I miss Acrobatics :(

Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 8:09 am


Are you forgetting that there is level scaling? If you got to level 20 by jumping alone, you would fail miserably in combat as the enemies would be a lot stronger than you.

Unless you play a ranged character, then you could jump up onto a vantage point, like a roof, and start shooting arrows :o

And that is why they removed the athletics and acrobatics skill. They are passive and would contribute highly towards your level and probably make you level pre-maturely.
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Rachel Briere
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 6:08 am

And that is why they removed the athletics and acrobatics skill. They are passive and would contribute highly towards your level and probably make you level pre-maturely.

Then why didn't they add any perks to make up for the lack of skill? I mean, they could have easily added a big perk tree seperate from the other skills, like a general perk tree. But they didn't. They just completely neglected to implement any advancement to your characters (overall maximum)speed or jump height.

I'm not worrying about it too much, though, because I'm sure in a couple months there will be a mod that adds it back in.

svcks for console gamers, though :\
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Emily Shackleton
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 2:14 am

I miss jumping on water, tumbling, and JUMPING WHILE SPRINTING. Not complaining, just dont understand why they took this attribute out.

Me, too. I wanted to make an athletic Altmer that dunked fireballs on fools. Can't do that if I can't sprint and jump.
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Jessica Stokes
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 3:21 pm

No running while sprinting? So, do we just fast walk when we press sprint?

Lol I spaced out, thanks for pointing out.
I meant no jumping while sprinting, which (being a warrior) would be fine 'cause wearing dragonplate and being a wall of muscle is not agile at all, but what about khajiits and thieves?
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