[RELZ] SM Misc Mod Collection

Post » Fri May 27, 2011 10:09 am

@JagerX: Actually no. I've just found a compatability problem right there :banghead: The mod cannot support limits really way over 100. Just a little bit is fine but alot will cause it to instantly revert to never slow walk no matter what ur value is. Why didn't i notice that before gaaar oh well.

Edit: yeah it can start slow walking at any point when you are under 12 fatigue.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 8:32 pm

@JagerX: Actually no. I've just found a compatability problem right there :banghead: The mod cannot support limits really way over 100. Just a little bit is fine but alot will cause it to instantly revert to never slow walk no matter what ur value is. Why didn't i notice that before gaaar oh well.

Edit: yeah it can start slow walking at any point when you are under 12 fatigue.

I'll set it to 50 then, that should still take into account any fortifications/birthsigns putting those attributes over 100.

If you do another update, I'd love to have the option to be able to set the amount of fatigue to start slow walking at. No biggie though, as it works well as it is.

Edit: Btw how is it set for the gasping sound effect to cut in? By a percentage or value of your fatigue?

Am I right in thinking vanilla Oblivion doesn't increase your fatigue rate at all by increasing attributes/skills?

Nm found this at the ES CS Wiki:

fFatigueReturnBase 10.0 Base fatigue regenerated per second
fFatigueReturnMult 0.0 Fatigue regenerated per second endurance multiplier

And btw I'm regaining fatigue very slowly at master level Athletics(used console to test), is this beacuse I'm not at max encumberance? I like this. :)
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 7:07 am

Version 2.3 released

- Added some ini settings for controlling the collapsing and slow walk stat modifiers
- Reduced the defaults for these stat modifiers to 50% instead of 90% reduction for better balance to mods that allow skills past 100 by default
- Added an optional no running backwards setting that can be set to make the player have a chance to collapse when moving backwards in combat, or to be forced to walk.

@JagerX: The fFatigueLimit already controls the slow walking.

Sound effects and blur use a sort of exponential formulae system. Not a simple clear cut percentage or amount of fatigue, but for comparison sake it is closer to the percentage style systems.

Yeah with my default settings its very difficult to lose fatigue as a master and you really need to be encumbered for it to go faster.
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Jade Muggeridge
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 6:47 pm

Thank you for the update and all the effort put in. :)

How does the no running backwards setting compare to Duke Patricks mod? Is this one simply chance based when you are running backwards and in combat?
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Becky Cox
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 6:00 pm

@JagerX: As i'm aware duke patricks uses actual collision with objects to determine how you collapse. My one is just very simple chanced based system.
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Samantha Mitchell
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 12:18 pm

Cool, thanks. :)
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Danielle Brown
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 2:44 pm

Hey sorry to bother you but I think I found a minor bug with the fatigue mod. Sometimes when I press tab to open the menus around the time that slow walking will stop and running start again it makes me continue to walk. I tested multiple times to make sure this wasn't the caps lock key being pressed by accident. It doesn't happen all the time, I think it will only happen if you open your menus at a certain time around that changeover. I only found it because I was opening and closing my menu to check fatigue around the times that it would change over.

Btw is it correct to change this line,

set fFatigueLimit to 12 ;Amount of your fatigue to be less than to be classed as critical where fatigue and health will be damaged and collapse and slow walking proccesses apply

to "set fFatigueLimit to 1" if I want to start slow walking/collapsing at only 0 fatigue? 0 turns it off right since its under the value you set?

Edit:Oh wait I'm using a modified OBSE dll. I'll check if the bug is there with the normal version.

Well I'm using the standard OBSE 16 now and I'm noticing that it doesn't always making you walk or collapse at 0 fatigue, sometimes(fFatgiueLimit is at 1) you can just keep running. I'll clean install just in case and try again. Could it just be that I set the value too low? Is there a limit that fatigue has to be more then to be classed as critical fatgiue? I.e a lower limit as well as the upper one(defaulting at 12).
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Kristina Campbell
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 5:35 am

Ok so I disabled the fatigue mod, loaded a save, waited a bit then saved. I then enabled it again loaded a save, waited a bit then saved. I loaded this last save and then I continously ran/jumped till I was forced to walk or collapsed. After a few times of running/collapsing I got to 0 fatigue again and was still running. After this it wouldn't make me slow walk again once I hit 0 fatigue, even though I let myself regain fatigue over 45. - Haven't been able to reproce this part dw.

