This is a list of all the mods that are available from me as well as download links and small descriptions of each.
Alot of my mods feature ini configuration files that allows you to really configure the way the mods work easily. For that reason most of my mods require OBSE (Oblivion script extender)
Download OBSE here:
Major Mods
These mods are the larger and most well known mods out of the bunch.
Supreme Magicka - - FlyflightFlea was the original creator of this mod
When I first played Oblivion as a mage I found that magic was way too underpowered and it was very difficult to survive as a pure mage. I then turned to a popular mod, Mighty Magick. That just flipped it around and made magic much too powerful. This is my attempt to find the middle ground between MM and vanilla.
This mod overhauls the magic system of Oblivion to create a more balanced, diverse, and fun system. It adds new effects, new spells, and more in order to enhance the game for mages and anyone else who thinks magic is too weak.
The main focus of this mod is to make spellcasting stronger but not overpowered. To that effect, I have decreased the cost of most magic effects and increased the power of their spell counterparts to reflect that change. To maintain balance, I have not touched the spell mastery limits.
Persuasion Overhaul - OBSE Version - - Eric Parsons was the original creator of the non OBSE version
This mod gets rid of the persuasion mini-game in Oblivion and replaces it with a system that is more realistic and better balanced.
This mod implements persuasion through regular dialogue. You are free to pick any option you want, and either try the same one over and over or alternate between many. Each time you pick an option, you have a base chance of success based on your speechcraft skill. Then, your chances are modified based on the current disposition of the NPC. The higher their disposition, the harder it is to raise it further. Finally, each option has an individual modifier based on a number of factors (see the Modifiers section below), making it easier or harder to use that option with a particular NPC. For instance, you will have a much easier time coercing a farmer than you will the Arena Grand Champion, and the burly Nord in the local tavern will be more impressed by your boasting than will the Countess of Chorrol, etc. In this way, there is some amount of player skill and role playing required for successful persuasion rather than randomly clicking options.
SM Plugin Refurbish -
Annoyed by the constant official plugin pop ups at the start of a new game?
Wished that the official plugins would start in more appropriate fashions?
These esps will stop the official plugins from starting automatically and require you to do certain things to start the quests.
Misc Mods
This section contains a list of my smaller niche mods that all provide small but wonderful effects to the gameplay of oblivion

SM Security and Lockbash v1.2 -
This is a personal mod created for making lockpicks much more useful and a way to bash locks for the warrior players.Effectivly i found lock picking too easy and never lost lockpicks even when using other mods to cover up the lock picking game. What this mod do is require you to use a certain number of lockpicks to get a feel for the lock and prepare it for picking.Now i actually run out of lockpicks and helps make security more useful. The skeleton key is unbreakable so obviously it allows you to examine locks without any lockpicks required at all, making the skeleton key a very useful tool for lockpickers.Also has a lock bash functionality that is 100% compatable with all mods.
