[RELZ] SM Misc Mod Collection

Post » Fri May 27, 2011 12:52 pm

Uploaded Hand to Hand Combat V0.9
- Added ini for customizing the mod
- Fixed bug that allowed spells beyond players skill level to be casted
- Fixed crash by preventing spells that do not have touch magic effects from being casted. This means only a spell where all effects are touch can it be casted on a punch.

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Nicole Coucopoulos
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 10:37 am

Thanks for the update, SM!
Why do you call 0.9? Seem to me you fixed the things you said you would. What's missing for you to call it 1.0 ? :)
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Matt Fletcher
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 4:16 pm

@Mercer Meka: I'm at the moment trying to see what i can do about self spells and target spells. My previous method I was trying caused crashes so i want to get around that somehow. Plus other bugs may appear so i'm keeping it in 0.9 for now.
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brenden casey
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 12:14 pm

Alright, makes sense. I'll let you know if I find any bugs.
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Fiori Pra
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 7:03 am

After grabbing your hand to hand mod, I must say that it is exactly what I was looking for, SM. I've tested it a bit and found some weird things though:
If your touch spell gets cast in the punch, it can hit the foe even if you're too far away from him for the punch to touch him. I guess this is because the h2h attack reach is smaller than the spell touch reach (which I guess must be the default 1). I think it doesn't matter since its kind of very logical: you may miss the hit, but if your punch was "magically charged", the raw magicka power in your hand may project forward and hit your foe off guard. :shocking:
Another thing is that the spell may get cast even when punching fallen foes' corpses, which is no big problem since it only means I shouldn't let my accumulated anger go off by smashing them to pulp :D, or else I might lose some magicka, so no real issue.
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CSar L
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 7:11 am

@migck: I keep forgetting about this, I need to remind myself somehow.

@all: Released a new mod

SM Combat Hide V1.00 - http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=20303

This mod allows to more effectivly hide from npcs you are in combat with. If you stay out of visible sight from them long enough the npc will not be sure where you have gone and lose track of you. No more do npc's have homing beacons on your position.Once the npc has lost you they will search the area for a while and if they come accross you they will instantly attack. After some time they will stop actively searching the area for you.Compatability----------------Reneers guard mod adds similar functionality to guards so will likely conflict. Do not use them together.Future plans-----------------Npcs with detect life and you in there detection range you will not be able to lose once in combat with them.-Use npcs agression and/or confidence to determine if they will seek you out or just stop searching for you.-Also determine if the npc should run around looking for you or just walk around.-Maybe investigate having them search with there weapon out.

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Da Missz
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 7:25 pm

Three mod updates one major one for yesterdays relase of Combat hide, and bringing SM Hand combat out of beta version numbering, and one minor update.

SM Combat Hide V1.1

- Fixed a bug with the AI package not always activating correctly on npcs
- Npcs with detect life will not stop combat if you try to hide from them
- Only NPC's with a high confidence will search for you once they lose you
- Npc confidence determines if they will run around the area or just walk around the area
- Highly aggressive npcs will search for you in an alerted state (weapons out)
- Npcs will only search for you if there aggression is greater than the disposition towards you (exception is guards)
- Fixed some bugs related to guards
- Ensured Attack and Hide support

SM Hand Combat V1.0
- Fixed punches triggering magic attacks on dead corpses
- Improved magic punch so that it shouldn't trigger when the punch is no where near to hitting.

SM Bounty V1.07
- Added SM Bounty - NoCobl.esp for those who dont want to have to use COBL. Note as trade off there are no guard knockouts in this esp.
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Ryan Lutz
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 3:22 pm

I love your misc mods, SM! Good work!

But... I think I'm having a problem with the Security mod. I am experiencing consistent crashes whenever I try to open a locked container. I've had three of them in different parts of the tutorial. It's only when I try to open a locked chest, so I guess it is related to your mod, since I don't have any other mods that affect containers. I've disabled it and I'll run another test without it to see if I can reproduce the crash.
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Ashley Campos
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 2:06 pm

@seqvurion: Its possible something to do with when you try to open a locked container with not enough lock picks and maybe it then crashes. Although i've never yet had crashes from this. I'm planning an update specifically to fix some things that OBSE 16 looks like should fix those, so when i do that i might come across something that can cause a crash. I am against making a release for it till OBSE 16 gets out of beta first.
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Alan Cutler
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 2:25 pm

@seqvurion: Its possible something to do with when you try to open a locked container with not enough lock picks and maybe it then crashes. Although i've never yet had crashes from this. I'm planning an update specifically to fix some things that OBSE 16 looks like should fix those, so when i do that i might come across something that can cause a crash. I am against making a release for it till OBSE 16 gets out of beta first.

