[RELZ] SM Misc Mod Collection

Post » Fri May 27, 2011 10:02 am

@xFrancis147: The major issues are related to the guard knock outs so disable that for now in the ini. The other bugs are serious but not mod breaking.

I've started work this week and being that i'm no longer going to be a lazy student with all the time in the world all mod progress will probrably be slower from now on. It might take a few weeks for the routine to be sorted out to be able to pick up some kind of progress again.
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michael flanigan
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 5:55 am

I've started work this week and being that i'm no longer going to be a lazy student with all the time in the world all mod progress will probrably be slower from now on. It might take a few weeks for the routine to be sorted out to be able to pick up some kind of progress again.

Welcome to the real world my friend, having to balance time between work and modding is something that you will have to get used to. I work a 40 hour + week job and still find time to get some modding in on my days that I have to work and on those days that I do not, I try and get has much has done has possible or release updates..Congrats on not being the lazy student anymore..LOL..
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Jessica Lloyd
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 2:13 pm

Welcome to the real world my friend, having to balance time between work and modding is something that you will have to get used to. I work a 40 hour + week job and still find time to get some modding in on my days that I have to work and on those days that I do not, I try and get has much has done has possible or release updates..Congrats on not being the lazy student anymore..LOL..

Thanks core :dance: At the very least i'll be able to get modding done in the weekend. In the week i might be a bit too tired but hopefully i can get used to it.
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Lori Joe
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 7:02 pm

Update time

SM Bounty 1.20 is now marked officially as released with OBSE 17 released (no change from the release candidate)

SM Essential Kills gets some improvements in the kill detection and logic of essential npcs (V17 OBSE required)

SM Drop Lit Torches now has a very overdue desired feature so you can now force torches to be specific weights, prices or even how bright the torch should be without requiring to use in tandem with other torch mods to do it for you. Now it is truly the best :P
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Crystal Clear
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 7:54 am

SM Drop Lit Torches now has a very overdue desired feature so you can now force torches to be specific weights, prices or even how bright the torch should be without requiring to use in tandem with other torch mods to do it for you. Now it is truly the best :P

Nice thank you,
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Jennifer Rose
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 8:29 am

Thanks for the updates, Strategy Master. :foodndrink:
I was going to request a non-flash light effect for torches for that mod of yours but now I'm a little late. (A I mean, a 3 second pause before the torch it lit from the time you click the hot-key. Just for immersion.)
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Rodney C
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 8:21 am

Nice update, been using SM DLT for a long time now. Definitely an excellent mod. :D

P.S. Had a few questions about SM Encumbrance and Fatigue:
1. Now that OBSE v17 is out, will you update it to use http://obse.silverlock.orgobse_command_doc.html#GetPCMovementSpeedModifier and http://obse.silverlock.org/obse_command_doc.html#ModPCMovementSpeed instead of just fortifying the speed attribute?
2. I noticed that when I am sprinting and I'm in the air (either by jumping or walking off a cliff) I stay in sprint-mode until I release the sprint key. It seems odd since I'm in mid-air.
3. I was thinking of a limitation to when you are overloaded: disable fast travel. Ofcourse making it optional is probably best but I think it would be a nice addition. It will stop me from walking through a dungeon with nothing but Restore Fatigue potions and then when I exit just fast travel to the nearest city.

Found a small bug with the new DLT, it no longer works. Looking at the script and what the variables are ingame I think it is because you are using a hotkey variable twice. Changing short hotkey to short hotkeys fixed the problem. Not that complicated I know, I just thought I might as well show you the exact problem instead of just a bug report. :P
	 short hotkeys	 Set hotkeys to Player.GetItemCount torchkey	 if hotkeys > 0		  Player.removeitemNS torchkey hotkeys	 endif


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Emmi Coolahan
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 1:38 pm

@kyoma: Yeah all the mods will be getting OBSE 17 updates as needed (as well as updating to proper conforming loop structures instead of using dangerous goto's). The sprint bug and the disable fast travel i have added to my internal todo list.

Again it can only be kyoma who finds those release code bugs :P Thanks i've reuploaded DLT with the fix. It only affected those who didn't use the ini or explicitly turned off the hotkey torch ini setting.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 11:27 am

SM Plugin Refurbish 1.21 released
This is mainly just to release a merged version of all the plugins and providing BAIN support.
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Amie Mccubbing
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 8:47 am

And some more updates :)

SM Encumbrance and Fatigue V2.5 (thanks to kyoma's ideas :))
- Requires OBSE 17
- Your speed attribute is no longer touched when sprinting as it now uses a new OBSE function
- Extended fast travel ini option so you can chooose to have fast travel be disabled just by being over your safe encumbrance.
- Fixed an issue where you could sprint while falling or jumping (losing extra fatigue for no reason)
- You can now sprint up to 15% of encumbrance by default up from just 5%.