Edit: Lol. I set the limit to fFatigueLimit to 2 and it seemed to solve the problem. Until I started opening my Stats menu at 0 fatigue. Then I started to continue running again at 0 fatigue. Yeah I know kinds unlikely in a real game, but it could happen <_<. I tried it again and I saw my fatigue at -2! This is when I opened my inventory just before/while I was collapsing. The I continued to run after the collapse. Are you implementing the collapses by the way the game makes you collapse if a spell makes you/would make you go below 0 fatigue? If this is maybe I'm looking at a limitaion with the game that you can't do anything about(not sure if a new OBSE version could). Or is opening the menu at the wrong times interrupting scripts?

Btw I put percent to run chance on 1 and left the percent to collapse chance as default.

Edit: Ok I changed the fFatiguelimit back to 1, that doesn't seem to be the problem(still loading from the save btw). What seems to be the problem is opening the menu(I'm pressing tab, but I assume this would happen with menu hotkeys F1 to F4) at 0 fatigue or when you are collapsing/about to collapse. Or maybe opening the menu makes you more likely to collapse for some reason instead of slow walking? I opened it and it said 0 fatigue I kept running some steps then collapsed.

Oh and with the opening the menu/collapsing and still running once you get back up it then sets you to walk if you stay still to regain fatigue back to 45. I'm going to try to set collapse chance to 0 now to see if this stops it.

Edit: Well I was only able to reproduce the still running by opening the menu at 0 fatigue once when the collaps chance a was at 0. I think it may have made it harder for it to happen. Do the slow walk and collapse scripts compete against each other?
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Claire Vaux
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 10:26 am

@JagerX: Can't really understand whats going wrong here, but i understood it as you didn't start walking when you collapsed and brought up the menu. I've tried bring up the menu up constantly till i collapsed but nothing out of the ordinary happened. It shouldn't anyway because all scripts pause whilst in a menu, no scripts apply while in a menu with my mod unless you have a mod particulary doing stuff in that menu or some peculiar problem happening with OBSE which i doubt. Thats how oblivion handles things :shrug:
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 5:12 pm

Ok cool. Yeah what was happening was that opening the menu at the point just before walking would kick in at 0 fatigue seemed to stop the slow walk sometimes, and then this seemed to make it more likely the collapse happened. I probably won't notice it in a real game, it was just that I was checking how the values I gave the ini were working. Sorry about my mad ravings. :embarrass:

On the other hand I noticed if you are running and take a jump your fatigue continues to drain while in the air. Is this intended or an unavoidable side effect(which would be why you lowered the base amount of fatigue a jump drains), or could a check be run to stop fatigue being drained in mid air? And would it be possible to make jumping not possible when you are in the critical region of fatigue like how running isn't if you are made to slow walk?
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Jessica Lloyd
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 1:29 pm

Your mods are all brilliant and I like especially their configure-ability. :)

SM's Misc Mod Collection

SM Encumbrance and Fatigue V2.3 OBSE Required - http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=12074
Since version 2.0 this mod has been reborn as an experient in the merging of features from running revised, realistic fatigue and more realistic encumbrance to integrate and work together to truly make an ultimate running mod as well as being highly configurable.

SM Hand Combat V1.0
- http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=18834
SM Hand Combat V0.9 betaREQUIRES OBSE 15This mod aims to improve the usage of the hand to hand skill such that its more usuable including dynamic fatigue damage, wearing armor improves hand skill and a perk that allows touch spells to be cast on your enemies as you punch.

For instance this one is a great combination of mods that I did not use personally, because of some features that I did not like in them, but your mod does indeed molds itself greatly into my tastes, thanks.

I have a suggestion though, could you add an option for us to toggle another option in this great mod?
I mean when we boost our speed in a sprint our athletics skill could raise faster by the same factor of our speed boost, it can be done by setting a GMST in the run-time, and that would be great. :)

SM's Misc Mod Collection

SM Combat Hide V1.1 - http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=20303
This mod allows to more effectivly hide from npcs you are in combat with. If you stay out of visible sight from them long enough the npc will not be sure where you have gone and lose track of you. No more do npc's have homing beacons on your position.Once the npc has lost you they will search the area for a while and if they come accross you they will instantly attack. After some time they will stop actively searching the area for you.

