It might take a while but since Preston can't die you should be able to just wait it out. I personally couldn't stand being that inactive, I hide inside the castle and take popshots with the most explosive weapon i have.
Inside the castle there is a missle launcher, and a flamethrower, if that helps...
I personally got up close and personal with my modded combat shotgun..
Explosive Combat Shotgun is a strategy that works extremely well.
Getting up on the top of the wall and staying constantly in motion is how I've always taken care of that one.
I second this. The Explosive Combat Shotgun is almost always a good strategy. You don't even have to aim it. You just point it in the general direction and it handles the rest.
You know what's hard? Trying to fight one with a pure melee character. I avoided that folly and just collected as many mines and grenades as I could before Taking Independence.
Missle launcher works very well, if you have an fatman use it.
Leave an pile of mines at the beach also nice at least to hurt and slow down.
If you have a weapon with a bleeding function, that can be useful too - pump as many rounds as you can into her, back off and wait, repeat. I think the bleeding bypasses her armour, and you can do most of your damage while you're not in her line of sight.
Bottlecap Mines, Queeny never leaves the Pond. This can be effective in the other locations with the Queens.
like i posted in another thread just yesterday:
- if u have a melee build that means u have strength so use heavy weapons on her
- if u don't have heavy weapons buy some
The problem is, enemies always attack you when there's any possibility to get to you. And that queen spawns hatchlings by the number. They will come for you and make you miserable. They come for you in any case, regardless if you're taking an active or inactive role.