly encountered 2 HUGE minute men bugs in the same save file and I'm very upset that it happened because i wanted to complete the game on the side of the minute men but now because of these 2 stupid bugs i was FORCED to switch allegiances.

I've tried everything but i encountered a huge not game breaking but ill call it, "Minute Men breaking" bug. the dude that is supposed to do the radio broadcast got up from the chair when the base was under attack by a random occurrence and now he can't sit back down in the chair. this for some reason means that the radio has gone silent and i cannot continue the quest line for the minute men. I've tried everything a hard reset i tried to kill him but he's immortal, I've tried everything and at this point I'm over 50 hours into the game cuz i went to do side quests so id lose ALL that progression if i reload the save from that point and i don't even know if i have that save anymore. all this because he won't sit back down in the chair! i also can't just assign someone else to the thing because for some reason it won't let me. it says that this NPC can't be assigned to this resource so i thought it was a minute man that had to use the radio so i tried using the flare gun to call more and i set up a radio beacon but all i get are settlers. then i tried using preston and he won't sit down either. I'm out of ideas for this bug all because the NPC stupid minute man assigned to the radio beacon won't sit back down in the chair and i have an xbox one so console commands aren't an option.

the second HUGE really disappointing bug is my artillery strikes just stopped working. now i don't know if this has to do with the radio guy not being able to sit back down or not but either way its really frustrating again because i wanted to play through this save file sided with the minute men but was forced to switch to another alliance. but anyway the second bug happened around the same time as the radio debacle and I've tried everything thinking i was out of range so i went to the same spot where you test the artillery with ronnie shaw for the first time and nope didn't shoot. i deleteed all the existing artillery from EVERY settlement i had made and reassigned new settlers to each new artillery and nope they just won't fire no matter what.

this bug has me really bummed out because i wanted to play with the minute men and i feel the artillery is one of my favorite new additions to fallout. and i was really enjoying throwing a flare into heavy populated areas like big john scrap yard or thicket excavations and just killing A TON of enemies and now for no apparent reason they just won't shoot. if any one knows a fix for these bugs id deeply appreciate it.

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Becky Palmer
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Post » Mon Dec 07, 2015 9:44 am

Same problem it needs to be patched soon :(

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Grace Francis
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Joined: Wed Jul 19, 2006 2:51 pm

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