SM Regional Bounty V1.07 - http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=16137
Requires OBSE 15 and ( COBL 1.28 or higher is optional )A mod primarly made for personal use and to investigate testing of COBL fake death handling that implements guard knockouts. Also features a regional bounty system, and DYNAMIC no psyhcic guards.All features fully configurable (dont have to use all 3) but you still require COBL and OBSE.

I'm using Reneer's Guard Overhaul and it still has some features that these great mods do not have, I do not care much for disguises, but the feature that guards follow you around if you act suspiciously, or a configurable rate of bounty decrease overtime, or for instance if you kill all the witness guards, your bounty would not register, and the like.

Could you make these mods a bit more compatible with RGO?

Or better still, could you implement an OBSE-COBL version of those features? ;)
For instance you can combine these two mods and add those additional guard AIs and make a whole new mod called something like: "SM Natural Behavior", just an example. :D
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Angel Torres
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 5:14 pm

SM Security V1.1 Released

This is a personal mod created primarily for myself but you may find/like to try it out but excuse the roughly made readme.

Effectivly i found lock picking too easy and never lost lockpicks even when using other mods to cover up the lock picking game. What this mod do is require you to use a certain number of lockpicks to get a feel for the lock and prepare it for picking.

Now i actually run out of lockpicks and helps make security more useful. The skeleton key is unbreakable so obviously it allows you to examine locks without any lockpicks required at all, making the skeleton key a very useful tool for lockpickers.

Novice Security
very easy - 0 picks
easy - 1 pick
average - 2 picks
hard - 3 picks
very hard - 4 picks

Expert Security
very easy - 0 picks
easy - 0 pick
average - 0 picks
hard - 0 picks
very hard - 1 picks

This system is turned off by default when you go to jail due to only having a single lockpick. You can turn the system on while in jail using the ini.

Lock bashing
As an extra feature i've included a OBSE lock bashing system that is 100% compatabile with all chests/doors except probrably other lock bashing mods. Primarily based on a old mod by scruggs. All you have to do is power attack locked items to bash the lock. A succesful bash will cause the locked item/door to flash. Your weapon skill and strength will determine how fast you can bash the lock and the damage the weapon receives. At low skill bashing wont affect the lock (you will be notified if thats the case).

Note Blunt weapons are best at bashing. Blade weapons are second best. And using your fists is the worst option. Using your fists to bash will also damage your own health. What is pretty useful is if you are skilled in handtohand skill you can effectivly try breaking down prison doors when thrown in jail.

Lock bashing will be detected as a crime so please dont break down some poor old shopkeepers celler door. Your just get in trouble.

Also note if your are told this lock wont break at your current strength. There is no point continuing with this weapon as all you will gain is continous damage to your weapon. Either change weapon type to something you are more skilled at or you have to do something else. You can turn off this limit in the ini.

- If you use OOO you cannot turn of its built in lock bashing system. Ensure its chests are not highlighted for its lockbashing when you bash as strange things might otherwise happen.
- One way to fix is if you use a version of harvest containers seperatly over the top of OOO all the vanilla chests will lose OOO's built in lockbash and traps. This will ensure better compatability when using this mod.

Optional: In the ini is the option to turn on gaining skill experience for bashing locks.

The ini allows you to configure all sorts of ways the two systems work or even turn off one of the above that you do not wish to use.

The ini must be in the oblivion/data directory otherwise the mod will fail to work correctly and the mod will display a warning message.

Known issues
- Changing focus to another lock then changing focus back to the lock your tried to bash will reset the health of the lock.
You will just need to remember not to go elsewhere and return expecting the lock to still be half damaged.

Version History
- Completly changed how the lockpick system works to avoid having to work around the sound clicking bug, where my fix was still unreliable.
- Lock bashing now uses your strength and weapon skill to determine the damage you do to locks. The stronger and more skilled you are the more damage you do to the lock.
- Added all the ini settings for configuring the lock bashing system.
- Added warning message if ini cannot be found.
- You will now be informed when you have damaged the lock by 25%, 50%, 75% and 100%
- Weapons that are broken by bashing locks will now unequiped.

