Released SM Encumbrance and Fatigue V2.6- Tidyed up ini and code base
- Added OBSE check
- Fixed issues preventing the mod working correctly with SM Combat Regen
- Fixed bugs with the fallout 3 walking feature not always working
- Added new feature such that when you are in critical fatigue your weapons do even less damage than normal.
- Multiple ini templates are now pre-provided. Each gives different pre-defined gameplay options.
Here is a list of what the 3 different ini templates do
Realistic (default)This is the default play style trying to bridge realism with gameplay and what most people who have played previous versions of this mod will be used to. The first change of this mod is there is no actual encumbrance limit anymore. The original max weight is your safe encumbrance limit.
You can continue to pick up items above but picking up too much will just cause your fatigue to drain faster. If you are holding alot over your safe encumbrance then your health will even begin to get damaged. Effectivly if are able to somehow survive the fatigue drains and health drains you could forever continue to pick up items but i hope you have really long restore fatigue and restore health duration effects active on you to accomplish such a feat.
The gameplay settings of fatigue have been revamped. The Idea is that each perk allows you to run at %-ages of weight without any decrease in fatigue. So Novice you always lose fatigue when running, apprentice you only lose when above 25% encumbered, master you never lose fatigue from runing etc. Jump Fatigue loss is also dependent on your weight but generally it will be slightly less than normal. In effect these are much more friendly then other mods have done before, still if you dont like them you can modify in the ini. I've listed the current all the current alternative values of other mods in the ini.
Fatigue wise if you are running around at low fatigue you could collapse. If you collapse you will have lost the momentum of running and will only be able to walk for a while. The default amount of fatigue required before you can run again is 45. Your skill in acrobatics and luck helps to prevent falling over.
If you are low on fatigue you will occasionally stop running to rest and will just keep on walking. Your skill in willpower and endurance will keep you going on longer and you will be less likely to need to walk a bit to rest yourself.
There are indicative sounds included as your fatigue gets low (If you want blur you can turn that on in the ini).
If your encumbrance is less than 5%-15% or your safe encumbrance based on your skill in athletics then you will be able to sprint. The default key is 'X' which when holded down will make you move faster but will also drain your fatigue. You can change this key in the ini.
RevisedThese settings follow in the footsteps of the running revised mod with some tweaks to the original formulas.
There is a unlimited encumbrance system but you will be forced to work if you pick up too much over your limit.
When your fatigue gets critical you will immediatly start walking until you have recovered. There are no other penalties to low fatigue.
You still have indicative sounds if your fatigue is running low.
You can sprint whenever you like as long as you have enough fatigue to acheive it.
You will be unable to run backwards in combat and will have to make do with walking backwards.
FalloutThese settings keep the unlimited encumbrance system enabled, but in this case if you go over your safe maximum encumbrance you
will be forced to walk. This is similar to how it works in fallout 3 hence the template name

Fatigue settings generally stick to vanilla defaults with a few minor differences so you wont nessecarily lose fatigue while running.
If your fatigue does reach critical your weapon damage will be greatly reduced by 90%
You still have indicative sounds if your fatigue is running low as in the realistic mode.
You can still sprint if you are within the 5-15% threshold as in the realistic mode.
(If you use my SM Combat Regen mod the fallout ini settings work well, but you are not limited to just this ini)