Hm, I don't know, the tutorial has only an average lock chest, the others are very easy, and I had plenty of lockpicks with me anyway.

But, now, for the good news (for you, sad news for me): ;)

I disabled the mod and did another test and I crashed again - this time not when I tried to open a container, just out of nothing. I insisted and had another crash, again not related to a container. So I figure that the containers - and, thus, your mod - are not the problem. it must be something related to some other mod. I'll keep testing to see if I can find the culprit.

But I'll keep an eye on your update anyway, it's good to know you're still updating these wonderful little big mods. :)
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 3:55 pm

@segvirion:Ah ok. I'm glad to hear its not this mod thats the culprit :)
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Sun of Sammy
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 10:39 am

SM Security 1.04 Released

- Improved compatability with mods that modify the powerattack sounds.
- Fixed the clicking noise when security menu was forced to close by adding a wait for the tumbler sound to finish first.
- You will no longer die if you have too low health to lock bash with your fists. Instead the bash will just not occur.
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Everardo Montano
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 5:52 pm

These mods are really great, keep up the good work
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Sarah Edmunds
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 9:53 am

Hi, could anyone tell me what this line changes exactly in the ini settings file of SM Encumbrance and Fatigue V2.1?

set PerkJumpExpert to 0.8; (Rec:0.8)(V: 0.5)(RF:0.8) Perk Reduction of jump fatigue

Is it for an acrobatics perk? I'm assuming at Expert level mastery it reduces the fatigue amount used by jumping. Does this mean SM Encumbrance and Fatigue V2.1 reduces the amount of fatigue needed to jump at this Mastery level more or less then Vanilla Oblivion?

Also are all the "%-tages" in the ini times 10 to get the actual percentage? For example in this line:

set realisticENC.fWalkRecovery to 0.35;Set to %-tage of fatigue required to recover from slow walking effects (Set to 0 to disable slow walking)

The percentage of fatigue to recover from slow walking is 35% not 0.35%. Is this true with all the rest?
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Soku Nyorah
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 6:45 pm

@JagerX: PerkJumpExpert is reduces amount of fatigue you lose when at expert in acrobatics by 20%. (i.e it multiplies the players fatigue loss by 0.8) This is less than in vanilla where the fatigue loss is reduced by 50%.

Yes it corresponds to 35% of your fatigue.
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Russell Davies
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 9:32 pm

@JagerX: PerkJumpExpert is reduces amount of fatigue you lose when at expert in acrobatics by 20%. (i.e it multiplies the players fatigue loss by 0.8) This is less than in vanilla where the fatigue loss is reduced by 50%.

Yes it corresponds to 35% of your fatigue.

Cool thanks for clarifying! Btw are you still supporting this mod, I found a problem with it it is fixable. When you are forced to walk at low fatigue(I like setting this to all of the time) and I pressed the toggle run key(default is caps lock) to turn off running so I don't start running again when I recover to 35% fatigue. However I started running anyway, I suppose because it switches the walk/run state itself. Is there anyway to run a check with the current OBSE version to see if the player has pressed the toggle run key?
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Enie van Bied
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 10:32 am

@JagerX: There are supposed to be checks all around for such things. But the existence of that button has been the most problematic scripting in the mod. Its possibly i couldn't implement because of worse problems that could occur. But with the latest OBSE there may now better solutions for this.
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James Shaw
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 12:52 pm

Sweet, I hope you are able to update it then. I really like how this fatigue mod doesn't make it too complicated with lots of game changes like Realistic Fatigue does. I also have some suggestions/requests if you don't mind me bugging you on another mod. :P

1)Would you be able to change the amount of fatigue you need to recover from walking to start running again from a percaentage to a set value, and the option to change this value in the ini file? I think it would be better this way so a higher level character with more fatigue does not end up having to recover a larger amount of fatigue to start running again then a lower level character with less fatigue. I worked out what I thought would be a good value for it, 60 fatigue. Here is my working:

-Fatigue = Strength + Willpowerl +Endurance + Agility
-Starting values for most attributes are 40 plus or minus 10 depending on race/six
-40 is the middle value so 4x40=160 gives the average starting fatigue of a new character not taking into account birthsigns that add to one of the contributing attributes
-Multiply this by 0.35(Your current % of fatigue needed to recover from walking) you get a value of 56
-Round this up to ten's of numbers and you get 60.

