It's not that we need attributes back, it is that we need the control of our leveling back. Every time I sell my loot I am forced to level, or every time I read a skill book that you HAVE to read before taking (building a library) you are forced to level.
Oblivions system was more complicated, but it was also better for those with the know how and patience.
what you said, is stupid. oh no please don't level me up by doing things that level me up.
seriously quit crying, you sold something, you got alittl more confident so your speech went up. if you want it to stay low DONT SELL ANYTHING you can make gold without selling a single thing in game and keep your lvl 25 speech all year long.
quit the " im a mage i should have 0 smithing" roleplay BS i mean seriously about 200 people in the universe care that reading a skillbook forces them to level.
anyways as for OP
attributes were lame in oblivion they did nothing except let me carry more with strength and run faster, and since max run in oblivion was like sprinting in skyrim that part is null/void. if they want to do attributes and stuff it should be a huge choice, TES never had that feeling with leveling, the perk system now being the biggest "omg what to pick now" feeling.