So I was searching for Miraak on Google Images and found some pics showing Is this legit?
So I was searching for Miraak on Google Images and found some pics showing Is this legit?
Yep. On the PC, if you remove his mask, that's what his face looks like.
You mean his appearance varies? I don't know, I've seen other images of what he looks like and he does look like in the pic the op posted.
He has an older and younger version of himself in the creation kit. He looks fairly convincing in the OP image. He looks like Harvey Dent in the other.
Miraak needs a beard and perhaps some more hair on his head.
Well he was trapped in Apocyrpha for 5,000 years. I'm not sure how pleasant it is bathing in murky water inhabited by Giant Lurkers.
No it doesn't seem very pleasant. But 5,000 yr old body odor. The LDB's eyes must've been tearing up during their battle.
Miraak doesn't need to bathe. He just shouts the odor off his body.
Well despite his hygiene I still find him interesting.