SM Regional Bounty V1.21c -
Requires OBSE 17 and ( COBL 1.28 or higher is optional )This mods primary purpose is to just provide a regional bounty system. Each city has there own bounty. The imperial city and the wilderness use the same bounty as i always imagine the patrols to report to the IC on there endevours.Each city has particular limits of bounty that when reached is made a global bounty. Note more increases of bounty in that city wont be added to global bounty again until the limit is reached.Includes full support for gray cowl, TG pay off fines.Dynamic no psychic guards-------------------------------------This feature dynamically modifies the hearing distance of guards from crimes. At low bounty levels it is 1000 distance units (original no psychic guard value) but as bounty increases this value increases. Maximum limit is 4000 distance units that matches the vanilla value and will occur at a bounty of 10000. The idea behind here is wondering threw a town with a super high bounty means there would be more communication between towns foke.Obviously this feature makes no psychic guards redundent.Now use the weather to your advantage. When it rains the hearing distance of guards is reduced.Guard Knock out-------------------------------------If you are using the mod COBL this feature will work much more reliablyGet COBL here: only need the COBL.esm for minimal impact.If you resist arrest with guards they will only knock you out at 0 health and put you in prison. This feature uses COBL's death handling system. The death of player is classed as fake so other real death handlers wont affect this behavior. If for some reason the guard fail to arrest you in time you will regain consiousness.Note you will not be knocked out if you wear the grey cowl or are escaping from jail. The reason for this is the grey fox is a high wanted criminal and jailors all have strict regulations on killing escaping prisoners.In the shivering isles (if you have it installed) all guards are not going to knock you out to take you to jail. They will just kill you instead (unless of course you are sheogorath himself)If you do not have COBL then you will be knocked out and sent to jail when your health is less than 20% (can be modified in the ini)(You can force the non COBL method to be used in the ini even if you do have COBL installed)If you are not arrested within 10 seconds of being knocked out you will regain consciousness which gives you a chance to escape the guards Bounties Decrease over time-------------------------------------This is an optional feature that can be enabled in the ini so that your bounties decrease over time. Bounties decrease by a particular fixed amounts based on the city per day.All features fully configurable with the ini and you dont have to use all 3.
INI Configuration for Reneers Guard Overhaul (Requires OBSE & RGO 1.86)-
Allows you to use an ini to configure many of reneers guard overhauls values. Useful if you dont like clicking through menus every time you start a new game. This also supports auto setting the guard sight distance to what other mods set it to be it no psychic guards or the dynamic no psychic guards feature in the bounty mod above.
Drop Lit Torches OBSE - V2.3 -
This mod is an OBSE extension of Frugal's drop lit torches.This improves upon frugals original formula by fixing the following- Annoying messages no longer occur through torch usage- Torches are now dropped when weilding a staff- The hotkey torch should no longer require player to on rare occasions use it twiceto work.- Automatic compatability detection with mods that modify the default torch with extraweight or modified light radius or cost so no more any need for alternate plugins-Now you can press a hotkey (by default '0') to equip your torch. This button canbe set to what ever you wish using the ini file provided.
SM Encumbrance and Fatigue V2.6 OBSE Required -
Since version 2.0 this mod has been reborn as an experient in the merging of features from running revised, realistic fatigue and more realistic encumbrance to integrate and work together to truly make an ultimate running mod. How the mod plays depends on which ini you choose.There are 3 ini templates available that can change how the mod plays
SM Hand Combat V1.0 -
SM Hand Combat V0.9 betaREQUIRES OBSE 15This mod aims to improve the usage of the hand to hand skill such that its more usuable including dynamic fatigue damage, wearing armor improves hand skill and a perk that allows touch spells to be cast on your enemies as you punch.
SM Combat Hide V1.1 -
This mod allows to more effectivly hide from npcs you are in combat with. If you stay out of visible sight from them long enough the npc will not be sure where you have gone and lose track of you. No more do npc's have homing beacons on your position.Once the npc has lost you they will search the area for a while and if they come accross you they will instantly attack. After some time they will stop actively searching the area for you.
SM Essential Kills V1.02 -
The world of tamriel is populated by essential npcs who are guarded by the gods and cannot die, but at times the resourcefulness of these npcs runs out and you wish to take them out. This mod allows you to go against the very will of the gods that protect these npcs and to change prophecy. When you have made an essential npc unconsious you need to do another 3-5 close combat attacks on the npc's unconsious body.On doing so a crack of thunder will cry out as prophecy is severed now that the npc is doomed to die.
SM Rest V0.8 -
This mod gives you faster skill progression after you have rested in a bed. Resting in bed will give you a number of rest XP points.This XP will allow you to by default gain 70% more experience when using your skills. Once the available rest XP is used up your skills will increase at the usual rate. By default you can earn a maximum of 40 rest XP points.Example: You gain 2Xp in casting a protect spell to alteration. You lose 2XP from your rest XP but also gain 0.7*2 extra skill usage to alteration.Resting outside will give you less rest than sleeping inside.Also waiting a certain amount ofo time (only while inside by default) can provide rest albeit its hardly noticeable.Eating food will give you small amounts of rest but only while you are not in combat.I created this mod primarily so that beds are still useful gameplay wise especially if you use a automatic skill rate mods like realistic levelling or ngcd that effectivly negate the usage of beds. This system also dosn't heavily penalise the player if they choose not to let there character to sleep.