2)Right now the amount of fatigue to be at to be forced to start walking instead of running is not at a fixed value. Sometimes I can run for a bit on 0 fatigue before it forces me to walk, and sometimes it forces me to walk before it reaches 0. Would you be able to add an option to the ini file to be able to set this value at a certain amount of fatigue instead of it being random inside the paramters you gave it, and an option to adjust that amount?(a set value not percentage)
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Alisia Lisha
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 3:57 pm

@JagerX: Agree with you there. The percentage fatigue is a bit unfair in that regards for higher level characters.
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Kim Kay
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 1:07 pm

Sweet. :foodndrink:

Btw I found that if I changed the value in the ini for this line,

set FatigueRunMult to 10 ; (Rec:10)(V: 0)(RF:10) Extra Fatigue burned per second when running at max encumbrance

from 10 to 0(vanilla Oblivion) it stopped me from losing fatigue while running. I wasn't at maximum encumberance, so I thought that this value being changed wouldn't affect my fatigue regeneration. It doesn't actually matter to me since I've decided to turn off the extra encumberance part, just an observation if you were interested. Maybe this variable changes somthing other then the description that I'm not aware of?
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Dale Johnson
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 9:17 am

SM Encumbrance and Fatigue V2.2 Released

- Amount of fatigue to be under to be in critical fatigue and to recover from slow walking are now the actuals amounts in the ini instead of percentages.
- Will now correctly monitor the state the capslock autowalk is in to correctly start running or stop running after slowwalking.
- Added ini setting for support to mods that modify the players default inventory which can cause encumbrance calculation errors.
- Fixed bug where fatigue would not decrease when just standing still when very encumbered.
- Added some new ini settings for better control of some of the systems
- Collapsing will now have chances to occur whenever you are in the critical region of fatigue

@JagerX: That sounds about right. If the FatigueRunmult is 0 you will not gain or lose fatigue while running because the base fatigue running rate = 10 and the base fatigue regen rate = 10. Therefore when running you have a 10 - 10 = 0 change to your fatigue.
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Far'ed K.G.h.m
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 5:39 pm

SM Encumbrance and Fatigue V2.2 Released

- Amount of fatigue to be under to be in critical fatigue and to recover from slow walking are now the actuals amounts in the ini instead of percentages.
- Will now correctly monitor the state the capslock autowalk is in to correctly start running or stop running after slowwalking.
- Added ini setting for support to mods that modify the players default inventory which can cause encumbrance calculation errors.
- Fixed bug where fatigue would not decrease when just standing still when very encumbered.
- Added some new ini settings for better control of some of the systems
- Collapsing will now have chances to occur whenever you are in the critical region of fatigue

@JagerX: That sounds about right. If the FatigueRunmult is 0 you will not gain or lose fatigue while running because the base fatigue running rate = 10 and the base fatigue regen rate = 10. Therefore when running you have a 10 - 10 = 0 change to your fatigue.

Wow thanks for the quick update!
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Carlos Vazquez
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 8:32 pm

Sorry, another question. :embarrass:
For this line,
set realisticENC.fWalkPercent to 0.20 ;Set base %-tage chance to have to start walking (Only becomes 1/10 this value at max willpower and endurance)

If you set it to 1, will it become 0.1 at max willpowers and endurance? Can I make it 100% having to start walking even then by setting this value to 10?
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 8:50 am

@JagerX: Yup, setting it to 10 should make it so that you always start walking no matter what your willpower and endurance stats are. Well unless they go above 100 using other mods.
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Emmie Cate
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 6:18 am

@JagerX: Yup, setting it to 10 should make it so that you always start walking no matter what your willpower and endurance stats are. Well unless they go above 100 using other mods.

Ohh good point. If I use a mod to allow birthsigns to go above 100 or have fortify attribute potions/spells I better set it to higher. 100 should take them all into account right, or even 20?

Edit: Btw is the slow walking set to start at 0 fatigue, but because fatigue is regenerated at the same time that is why it appears it starts walking before it reaches 0(but close to it)? Sorry I'm a pain, I like to know how things work.
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