Regardless, I do hope they make a Steed constelation so we can increase whatever the equivalent of acrobatics and speed are.
Yeah, the lack of a acrobatics/athletics skill tree bothers me. Although, running and jumping would increase your level, and I do those a lot, so my level would be artificially inflated. I think this is why they didn't include it in the first place. With the level scaling and all.
Having attributes (with speed) would definitely help balance the lack of "steed tree" (as you called it), but we would be missing perks that help you jump higher, take less damage when you fall, and whatever other great bonuses you can think of that fall under this category.
So that's definitely a tough problem to solve. If anyone would care to share their idea of how it could be implemented, please do so.
Attributes are just leftovers from the old pen and paper RPGs. This is just a transition phase. Elder Scrolls will continue to evolve into a more organic experience rather than statistics.
Actually, they add more realism to the game, and more character development. Albeit, the older systems of attribute points weren't flaweless, they could have been improved upon. But instead of improving upon them, they scrapped them entirely. In the process, removing certain elements all-together. You'll say "no no no! they are just in the perk trees!". Then show me how to increase my speed. I double dog dare you.
how can you miss something that was never in the game
this isn't oblivion or morrowind
What are you talking about? We're talking about the elder scrolls series. Last time I checked, Skyrim is part of the series.
anyway a lot of them were silly or redundant
Nope. Strength = melee damage and carry weight (at least in TES series)
in fact IRL they kind of work against eachother
muscles require oxygen
the more you have the sooner you will tire
That's some nice logic you have there. So by your logic, a person with 0 muscle mass never gets tired?
Besides, you are arguing over something that makes no sense. Strength never governed fatigue(stamina).
and stuff like intelligence was a must have for any mage since it governed your total magicka
which makes it kind of redundant since you need regardless
I always wanted to make a destruction mage but had to waste points on it
You didn't waste points on it. It increases your mana(magicka). That's not redundant, that's a solid game mechanic.