@Sphagne: Good point about the skill use increment. I'll consider applying in the future

RGO compatibility is still to be looked into, but i have more pressing updates to do first. As to merging mods i'm not yet on to doing that yet, as the combat hide applies to everyone so shouldn't be in the bounty mod which strictly deals with the regional bounty.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 3:05 pm

Hey sorry to pester but I wondered if these things I posted before were possible to implement, in case you missed them.

I noticed if you are running and take a jump your fatigue continues to drain while in the air. Is this intended or an unavoidable side effect(which would be why you lowered the base amount of fatigue a jump drains), or could a check be run to stop fatigue being drained in mid air? And would it be possible to make jumping not possible when you are in the critical region of fatigue like how running isn't if you are made to slow walk?

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jadie kell
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 2:53 pm

@JagerX: Its a hardcoded functionality built into oblivion itself so can't really be stopped.

As to limiting jumping when in critical fatigue that should be possible to add.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 10:06 am

@JagerX: Its a hardcoded functionality built into oblivion itself so can't really be stopped.

As to limiting jumping when in critical fatigue that should be possible to add.

Sweet looking forward to it.
If you feel like doing it that is. :)
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Tanya Parra
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 12:34 pm

One question, regarding your hand to hand mod. Does it scale with Elys' Unpluggercapper? I know it says it maxes out at a 100 (the fatigue damage), but is it a cap?

Thanks in advance.
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Hazel Sian ogden
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 5:53 pm

@a62172: No there is no actual cap. Over 100 hand to hand skill it will continue to be even higher. The MaxFatigueSkill is there just so you can control how fast the fatigue damage is scaled.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 10:04 am

@a62172: No there is no actual cap. Over 100 hand to hand skill it will continue to be even higher. The MaxFatigueSkill is there just so you can control how fast the fatigue damage is scaled.

Thanks man, so if I plug in your mod and go. I don't need to change any settings or nothing? It'll work above 100?
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Chloe Botham
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 7:43 pm

@a62172: Yup it should do. Might get imbalanced at towards 200 handskill with the default settings as each punch would fatigue someone nearly instantly possibly.
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Jordan Moreno
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 8:46 am

Hey just noticed a typo with your fatigue mod if you would like to fix it. When you're too encumbered to sprint it says "your too encumbered to sprint" instead of "you're too encumbered to sprint". :)
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 1:05 pm

@a62172: Yup it should do. Might get imbalanced at towards 200 handskill with the default settings as each punch would fatigue someone nearly instantly possibly.

Well. Should be a good benefit to having a HTH skill of 200 anyways. So it's all good.

Thanks for the info, and for the cool mod.
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josie treuberg
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 3:46 pm

Hey, would you consider adding the ability to configure the fatigue drained by casting a spell to your fatigue mod? I saw these two settings on the CS wiki site.

fFatigueCastBase 1.0 Fatigue burned by spell casting
fFatigueCastMult 0.0 Fatigue burned by spell casting multiplier, depended on the magic cost for the spell.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 3:45 pm

@JagerX: You dont have to wait for me. You can add to the ini the following

SetGS fFatigueCastBase 1.0
SetGS fFatigueCastMult 0.0

Just choose the value you want and it will be applied. The above can be used for all the numeric game settings and any mod that uses ini files.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 2:43 pm

@JagerX: You dont have to wait for me. You can add to the ini the following

SetGS fFatigueCastBase 1.0
SetGS fFatigueCastMult 0.0

Just choose the value you want and it will be applied. The above can be used for all the numeric game settings and any mod that uses ini files.


Didn't realise that, I thought it had to have a part in the mod already made for it to refer too. Thanks SM! :)

edit: Argh. Just realised why I might not have been forced to walk sometimes. The "set realisticENC.fWalkModifier" still comes into play when you are under 100 endurance and Willpower if I understand correctly now. Setting to 0 will take this out of the picture right?

Oh btw, just to let you know the version number for the ini wasn't updated last version. ^_^
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 7:59 pm

@JagerX: Yup set to 0 and your endurance and willpower will no longer affect the percentages.
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