SM Bounty v1.20b
- Added screen blurring to replace the old buggy screen blackout system that was disabled in 1.20. Can be disabled in the ini.
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kirsty williams
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 12:36 pm

Thanks for the updates Strategy Master. :)

I have a question regarding the Fallout 3 encumberance/fatigue system(I haven't played it). Does it use an increasing encumberance system like you have added in this mod, or does it have a set limit like Oblivion?

Edit: I'm confused over the increasing encumberance system in you encumberance & fatigue mod. I previously had it turned off but now I want to use the feature that was added in v2.4 to be forced to walk at high encumberance.

At current is it possible to adjust the ini's values so that you can never carry over five times your strength(as in vanilla) but that you will always have to walk at a lower amount? For example once you get to 400 feathers at 100 strength you have to walk, and then once you get to 500 feathers you can't move. Would this mean changing the amount of encumberance you get per strength point to 4, and then changing the other settings of it to limit you to 500 feathers altogether?

Is it possible to add a setting to be forced to walk at an encumberance amount that's independent of the increasing encumberance system? I would like to be able to be forced to walk at an encumberance amount without having health or fatigue penalized. Not a set value, but at a percentage of your total encumberance capacity.

Also with the new OBSE fucntions for player movement that are now being used for the sprint function, is it possible to add in a feature using them that would make the players movement speed affected by whatever their total encumberance is, instead of just the encumberance of their equipped items like in vanilla? With an oh so handy adjustable setting setting in the ini? :D Unless you think it would wreck gameplay, but I can't think how of it would do if the setting wasn't too severe. I think it would fit in fine with the currnet armour skill mastery perks of reduced weight for armour when it is equipped, since that affects the total amount of weight a player is carrying so you will still move faster because of them as in Vanilla.
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Bereket Fekadu
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 7:17 am

Oeps, just remembered something else about SM Encumbrance and Fatigue. Could you stop all the fatigue/health drops when the player controls are disabled? I've been killed quite often during a Daedric Shrine speech and also on a few other occasions. :shrug:
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Tiff Clark
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 10:49 am

Oeps, just remembered something else about SM Encumbrance and Fatigue. Could you stop all the fatigue/health drops when the player controls are disabled? I've been killed quite often during a Daedric Shrine speech and also on a few other occasions. :shrug:

That made me crack up. :lol:

Guess it might not have been so funny for you at the time though. :P
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 3:43 pm

Thanks for the great set of mods!

I'm having an issue with the current version of SM Encumbrance and Fatigue. Basically, my encumbrance values seem to adjusting up and down, but I can never move when over-encumbered, and the max value always ends up being less than my current value as I add items. For example, here's a test....

My character is strength 55, and he shows a max encumb. of 275. He is carrying 79.

I pick up four pieces of armor which weigh 44 each.

I am now at 255/275. Can move fine. Seems to be some fatigue drain when running.

I pick up a mace weighing 27. The screen flashes that I am encumbered, and the values show as 282/275. I cannot move, and get a fatigue drain when trying.

I pick up another piece of armor which weighs 44. Values now show as 326/313. Still can't move.

Pick up another armor @ 44. Now I am at 370/357. Can't move.

Drop a dagger weighing 6. Now I am at 363/350. Can't move.

Drop the iron mace weighing 27. Now I am at 336/323. Can't move.

Etc.... so, basically my max encumbrance seems to be adjusting upwards, but it's always lower than my carried weight when I am carrying anything over my default max.

Could this be a mod conflict, perhaps? if so, any suggestions on how to identify the culprit?
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Sophie Louise Edge
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 12:55 pm

Thanks for the updates Strategy Master. :)

I have a question regarding the Fallout 3 encumberance/fatigue system(I haven't played it). Does it use an increasing encumberance system like you have added in this mod, or does it have a set limit like Oblivion?

Is it possible to add a setting to be forced to walk at an encumberance amount that's independent of the increasing encumberance system? I would like to be able to be forced to walk at an encumberance amount without having health or fatigue penalized. Not a set value, but at a percentage of your total encumberance capacity.

