Cats and Rats 2.5b
Hi there,
do you remember http://www.gamesas.com/bgsforums/index.php?showtopic=581430? It's a really cute mod from Martigen, which adds cats and rats to cities. They don't sit around the whole day, but cats are chasing rats, or seeking shelter from the rain, or do other cat things. Really cute.
Cats and Rats has to edit every guard, so that they ignore the cats and rats and don't go on a killing rampage. Now whenever a plugin adds a new guard, or changes existing ones, they'll cause havoc. So the poor little mod has many possible compatibility issues. Martigen had provided different esps for many big overhaul mods like OOO or Fran's, but this was nearly a year ago, and the files are long since outdated.
Martigen's workaround was the best solution overall - most reliable, least perfomance hungry. Although it needed to be done for each guard changing mod out there. I would be glad if someone would do it. Unfortunately I don't have time for this, and I don't know how many mods actually require a compatibility version.
The good news is there's another possible solution, and this is where I came in. A less reliable, a bit more perfomance hungry, but much more compatible approach. That way I had to do only one version, and it will be compatible with nearly everything. ReadMe see download.
Picture: http://theelderscrolls.info/images/artikel/oblivion/krempel/news/catsandratsnews.jpg
Body Seam Reducer: High Elf Fix
0. What's this about?
1. Installation
2. Requirements
3. Incompatibilities
4. Last words
5. License
0. What's this about: Luchaire's Seam Reducer finally fixes the ugly body seams seen on various body mods. Unfortunately High Elves ended up with a yellow head and a pink body. To solve this I changed their textures to the Golden Saint ones, then tweaked their race texture settings so the skin tone is very similar to the old High Elven skin tone using the Imperial texture - but this time without color dissonances between head and body.
1. Installation: Put into Oblivion\Data and activate.
2. Requirements: Oblivion version 1.2, Shivering Isles, very likely Wrye Bash.
3. Incompatibilities: Everything else touching the High Elf race. You absolutely will need Bash to make it work with any other mod affecting races (like new hairs or eyes). I will include an adjusted file for my Race Balancing Mod in it's download. For everything else I offer absolutely no support whatsoever, because that's what Wrye Bash is for. A bit of work will be necessary to get it to work together with other race affecting mods.
4. I couldn't image playing without the Body Seam Reducer anymore, therefore I made this workaround. Great mod, and thanks again Luchaire! Oh and before I forget: If you have similar trouble with Redguards, install "Better Redguards".
5. This is just a small race tweak. Go crazy with it, do whatever you wish. Credits would be nice, though

Magic AddEnVar
Installation: Use either the English (EV) or German (DV) version, put it into your Data folder, check it and rebuild your bashed patch with "leveled lists" checked. It's not appearing because it doesn't need to appear, that's correct! It will be integrated automatically.
Content: Stand alone version of Less Annoying Magic Experience's "AddEnVar" module for people not using LAME. Adds many new spell combinations used by enemies to make fighting mages more diverse.
Compatibility: When installed correctly compatible with everything. Shouldn't be used together with LAME's AddEnVar for obvious reasons. Also mod interaction possible when used together with Mighty Magick or similar mods (AddEnVar's spells would be too weak).
Explanation: Someone asked me what I'm exactly meaning with more diverse offensive spells. Well, let's assume your expert destruction wizard can cast a 130 fire damage on touch spell (in OOO it would be more like 150, but let's stick to the lame values here). You can transform that spell a bit:
- fire damage 55 + frost damage 50 + shock damage 50 costs about as much as the above spell.
- fire damage 40 for 2 seconds + frost damage 30 for 2 seconds + shock damage 30 for 2 seconds costs about the same again
So with a little transformation the enemy can cast a spell which deals 70 damage more (200 instead of 130). Of course this spell has it's downsides, it requires some time to be effective (time for the player to drink a healing potion), and it's less effective against enemies resistant to shock or frost than the pure fire spell.
Another possibility therefore:
- fire damage 65 for 2 seconds + Weakness to Magic 50 for 10 seconds. Now this is evil, because the first spell will also deal 130 damage, but the second 195, the third 228, and rising... of course this has also it's weaknesses, because it's only effective if the enemy is hit more than once in a short period of time.
There are even other possibilities, like combinations with Dispel, Drain Strength, Disintegrate - all stuff you can get "for free" into the spell by turning it from instant to a short duration spell, and these side effects bring in more variety. And nasty surprises. There are tons of possible combinations. Nothing fancy like new script effects, only more efficient or nasty combinations of existing spells. The stuff magic players put together at the spellmaking altar

Enchantment and Hit Shaders
(Standalone of LAME's shader module)
Adds new shader to enchantments and magic hit effects. Stand alone of LAME's shader module. Will conflict heavily with all magic mods. Therefore load earlier, use Bash's import graphics function.
Except for bugs there will be NO support.
Enchantment Orb
Fulfilled request (Thraxonas): An item allowing to enchant stuff with all magic effects in game.
Buyable at Thoronir.
Legal: You can do whatever you wish with this mod, as long as credits are given. If you don't like the item's price or weight, adjust it in tes4edit.
Protect Mortal Quest NPCs
Installation: The usual - put into Oblivion\Data and activate it.
Description: I hate babysitting suicidal quest NPCs, so this mod enhances their health and resistances so they don't die whenever they're trying to attack a Daedroth with a rusty dagger. But please be aware they're not immortal and can still die, it's just much more unlikely that this happens.
Known issues: Changes are done with a script, so no incompatibility problems. But Baurus, for some reasons, will always be shown as having halved health. Oh and if you want to sometimes kill these NPCs for whatever reason, you'll in for an epic fight.
Combat Indicator
Installation: Put into your Oblivion\Data folder and activate it.
Description: Gives you a message "Combat" in the upper left screen whenever you're in combat. A fulfilled request for people playing without music or being deaf, wanting to be warned like usually the music does.
Known issues: None.