Let me tell you folks, first time I saw an Oblivion gate (and had to deal with it) I couldn't wait to get it over with so I could get back to that nice Tamrielic countryside. I figured once Kvatch was over with, I could get back to enjoying the beautiful game. Wrong!
Instead, I'd wind up getting near a gate as I walked or rode somewhere. the sky would go red. There goes the pretty sunlight! There goes the peaceful birds singing! I'd be like "ahhh not again, not another gate"! :facepalm:
But after awhile (and a newer character, Beujock the Grey Wizard) I started to look forward to finding a new gate to close.

I loved the challenge of trying to figure out how to get into the main tower, fighting enemies, and finally grabbing the sigil stone. I also got addicted to the changeover: the way the sky would change color, the atmosphere would get all darketc.
So without posting spoilers, my Main Quest finally ended the other day. No more Oblivion gates. And the thing is, I'm finding out I actually MISS them!

I didnt' expect this. Now I walk in the countryside, and I keep waiting for the thunder in the distance, the red clouds, but I remember...oh duh....
no more Oblivion gates! I'm actually thinking of starting yet another character to do the MQ all over again!