I've just reached my final confrontation with Miraak, something that I've been looking forward to for ages. God, if I'd known how full of bugs that battle would be I would've dreaded it! I mean, it's not so much that he's hard. On the contrary, for my superhero with all his high powered weapons he's a comparative walk in the park. But I've found that, unless you go in there with little more than an iron dagger he bugs out every time! He just turns into a ghost in the middle of the room and stays like it! This makes me wonder if his scripters only designed him with low level characters in mind? Well, anyway, this BIG let down almost totally ruined Dragonborn for me. Only the extra goodies (new weapons, spells, armour and followers) made it worth getting. It's just a good job I'm good at RPing and can fill in the massive gaps left by this limp wristed final battle...