SM Soul Delete V1.00 -
This simple mod allows you to destroy souls and empty your soul gems.There are two methods in game that you can use to destroy a trapped soul.Method 1Hover your cursor over a soul gem then press the delete key. A confirmation message will appear and if you accept the soul will be destroyed and the soul gem returned instantly to your inventory.Method 2 (NOTE: This method does not work with soul gems that have been filled with a soul trap spell)While in your inventory hover your cursor over the soul gem and press the delete key. A confirmation message will appear and if you accept the soul will be destroyed.
Immersive Combat Music -
The purpose of this mod is to make the combat music start up only when its obvious you are actually in combat. In other words the combat music does not start playing until either you see the enemy coming to kill you, or you are actually hurt by them.Now its very easy for enemies to creep up on you. This provides some needed immersion for those who do not want to disable musicto provide that benefit.NOTE: Invisibility and chameleon effects will also make it harder for the combat music to start playing, so when they are suddenly on top of you it can be a bit of a surprise.This mod uses the enhanced music and control OBSE plugin to take advantage of the enhancements it provides to music.
Dynamic Place Centric Scaling Beta 6 -
So the scaling system in oblivion has never been a strong point. Never ending scaling makes you loose a sense of acheivement at later levels. There are many mods and overhauls that attempt to address this issue making the scaling system better but the underlying flaw in the system still lingers.This mod try's to apply Fallout 3 improved style of scaling to oblivion in that when you visit a location for the first time from then on all spawns in that cell (items, actors) will be at that level. The aim is provide the illusion of a place centric game.This is still in a experimental stage so use at your own risk.The mod will have the greatest effect on a new game or low level characters because cells get set to lower levels.
SM Combat Regen -
This mod applies reduced health, magicka and fatigue regeneration rates while in combat, in similar way rather akin to dragon age origins.Your health now naturally regenerates over time.In combat you will find magicka, fatigue and health will not increase in combat unless you have alot of endurance or willpower. You will have to wisely chose your spellsto cast and running, jumping and swinging your sword while in battle will cause you to tire and run out of fatigue making your attacks do less damage. You will need to learn to use potions often.Enemy npcs and creatures will also be affected by these health, fatigue and magicka regeneration rates.Some birthsigns can improve your regeneration rates while in combat.Those born under the Mage have a natural gift of regaining magicka with little concentration required.Those born under the Lord have the ability to stop the bleeding of battle wounds to keep on fighting.Those born under the Warrior do not tire easily in combat and regenerate fatigue at a faster rate.
Discontinued Mods
These mods are no longer supported or have been superceded by other mods.
Drop Lit Torches - No Messages Fix -
People seem to occasionally request this as tesnexus listing dosn't show it. Its redundent by the OBSE version but not everyone uses OBSE.
This mod fixes Frugal's drop lit torches no message versions so that it dosn't remove allthe messages of equiping and unequiping items that have nothing to do with the drop lit torches. This was a small annoyance but has been fixed to now only remove the messages made by thedrop lit torches mod.
SM Spell Levelling -
This is a very basic mod that attempts to improve the urge to actually level by making some spells level automatically in a similar way to how the quest award levelling mods worked.This idea sort of formed after playing Quest leveling mod by Namegduf where i wanted my quest spells to increase in power based on my skill in destruction, not only just my level. Since 1.10 i have merged my module files with Quarns Quest Leveller device as it was a good little item :P Credits to him for making it. I bundled in his readme as well so people can seewhat his original mod does and what advantages implementing my system into his has.