Miscellaneous Main Quest Questions

Post » Sun May 12, 2013 1:31 am

Some things about the main quest don't make sense.


1. Your character is supposed to have taken Pale Pass to cross the border, which is near Helgen, but you're captured by the Imperials at Darkwater Crossing, which is quite far from Helgen travelling on foot. Depending on what route you take, you could pass by Helgen and Riverwood or Helgen and Ivarstead before reaching Darkwater Crossing. Where was your character going, and why did they not stop at any of those places before reaching Darkwater Crossing?

2. The Imperials disarmed the captured Stormcloaks but let them keep their attire. Does this mean that your character came from (presumably) Bruma all the way to Darkwater Crossing unarmed, without shoes, and wearing potato sacks for clothes? Or did the Imperials make you and the horse-thief wear rags but left everyone else alone?

3. Ralof tells you to jump from the tower and that he'd meet you on the other side. Sure enough, you meet him in front of the keep later, but the route you took was the only way there; everything else was blocked off by rubble. How did Ralof get there before you?

4. If you side with Hadvar, you'll encounter Stormcloaks in the keep, armed with typical Stormcloak weapons and shields. I assume they and the other Stormcloaks in the keep were from the other prisoner cart and got there before you, but how did they get their weapons back?

Dragon Rising

5. Why does Jarl Balgruuf interpret you having survived Helgen to mean that you're a warrior and dragon expert? Wouldn't Farengar fit that role more?

6. Why does Jarl Balgruuf have Farengar stay behind to help think of ways to defend Whiterun against dragons? Wouldn't it help Farengar to think of defense plans if he saw a dragon for himself? Or if he fought a dragon himself?

A Blade in the Dark

7. If Delphine is one of the last Blades, and sworn to protect the Dragonborn, why does she then bring you on a mission knowing neither of you may live? She even comments about the uncertain odds on the way to Kynesgrove.

8. Why is going to Kynesgrove necessary in the first place? To verify that you're the Dragonborn? No problem, Irileth and several Whiterun guards can vouch for you. If Delphine doesn't trust the rest of Jarl Balgruuf's court, she's a fool for trusting Farengar. The other excuse she gives is to find out how dragons are coming back to life. Again, if she just trusted Jarl Balgruuf's court, she could have Farengar (or you, since Jarl Balgruuf owes you one) ask to have some Whiterun guards go to Kynesgrove and report back their findings.

Diplomatic Immunity

9. Why should you trust Delphine? After risking your life for her, she then tells you about her illegal plan to get into the Thalmor Embassy and steal secret documents that may not exist and may not support her guess that the Thalmor are bringing dragons back.

10. Aren't there other people that can do this? Like spies, assassins, y'know, people who are skilled for this exact situation and are good at keeping secrets? Oh, right, Delphine's too paranoid to think. If the plan was to not make a big scene, like the battle that eventually happens in the courtyard, wouldn't it be better to just have someone sneak in and take the documents without bloodshed? What about Malborn? He already has access to the Embassy, and would look less suspicious wandering around, especially if wearing hooded Thalmor robes.

11. Oh, so Delphine's reasoning behind sending you is because the Thalmor don't know who you are. Well then, what better way to protect the Dragonborn's identity than to use their real name on the party's guest list and send them there in person for everyone to see?

12. Do you hate Russia? Or if you're from Russia, do you hate America? Enough to break into their embassy and steal documents because a person you just met says it may be the key to a conspiracy? What did the Thalmor ever do to you that you're prepared to kill them because they caught you armed and sneaking around?

13. How were you supposed to escape? No one told you about the hatch that led to an escape tunnel. What if there wasn't one? Were you supposed to go back the way you came? Just walk out covered in blood with Malborn and possibly two prisoners in tow? Again, this is a great way to protect the Dragonborn, sending them alone against unknown odds without any escape plan.

I think this is far enough for now. Mostly because if I could, I'd have my character refuse Delphine's quest to go to Kynesgrove, and would've found some other way to defeat Alduin. The Blades aren't very nice people anyway, very similar to the Thalmor in their narrow view of justice.

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Post » Sat May 11, 2013 11:59 pm

#3: he was scripted to be there. :confused:

Great questions, very thoughtful and deep. Don't overthink it, you might ruin it for yourself.

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Lynne Hinton
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Post » Sun May 12, 2013 8:50 am

Nothing a custom mod won't fix, whenever I get around to it.

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Roberta Obrien
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