Also with the new OBSE fucntions for player movement that are now being used for the sprint function, is it possible to add in a feature using them that would make the players movement speed affected by whatever their total encumberance is, instead of just the encumberance of their equipped items like in vanilla? With an oh so handy adjustable setting setting in the ini? :D Unless you think it would wreck gameplay, but I can't think how of it would do if the setting wasn't too severe. I think it would fit in fine with the currnet armour skill mastery perks of reduced weight for armour when it is equipped, since that affects the total amount of weight a player is carrying so you will still move faster because of them as in Vanilla.

Fallout 3: http://fallout.wikia.com/wiki/Carry_Weight
A player's carry weight is equal to 150 + (ST x 10). Characters with average Strength (5) will have a carry weight of 200. Movement speed is unaffected by your character's carry weight until the weight of items carried exceeds your total carry weight, at which point your character will be unable to run, jump, or fast travel.
A player can add 50 lbs. to his or her carry weight by taking the Strong Back perk
The maximum carry weight a player can have is 300 lbs.

I could consider it but if below idea was implemented probrobly wouldn't need to be seperate.

Possibly I can't remember if i read the effective speed with those OBSE can't be set to less than 0 though so would be almost useless if thats the case. This was actually what the original 1.0 version of this mod was doing too but it didn't just effect you so it had to be removed.

Oeps, just remembered something else about SM Encumbrance and Fatigue. Could you stop all the fatigue/health drops when the player controls are disabled? I've been killed quite often during a Daedric Shrine speech and also on a few other occasions. :shrug:

Ha yes i'll look into that

Thanks for the great set of mods!

I'm having an issue with the current version of SM Encumbrance and Fatigue. Basically, my encumbrance values seem to adjusting up and down, but I can never move when over-encumbered, and the max value always ends up being less than my current value as I add items. For example, here's a test....

My character is strength 55, and he shows a max encumb. of 275. He is carrying 79.

I pick up four pieces of armor which weigh 44 each.

I am now at 255/275. Can move fine. Seems to be some fatigue drain when running.

I pick up a mace weighing 27. The screen flashes that I am encumbered, and the values show as 282/275. I cannot move, and get a fatigue drain when trying.

I pick up another piece of armor which weighs 44. Values now show as 326/313. Still can't move.

Pick up another armor @ 44. Now I am at 370/357. Can't move.

Drop a dagger weighing 6. Now I am at 363/350. Can't move.

Drop the iron mace weighing 27. Now I am at 336/323. Can't move.

Etc.... so, basically my max encumbrance seems to be adjusting upwards, but it's always lower than my carried weight when I am carrying anything over my default max.

Could this be a mod conflict, perhaps? if so, any suggestions on how to identify the culprit?

In the ini can you try setting the weightoffset value to 20. Likely a mod changes your starting equipment (yes dunno why but starting equipment does strange permanent things to encumbrance) alot to cause such weight change or another mod has modified your encumbrance and left it in an inconsistent state.
Either way that offset value should do it hopefully.
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Arrogant SId
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 9:21 pm

In the ini can you try setting the weightoffset value to 20. Likely a mod changes your starting equipment (yes dunno why but starting equipment does strange permanent things to encumbrance) alot to cause such weight change or another mod has modified your encumbrance and left it in an inconsistent state.
Either way that offset value should do it hopefully.

Awesome. That did the trick, thank you.

I do suspect that it's probably a mod which changes my starting equipment. I'm not sure which one because everything seemed to be working fine a couple of days ago, but nevertheless it looks to be working as it should now. I loaded up with equipment and could still move but was taking fatigue and health damage.
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des lynam
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 9:05 pm

Fallout 3: http://fallout.wikia.com/wiki/Carry_Weight
A player's carry weight is equal to 150 + (ST x 10). Characters with average Strength (5) will have a carry weight of 200. Movement speed is unaffected by your character's carry weight until the weight of items carried exceeds your total carry weight, at which point your character will be unable to run, jump, or fast travel.
A player can add 50 lbs. to his or her carry weight by taking the Strong Back perk
The maximum carry weight a player can have is 300 lbs.

Ah quite different to Oblivion's, thanks. :)

I could consider it but if below idea was implemented probrobly wouldn't need to be seperate.

I think I should have suggested it differently. Instead of the current way of tying it to the increasing encumberance system, where you would start walking at the normal max encumberance(Strength * fActorStrengthEncumbranceMult), could it be changed altogether(instead of having two settings) so that it accepts a value between 0 and 1(with -1 being off) for a percentage of your max encumberance? This way you can use it without the increasing encumberance system, but if you do want to use it you just set this setting to 1. That would work out the same for the increasing encumberance sytem right? But I agree it isn't probably necessary if it is possible to make the players movement speed affected by all their encumberance.

Possibly I can't remember if i read the effective speed with those OBSE can't be set to less than 0 though so would be almost useless if thats the case. This was actually what the original 1.0 version of this mod was doing too but it didn't just effect you so it had to be removed.

Out of curiosity, how did the 1.0 version try to do this?

And what do you mean by "effective" speed? :embarrass:

I had another look at the movement speed settings in the CS wiki, it seems like they determined the Encumberance Multiplier by trial and error and aren't sure of extra influences due to it results deviating from it. It seems strange to me that there is two places in the movement speed formula where whether you have a weapon drawn or not is taken into account. I would think it would work better to use the same Encumberance Multiplier whether you have a weapon drawn or not, since movement speed is already modified at the end if you don't have a weapon drawn. I'll ask in the OBSE thread if Scruggsy/the OBSE team can find out the exact formula for it. I would think it could be done by somehow making the Encumberance Multiplier = 1 - fMoveEncumEffect * player's current encumberance/player's total encumberance. It might require changing fMoveEncumEffect to a different value to balance it though.
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megan gleeson
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 1:06 pm

About SM Bounty, how do you remove regional bounty? Do you have to pay a guard?

After "Lost Histories" I have a bounty in Skingrad, but S'Krivva in Bravil does not know about it, so I cannot let her remove the Skingrad bounty?
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 8:14 pm

Out of curiosity, how did the 1.0 version try to do this?

And what do you mean by "effective" speed? :embarrass:

I had another look at the movement speed settings in the CS wiki, it seems like they determined the Encumberance Multiplier by trial and error and aren't sure of extra influences due to it results deviating from it. It seems strange to me that there is two places in the movement speed formula where whether you have a weapon drawn or not is taken into account. I would think it would work better to use the same Encumberance Multiplier whether you have a weapon drawn or not, since movement speed is already modified at the end if you don't have a weapon drawn. I'll ask in the OBSE thread if Scruggsy/the OBSE team can find out the exact formula for it. I would think it could be done by somehow making the Encumberance Multiplier = 1 - fMoveEncumEffect * player's current encumberance/player's total encumberance. It might require changing fMoveEncumEffect to a different value to balance it though.

Modified your speed directly so it was never correct and it easily messed up your speed setting and uninstall issues etc etc. Then i went to changing gameplay settings but that just made everyone else move slow when you started moving slow so was pretty silly.

About SM Bounty, how do you remove regional bounty? Do you have to pay a guard?

After "Lost Histories" I have a bounty in Skingrad, but S'Krivva in Bravil does not know about it, so I cannot let her remove the Skingrad bounty?

By default either you pay gold when caught by guard, or go to jail, or use the theives guild.

I had set it (or supposed to have set it) such that paying off bounty would pay off bounty everywhere. I'll have to check this and see if somethings changed for why S'Krivva can't do it.
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jessica Villacis
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 6:51 pm

I have no bounty (0) in Bravil, so S'Krivva does not have the topic about to pay my bounty. Do you say, if I had a bounty in Bravil and S'Krivva would take care about it, all of my other regional bountys would be paid as well, unless how much it is compared to the bounty in Bravil?
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Baylea Isaacs
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 3:41 pm

@DWS: Yeah they pay it all off. But the topic was supposed to appear when you have any sort of bounty anywhere as well so something isn't what it once was.
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Kira! :)))
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 9:47 am

SM Bounty 1.21 Released
- Fixed a bug where you couldn't pay off bounties at theives guild if your bounties where at other locations.

SM Encumbrance And Fatigue 2.51 Released
- Fixed a bug where you could die from overweight when your controls are frozen.
- Added ability to set % amount of your encumbrance where you will always walk no matter what.
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trisha punch
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 8:30 pm

SM Bounty 1.21 Released
- Fixed a bug where you couldn't pay off bounties at theives guild if your bounties where at other locations....
excellent! thanks, SM!
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Meghan Terry
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 9:08 pm

I've just updated all the missing files from the recent tesnexus crash. Hopefully I've got them all from the past fortnight. If you see any missing files send me the word and i'll get the missing file uploaded again.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 9:44 am

Thanks for the update SM!

I've asked Scruggs in the OBSE thread about the encumberance/movement formulae and told him it was for the goal of trying to make all the players encumberance affect they're movement speed.

He has found the formula, but it has to be done by an OBSE plugin, and that it would be best to be able to be customised by the user how much impact the total inventory weight has on movement speed, and for me to PM him for further details. An OBSE plugin falls outside of the scope of this mod I presume, but I'll at least try see if he'd be kind enough to upload the correct formula's to the CS wiki, or pass them on so I can do so for future reference.
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